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With Plant Medicine Pioneer
David Crow, L.Ac.
New 6-month Live Training Starts
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Receive advanced insights, practices and teachings for experiencing the profound benefits of medicinal plants for your health, wellbeing, longevity and spiritual transformation.

Become initiated into a new and synergistic relationship with the plant kingdom and discover how to work with plants as multidimensional allies for your body, emotions, mind and soul.

In the modern West, we’ve been raised to think of plants in a mechanistic way at best, they’re nourishment for our bodies or beauty for our gardens.


But the truth is that we’re completely dependent on plants just to survive. Plants are actually conscious, sentient life forms connected in complex and mysterious ways to the health of our bodies and minds.

Plants can heal disease, clear our minds, cleanse toxins and open us to higher consciousness. They can rebalance our emotions, release our addictions and expand our vision.

When you relate to plants with curiosity, humility and reverence, they can teach you a great deal about yourself, sacred living and your connection with others.

This is likely not news to you. You’ve probably long suspected there is much more to understand about plants, evolution and your relationship with the natural world.

You may be fascinated by systems of natural medicine like Ayurveda, Chinese wisdom and working with herbs.

You may be curious about the ways that essential oils, flowers and herbs affect your moods and shift your consciousness.

The challenge though, is that a new-paradigm relationship with plants can take a lifetime of study in many disciplines from botany and medicine to sacred traditions and spiritual practices.


Rather than trying to sift through all this information on your own, what if you could take a 6-month, virtual journey with a master guide who has spent decades being initiated into the practical, medical, psychological and spiritual powers of plants?

Such a guide can navigate you through the hype and misinformation you are sure to encounter. Science tends to view the esoteric healing lore of plants with skepticism, preferring the cold, clinical certainty of pharmaceutical drugs. On the other side, every major botanical tradition that holds great wisdom also has blind spots and knowledge gaps.

Imagine a virtual apprenticeship with a wise sage at the forefront of experimentation and practice. David Crow, L.Ac., founder of the highly-respected Floracopeia, is one of today’s greatest synthesizers of wisdom lineages regarding plants. He not only has studied and assimilated the research, he’s spent decades immersing himself in the ancient healing arts.

And now he can accelerate your learning and open a whole new world, one that empowers you to better heal and nourish your body, mind and soul and help your loved ones do the same.

In the Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution Intensive, David will share precise insights about using a wide array of plants from medicinal mushrooms to flowering herbs for healing, cleansing, longevity, cognitive functioning, meditation and much more.


David has journeyed deep into Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions. He’s learned from masters the world over and synthesized what really works into 16 sessions in which you’ll discover the full spectrum of the powers of medicinal plants from clearing your mind to detoxing your body to liberating your soul.

Applying his clear insights and practices, you’ll see the plant kingdom with new eyes and experience life in a more multidimensional way. Each plant, herb and flower is a pathway into a deeper relationship with your body, mind and soul and thus, a portal to spiritual awakening.

If you choose to take this journey with David, you’ll experience a profound new understanding of medicinal plants that links your biology, ecology, the growth of your consciousness and a felt sense of connection with all of life.

This new relationship with plants is ultimately a transformational journey in which you become intimately interconnected with the intelligence of nature in a grounded, earthy and sustainable way.

As you experience your biological unity with the plant kingdom, your consciousness opens to a new understanding of medicinal herbs, aromatherapy, meditation and spirituality. This powerful experiences can manifest in many ways, from the herb gardens you grow to your use of essential oils.

By understanding plants in a multidimensional way, you open up a deeper cosmological view and a more dynamic relationship with the life force of the universe. You cultivate more prana or chi. You harmonize your bodily systems. You heal old traumas.


You can envision this new relationship with the plant kingdom in terms of growing new and deeper roots for embodied living. This strengthened root system allows you to weather metaphorical storms, droughts and other life challenges from health crises to aging to the loss of loved ones.

Becoming more grounded emotionally and spiritually through our relationship with plants has collective benefits as well. A deeper awareness of our biological relationship with plants will result in a healthier culture.

Put simply, reconnecting with plants reestablishes our relationship with the ground of being.

Our planet is in ecological crisis in part because we have come to view ourselves as separate and “above” nature, causing us to be destructive and wasteful, not to mention unhealthy and unhappy.

The Value of a Master Guide

There is perhaps no better guide for this journey into a new paradigm of relating to the plant kingdom than David Crow, who unifies wisdom from many streams of healing practices into a coherent understanding.

For more than 30 years he’s pioneered a path that’s about harnessing the power of plants to infuse more intelligence in your body, mind and soul giving you a more organic wisdom and sustainable connection with life.

David will show you how to relate more deeply with medicinal plants for rejuvenation, cleansing and awakening.


He’ll draw from strands as diverse as Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and essential oils to shift the foundation of how you relate to plants from seeing them as mechanistic objects to wise, sentient allies.

You’ll receive a profound understanding of working with medicinal plants, food plants, flowers, mushrooms, aromatic ceremonial plants and essential oils as a doorway into understanding health, spirituality and true wellness.

You’ll learn about detoxifiers, adaptogens, anti-inflammatories, cognitive enhancers, pain relievers, longevity enhancers, and sacred plants for opening meditative consciousness.

David will balance high-level theoretical and spiritual insights alongside specific remedies and protocols that you can put into practice in your life immediately. You’ll learn how to eat more healthfully and joyfully in a way that really nourishes your body. You’ll learn about specific therapeutic herbs, plant essences and oils that can rebuild your energy and clarify your focus.

In every class, you’ll gain important practical information about medicinal plants that can be applied for physical and emotional balance.

And you’ll also engage a paradigm shift toward real reverence for plants, which is the beginning of a sacred relationship with nature.

Ultimately, this program offers a gateway to ecological spirituality the antidote for the destruction and suffering we’re causing for ourselves and all life on Earth.

For example, during this 6-month program, you’ll:

  • Use common herbs to treat ailments in a less invasive and non-toxic way
  • Learn how to use spices, teas, elixirs and aromatic culinary herbs to strengthen your digestion, respiration and immune system
  • Develop daily and periodic detoxification practices based on essential oils, spiritual practices and natural therapies
  • Receive insights into principles of rejuvenation and energy rebalancing in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine
  • Understand adaptogens and the therapeutic applications of tonifying roots
  • Study the 4 levels of using herbs in Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine, from medical to spiritual
  • Apply the powerful anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties of reishi, the “mushroom of immortality”
  • Learn which plants support mental function, enhance memory, improve concentration and prevent neurodegeneration
  • Develop new ways to work with energy, consciousness
    and healing
  • Find out how medicinal plants can specifically be used to develop awareness of our unity with the elements of the cosmos
  • Discover the differences between the molecular intelligence of medicinal plants and pharmaceutical drugs
  • Receive clear instructions for how to combine meditation and herbal therapies for effective pain management
  • Understand stress, anxiety and depression according to Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, and how to apply plant remedies in a proper way that rebalances emotions
  • Learn how to foster deep, rejuvenating sleep through herbs
  • Discover classical meditation methods, such as Vipassana, for cultivating ecological spirituality
  • Apply ancient sacred scents such as frankincense, myrrh and sandalwood in a way that opens your spiritual awareness
  • Understand how to use major herbs and essential oils with
    anti-aging properties
  • Apply plants to issues regarding sexuality and erotic fulfillment
  • Develop discernment of the internal healer the awareness about what to eat, what to avoid and which products to use

This program is appropriate for professionals in any discipline who work with herbs, plants, oils or energy, as well as anyone intrigued by the healing and evolutionary benefits of botanical medicine.

This course will draw from David’s more than 30 years of studying the healing powers of plants in various cultures with many gifted teachers from the shamanic traditions of the Amazon to the alchemical mysteries of the Himalayas to the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.

We’re confident you’ll find this unique offering of knowledge, information and insights deeply enriching and practical.

What You’ll Discover in These 6 Months

In this 6-month transformational intensive, David will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to work with medicinal plants for support in your health, wellness and spiritual evolution.

Each LIVE training session will build harmoniously upon the next so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to explore and practice spiritual and medical uses of the botanical pharmacopeia.

Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

There will be 3 classes per month for 6 months,
skipping the first week of each month.

Sessions 1 & 2: Humble Healers
Medicinal Plants for Digestive &
Respiratory Power
(July 19 & 26)


There are many simple herbs and spices that have highly effective therapeutic powers for preventing and treating common digestive and respiratory conditions. Many of these are widely available as fresh culinary herbs, and many can be easily grown in gardens and windowsills.

These humble healers have well-documented antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-spasmotic, anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing powers, but are mild and safe to consume on a daily basis by almost everyone. Knowing how to use these medicinal plants helps individuals and families to medically empower themselves by increasing overall well being and treating countless common ailments without needing to resort to stronger and more toxic medications.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • Principles of strengthening digestion in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine
  • Common digestive problems, and how to improve them with herbs
  • Principles of respiratory health in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine
  • How to treat common respiratory problems with herbs and essential oils
  • The relationship between digestive and respiratory health
  • How aromatic culinary herbs can assist in digestive problems and clear the lungs
  • Important spices for daily immune enhancement
  • The most effective herbal teas, syrups and elixirs
  • Sources and reviews of products

Sessions 3 & 4: Botanical Purification Medicinal Plants for Detoxification of
Body & Mind
(August 9 & 16)


Plants detoxify the biosphere of the Earth, and many medicinal plants are highly effective for detoxifying the inner biosphere of the human body something that pharmaceutical drugs cannot do. As the levels of environmental toxicity rise, associated health challenges are multiplying and increasing in seriousness, making the purifying powers of plants even more valuable and necessary. Detoxification, whether from environmental poisons or from toxic addictions, has profound implications for removing the obstacles to health, happiness and fulfillment, and plays an important role in our individual and collective spiritual evolution.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • Concepts of toxicity and detoxification in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine
  • A deeper perspective on trauma, addiction, detoxification and spiritual evolution
  • How to apply spiritual detoxification practices from traditional cultures
  • Principles and guidelines for safe and effective detoxification
  • How to identify types of toxins, their sources and their effects on the body
  • About microbial infections and detoxification
  • How to use herbs, essential oils, spiritual practices and natural therapies for detoxification and withdrawal
  • Simple practices for nutrition, kitchen medicine and daily detox

Session 5: The Path of Rejuvenation
Herbs & Therapies for Nourishing Vitality & Strengthening Immunity (August 23)


Just as pharmaceutical drugs cannot detoxify the increasing burden of toxicity in the body, they are also incapable of replenishing the body’s nutrients and increasing true vitality. Classical medical systems such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine offer sophisticated and systematic approaches for rejuvenating the body and mind. Using nurturing therapies and medicinal plants rich in nutritive compounds, we can restore strong immunity, overcome fatigue and increase the length, quality and enjoyment of life.

In this module, you’ll learn about:

  • Soma, ojas, rasayana and principles of rejuvenation in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine
  • Rasayana preparations for nourishing the body and restoring vitality
  • Integrating meditation and spiritual practices with botanical therapies
  • Rejuvenative foods and foods to avoid
  • How to integrate spiritual practices into rejuvenation therapy

Session 6: Roots of Power
Adaptogenic Roots for Vitality & Longevity
(August 30)


At the center of rejuvenation therapies we find medicinal plants with adaptogenic powers. The roots of these plants offer unique restorative powers that balance and strengthen the immune, endocrine and neurological systems. While generally safe, nontoxic and easy to use, the use of these roots and the preparations made from them requires the knowledge of who, when and how to use them for maximum benefits.

You’ll learn:

  • The spiritual attributes and therapeutic applications of tonifying roots
  • When use to adaptogenic roots and when to avoid
  • About therapeutic actions and health benefits of adaptogens
  • Tonic preparations in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine
  • Sources and reviews of herbal products

Session 7: The Mushroom of Immortality
Medicinal Fungi (September 13)


Since antiquity, medicinal fungi have held a highly esteemed place in Chinese medicine. Reputed to support spiritual practices, give long life and enhance wisdom, these medicines have been considered elixirs of the sages that can benefit everyone. Modern research confirms the powerful anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties of these fungi, while modern production and extracting methods now offer a wide range of excellent preparations and products to support health and wellbeing.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • The history and healing powers of reishi, cordiceps and other important species
  • Biological unity: the outer and inner biological functions of fungi
  • The anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulating and longevity powers of reishi
  • The immune, vitality and endurance enhancing powers of cordiceps
  • Major therapeutic actions and health uses of medicinal fungi
  • Individual constitutions, potential side effects and interactions
  • About the best preparation methods and products

Session 8: Clear Mind
Medicinal Plants for Enhancing
Cognitive Function
(September 20)


Cognitive function is the foundation for all success and accomplishment, whether it is our work in the world or our inner spiritual development. Stress, nutrient deficiencies, environmental toxins, medications and normal aging are only a few of the many influences that weaken and damage healthy brain function. Throughout time, plants that support mental functions, enhance memory and improve concentration have been regarded as having a unique and special place in the botanical pharmacopeia for supporting mental wellbeing and nourishing spiritual evolution.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • Concepts of mind, concentration, memory and cognitive function in yoga, Tantra, Ayurveda and Chinese medicine
  • Modern understanding of cognitive decline and neurodegeneration
  • Primary cognitive disorders and causative factors
  • Major herbs and essential oils that support concentration and memory
  • How to integrate meditation practices into herbal therapy for enhanced cognitive and brain function
  • The benefits and drawback of stimulants

Sessions 9 & 10: Compassionate Healers
Medicinal Plants for Pacifying Pain & Inflammation (September 27 & October 11)


Pain and inflammation are the great obstacles to fulfilling the aims of life. When one has been freed from pain by the powers of medicinal plants, a profound appreciation for the benevolence and healing compassion of nature’s remedies arises. The pharmacopeia of pain relieving and anti-inflammatory herbs is vast and requires knowledge to use correctly, but with a few simple, safe and easily available species, even complex and chronic medical conditions can be benefitted and resolved.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • The connection between pain and spiritual evolution
  • Types of pain according to Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine
  • The safe uses of the most important anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmotic and analgesic herbs for specific body systems
  • Important but little known herbs for pain and inflammation
  • Integrated botanical therapies for menstrual, digestive and arthritic pain, headaches and fibromyalgia
  • Herbal preparations including medicated oils, liniments, plaster and other methods
  • How to combine meditation and herbal therapies for pain management
  • Potential herb/drug interactions
  • Sources and reviews of products

Sessions 11 & 12: Journey to Happiness
Medicinal Plants for Counteracting Stress, Anxiety & Depression (October 18 & 25)


We live in an age of widespread unhappiness, caused by a multitude of social, economic, environmental and spiritual factors. Many of these forms of suffering require an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to fully resolve, but medicinal plants offer strong support to help counteract stress, calm the mind and emotions and uplift moods. When integrated with meditation and other practices, herbal medicine can transform the suffering of the mind into a path of spiritual evolution.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • Types of anxiety and depression according to Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine
  • Concepts of Shen disturbances in Chinese medicine and Prana Vata in Ayurveda
  • Concepts of emotional disturbances and psychological disorders from indigenous cultures and shamanic traditions
  • About stress, anxiety, depression and spiritual evolution
  • How to rebalance endocrine and neurological functions
  • Uses and misuses of antidepressant herbs such as St. John’s wort, kava kava and others
  • Important but little-known herbs for depression and anxiety
  • Uses of important essential oils for antidepressant and anxiolytic functions
  • How to combine spiritual practices and herbal therapies for counteracting stress, anxiety and depression

Session 13: Ambassadors of Peace
Medicinal Plants for Restful Sleep
(November 8)


Sleep is essential for the healing of every illness. There are many sleep disorders that affect people of different ages and constitutions, but they can all be benefitted to various degrees by the plants that bring peace to the body, mind and emotions. Whether it is balancing blood sugar, nourishing exhausted adrenal glands, relaxing tense muscles or restoring a tired nervous system, many different plants can be used as allies to produce deep rejuvenating sleep.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • The connection between sleep, dreams and spiritual evolution
  • The primary types of insomnia and sleep disorders, and how to treat them
  • The source of sleep disorders according to Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine
  • Approaches to calming the spirit and pacifying Vata
  • Categories of nervine herbs according to body systems
  • The right use and misuse of relaxant herbs
  • Unique and little-known herbs and essential oils for insomnia and restlessness
  • Which dietary factors influence sleep
  • How to combine meditation and spiritual practices with herbal treatment of sleep disorders
  • Adjunct therapies for sleep
  • Reviews and sources for herbal products

Session 14: Soma
Herbs, Elixirs & Therapies for Deepening Contemplative & Yogic Practices
(November 15)


The highest goal of classical Asian medical systems is a long healthy life leading to spiritual illumination and fulfillment. Traditionally, many medicinal plants and therapies have been used for supporting meditative and yogic practices: some feed the brain and enhance the nutrient essences of ojas and soma, some warm the muscles and circulation and protect from injury, some sharpen the mind and concentration, some produce euphoric relaxation. These therapeutic powers are not only beneficial for those engaged in contemplative endeavors, but also enhance the wellbeing of everyone.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • What “soma” is and the relationship with meditation
  • How to use sacred scents for ritual and ceremony
  • Which essential oils enhance pranayama
  • About attars for marmas and the process of anointing
  • Herbal care of muscles and joints for yoga practitioners
  • Important herbs for supporting the respiratory and neurological systems
  • About nasyas: nasal medications for calming and focusing the mind
  • Unique herbs and preparations used with meditation, mantra and yoga
  • About dietary guidelines
  • Correlations between chakras, herbs and essential oils
  • Sources and reviews of herbal products
  • Liniments, salves and medicated oils for muscles and joints

Session 15: Sacred Scents
The Spiritual & Medical Uses of Precious Resins & Sacred Trees (November 29)


Aromatic plants have been used by humans since time immemorial, as fragrant offerings in rituals and ceremonies and medicines for the mind and body. This group of plants rightly deserves the title of “sacred scents,” so widespread and ancient is their use for spiritual endeavors. In addition to being found throughout the world in temples, mosques, churches, pagodas and holy places of every religion, they are also great botanical medicines, known to both traditional healers and now discovered by modern scientific research. Their use in our homes can play an important role in preventing illness, enhancing mental and emotional wellbeing and supporting our spiritual practices.

In this module, you’ll learn about:

  • Frankincense
    • Its uses for ritual and ceremony
    • Mood enhancing effects on consciousness
    • Anti-inflammatory powers of resin and oils
    • Boswelic acids and autoimmune inflammation
    • Its applications for skin care
    • Frankincense and myrrh in traditional liniments for injury
    • Frankincense gum for dental care
  • Myrrh
    • Antiseptic powers for respiratory and oral infections
    • Recipes for dental care
  • Sandalwood
    • Sacred anointing oil for meditation
    • Skin care uses
    • Meditation incense recipes
  • Agarwood
    • Meditation incense
    • Antidepressant and antianxiety effects
    • Spiritual perfume
    • The wish-fulfilling powers of the sacred scents

Sessions 16 & 17: Botanical Elders
Medicinal Plants for Aging Gracefully
(December 6 & 13)


Aging brings a multitude of physiological changes, many of them unpleasant. As we get older, medicinal plants play an increasingly important role in slowing the aging process and counteracting symptoms without toxic medications; in many cases it is possible to reverse chronic conditions we did not have the knowledge, resources or ability to resolve earlier in life. As we develop a deeper relationship with healing plants in our elder years, we find a new appreciation and sensitivity to the healing powers of nature that they contain, leading us to our own unique understanding of ecological spirituality.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • More about aging and spiritual evolution
  • Concepts of aging in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine
  • Modern understanding of physiological changes and challenges of aging
  • Major herbs and essential oils for antioxidant and anti-aging powers
  • Herbal protocols for comfortable menopause, prostate health, bone, joint and dental health
  • Sources and reviews of products

Session 18: Botanica Erotica
Medicinal Plants for Enhancing Romance & Intimacy (December 20)


Diminishment of libido and disturbances of sexual functions are sources of suffering and obstacles to intimacy and expression of romantic passions. Classical medical systems as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine place great emphasis on protecting and rejuvenating sexual vitality, not only for romantic and erotic fulfillment, but also for general health and wellbeing. Medicinal plants offer many forms of nourishment that revitalize, energize and enhance sexual functions without unwanted side effects, but knowledge and understanding of the plants and the spiritual dimensions of sexuality are needed to avoid unwanted side effects.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • Shukra and jing: concepts of essence in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine
  • How to support glandular health
  • About vajikarana and aphrodisiac therapies
  • How to nourish the blood
  • Insights on male and female tonics and elixirs
  • About exotic perfumes and intoxicating aromas
  • Uses and misuses of aphrodisiac herbs
  • Sources and reviews of products
  • Meditation and spiritual practices for enhancing romance and intimacy

The Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution Intensive Bonus Collection

In addition to David’s transformative 6-month live online training, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions and bonus materials. These bonuses are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the advanced intensive and take your understanding and transformation to an even deeper level.

The Upsides & Downsides of Stimulants
Video with David Crow


This video presentation will give an overview of different classes and categories of herbal and nutraceutical stimulants. It will differentiate and compare the overlapping functions of stimulants, adaptogens, tonics, aphrodisiacs and nootropics, and explore how to maximize their benefits and minimize unwanted effects.

Well-known favorites will be covered including coffee, tea, yerba mate, guarana and cacao, as well as lesser-known exotic species appreciated by aficionados and traditional users in diverse cultures.

The positive and negative actions of stimulants will be considered from the viewpoint of Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and treatment protocols given for stimulant dependencies and depletion syndromes commonly seen in holistic clinics.


Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution
Audio Interview with David Crow


One of the world’s foremost experts on healing with plants, David will explore the vital role that medicinal plants can play in solving numerous global crises, including cost-effective non-toxic healthcare, economic upliftment and poverty eradication, ecological balancing and restoration, and the preservation of traditional spiritual cultures. You will learn about the biological unity between plants and humans, the increasing need for plant-based medical systems in a toxic world, and how this awareness can reawaken humanity’s ancient ecological spirituality.


Fukushima & Beyond: Research on Herbs for Protection from Radiation
Video Class with David Crow


This special video class examines botanical species that are being used for their protective effects against radiation. The first section will review the radioactive elements and types of radiation, where they are coming from, how they accumulate in the environment and the body and how they threaten health. The second section will examine the various radio-protective mechanisms through which plant-based medicines may work.

The third section will review radio-protective properties of common herbs such as ginger, turmeric, aloe, neem and milk thistle, as well as lesser-known species being researched. A brief review of relevant literature on the increasing levels of environmental radiation reveals ample reason for developing and implementing a comprehensive regimen of botanical preparations for supporting health; for clinicians, this knowledge can also be applied to patients who are going through medical radiotherapy.


20% Discount from Floracopeia Store


As part of your participation in the course, you will also receive a 20% savings on any purchases you’d like to make from David’s Florecopia online store. Floracopeia was established to provide the highest quality aromatic treasures and health education, support ecological agriculture, and promote traditional plant-based knowledge. You can find amazing essential oils and flower essences that will promote your health, vitality and spiritual opening.

(Note: no purchase is required for the course. In addition, it is not required to use Floracopeia oils. You may use whatever oils you’d like to use for your training.)


Consultation Email with David Crow


In addition to the live class instruction and Q&A time, David will be giving you his personal email address so you can ask follow-up questions that may not have been answered in the sessions. This greater level of access is a unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge and growth. This is an integral part of your course experience where you’ll have the opportunity to receive deep, personal guidance on specific issues directly from David.


What Graduates of the Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution Intensive are Saying...

This course has opened my awareness to a new way of nurturing myself! David has given us tools to understand and explore medicinal plants in a safe way, but also with the understanding that we pay attention to how each plant affects us.
Aruna, Aptos, California

I am very happy with the change in my health due to applying this information and the way David delivered it with so much giving of himself coming from a sincere heart of wisdom, was wonderful to feel and very genuine and clean.
Ananta Kranti, Living in Thailand

I had bad bilateral foot pain and was scheduled for foot surgery. This course, plus David’s suggestions led me to using herbs, oils, techniques that now allow me greater range of motion, decreased inflammation, less pain and no surgery!

I think on many subtle levels, I have found myself re-forming how I live in the world and how I interconnect with the world of plants, the elements and energy. David’s teaching and his dedication to this way of living is an inspiration.
Helen Henry, Santa Fe, New Mexico

As a holistic practitioner, I am looking forward to incorporating more medicinal plants into my protocols and mentorship course. I feel a deeper connection with plants and how they can benefit our wellbeing versus most supplements.
Cheryl Millett, Toronto, Canada

Improved digestion from using the herbs. David’s knowledge about the course material is exceptional and his willingness to answer our questions about the course content through personal email was most helpful to me.
Kristin, Greenfield Center, New York

I experienced immense pleasure and benefit from this course. I already knew a fair amount of knowledge of herbs/medicinal plants, but David’s information was so much more than that. The knowledge on Ayurveda was all new to me and so much more useful than I was expecting.
Eileen, Mesa, Arizona

David has the most balanced, informed approach to holistic healing and natural medicine I’ve ever encountered. I have benefited from this knowledge on both a personal and professional level. The personal, 1-1 coaching on calls and via email is something you won’t find elsewhere.
Jennifer Malins, Integrative Nutrition Coach and Author, Indianapolis, Indiana

David is an exceptionally inspired teacher. He has opened a world of knowledge that I will continue to take into my being and that I hope I can share with family and friends (including our fellow participants) for the remainder of my life.
Pam Hackley, Castle Valley, Utah

This course was very well organized and the content was informative. David Crow is passionate about the subject matter and very knowledgeable. I am now prepared for the next level of knowledge!
Maria, Evanston, Illinois

I registered for this course to increase my plant knowledge, but found better health in the process. The knowledge that David has given in this course helped me understand the connections, and what I might try, to alleviate symptoms.
Marilyn Robertson, British Columbia, Canada

The numerous recipes provided, resources to acquire herbs, additional handouts, use with essential oils and the pharmacopeia modules will be of great assistance as I continue trying new herbal remedies. I highly recommend this course!
Jacqueline Spirnak, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania

[This course] was so full of new information for me, that I will be reviewing the material for years to come. I not only take many of the herbs now in my daily regimen, but am also growing several of the plants that I had never even heard of before.
Donna Kassewitz, Miami, Flordia

I am consuming less than half of the coffee now. I drink more herbal teas tulsi, ginger and peppermint. I am at ease and at peace with things in general.
Margie, Baltimore, Maryland

I appreciated [David Crow’s] tone of voice and teaching style. The course was extremely well organized and engaging. Some basic elements of this course would be transformative if every human on the planet could hear them.
Jaime, Colorado

David Crow is a knowledgeable and greatly gifted practitioner of herbal medicine. I’m thankful for his willingness to go above and beyond to address cases on individual basis. This course has been transformative. Deeply grateful.
Patricia, Jackson, Mississippi

Join the Global Community


The Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution Intensive not only offers some of the most advanced online botanical teachings currently available, it also offers a thriving global community of support.

Join your fellow students and practitioners from across the world in the live interactive conference calls or in our online community to support and learn from each other while you learn to integrate advanced practices with medicinal plants into your life.

This international community is also at the leading edge of a global movement of people who are committed to manifesting a better world for all beings. This emerging planetary movement is rooted in an open heart, and stands for the principles of mutual support, cooperation, harmony and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive


18 Ninety-Minute Class Sessions with David Crow

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn from plant medicine pioneer David Crow from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to strengthen your relationship with the natural world.


18 Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available to you to download in high quality MP3 format. This way, you’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere on your iPod, in your car and at your convenience.


18 PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


18 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions

With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class where you will be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share and do additional practices to help further integrate the weekly lessons. If you’re unable to attend the calls live, the Online Community group allows you to connect with each other to find alternative times to interact.


Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.


Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your learning after each class. Here, you can ask additional questions, interact with your fellow students and get access to additional resources to take your learning experience to an even deeper level.


The Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution Intensive
Bonus Collection

  • The Upsides & Downsides of Stimulants
    Video with David Crow
  • Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution
    Audio Interview with David Crow
  • Fukushima & Beyond: Research on Herbs for Protection from Radiation
    Video Class with David Crow
  • 20% Discount from Floracopeia Store
  • Consultation Email with David Crow

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution Intensive

We feel honored that David Crow has chosen to partner with The Shift Network on this exclusive, LIVE online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a skilled and masterful herbalist and plant medicine expert.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars). You’ll also be able to benefit from David’s incredible teachings and practices, from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re serious about deepening your access to plant medicine and botanicals and live in a more harmonious way with yourself and others, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


More Praise for David Crow...

I especially appreciated... how David led us to many places which we can now continue to explore on our own. I came away with a profound sense of the deep wisdom of Nature, and Life moving through all of it and us.
Diana Mongeau, British Columbia, Canada

What I liked most of this course is that it made me aware of the importance of the plants in our daily life. How we can communicate with them and obtain answers. I look forward to learning more and passing the information on.
Maria Elisa Calero, Colombia, South America

...I seem to have developed a deep love and a relationship with the plants around me. Now when I come home I am greeted by a lush array of plants. I now speak to them and thank them for the beautiful healing energy they provide.
Jacqueline, Brooklyn, New York

I really found this enriching deep profound and affecting Loved the depth of knowledge and insight and level of integrity that came across...! Many thanks.
Annie Le Marquand, Cornwall, United Kingdom

In this course David Crow shares a unique blend of knowledge and perspectives from ancient and modern cultures. I appreciated the practical approach to spirituality and the participatory focus to learning.
Sarah Weber, British Columbia, Canada

The information in this course was extraordinary, and has so many implications for the way we live our lives and for the preservation of our beloved Earth. I feel this could be transformative if truly taken to heart.
Valerie, Devon, England

This course has profoundly deepened my meditation practice. Fabulous insights and wonderful reverence for the plant world. Thank you so much for this learning experience.
Silvia Rudzki, Wellington, New Zealand

My relationship and awareness [of plant life] has changed significantly in a way that is spiritual and awe-inspiring. This has been one of the most profound and consciousness-expanding courses I have ever taken.
Beverly Kune, Santa Fe, New Mexico

My 84 year-old mom was blown away and listened to four lectures. My sister read through the transcripts. I hope to continue with another class, and/or start some personal study of the many topics presented.
Connie, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

I’ve always had a connection plants, and people thought I was unique. Learning about the connection of the moon and sun with the plants, then incorporating the meditation, WOW!!!
Carmen, Waukesha, Wisconsin

About David Crow


David Crow, L.Ac. is one of the world’s foremost experts and leading speakers in the field of botanical medicine and grassroots healthcare. He is a master herbalist, aromatherapist and acupuncturist with over 30 years experience and is an expert in the Ayurvedic and Chinese medical systems. David is a renowned author, a poet and is the founding director of Floracopeia Aromatic Treasures. Floracopeia was created as a way to help preserve and promote the use of botanical medicines as solutions to solving numerous interrelated global problems: lack of healthcare, poverty, environmental destruction and loss of ethnobotanical knowledge.

David has presented his vision of grassroots healthcare, preservation of botanical medicines and the use of plants for ecological restoration to hundreds of audiences, ranging from small private groups to conferences and lecture halls to a panel discussion with the Dalai Lama broadcast internationally to millions of viewers. He has given numerous keynote speeches, taught at conferences and colleges of naturopathic, Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, and been interviewed on numerous radio programs. His articles and excerpts from his book have been published in several magazines, and In Search of the Medicine Buddha has been translated into three foreign editions. David travels and teaches throughout the world. Through his visionary synthesis of medicine, ecology and spirituality, he has helped transform the lives of thousands.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a phone line (or an equivalent voice service). If there is more than one person in your household taking the course, you will each need your own line. We use MaestroConference to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions, participate in groups and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

Please note that dialing MaestroConference from your phone is a regular toll call to California; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. You can also use Skype credit/subscription or Google Voice to dial in to MaestroConference; and you’ll need to use your virtual keypad to enter your PIN and to indicate that you want to ask a question. Other options include calling cards and discount long-distance carriers; and we also have a webcast which is free to use from anywhere in the world.

I have never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon to participate. I haven’t seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, MA

Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private community website.

Q: Can you tell me about the Private Course Group?
A: We will have a private community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, completing homework assignments and exchanging information about events and other activities that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects and growth throughout the Course.

Q: Are there scholarships available for this Training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, giving preference to those in developing countries or doing important but underpaid work to which they can apply the training material immediately. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is August 9, 2016. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we'll send you an email confirming your refund. However, we'd love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at and we'll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
