A Free Video Event
With Mystic, Healer,
Dream Teacher & Author
Sergio Magaña


Discover the once-secret dream wisdom of the Chichimeca  and experience a powerful dream practice to redirect a challenging situation to manifest a more desirable outcome.


Ancient cultures have known for millennia that our nighttime dreams hold the wisdom of our intuition...

... powerful insights for healing our body, mind, and spirit, overcoming our life challenges, and evolving into wholeness and fulfillment.

The 5,000-year-old Toltec tradition of Mesoamerica, originally the secret knowledge of the Mexican Chichimeca masters of the dream state used this power of perception to manifest desired realities, and even transform matter itself.

Their ancient knowledge, passed down to the Aztecs, is rooted in Nahualism, spiritual teachings that use the altered states of the dreamtime while asleep and awake to explore other energetic dimensions, connect with ancestral guides, initiate self-healing, and masterfully create the future.

During this fascinating hour with Mexican mystic, healer, dream teacher, and author Sergio Magaña, you’ll discover the power of Toltec Dreaming to help you release heavy energies of the past, clear the way for more transformative dream states, use ancient dreaming to manifest your desires and even change the trajectory of your life.

Sergio will also share about the prophecies of the suns  teachings from the Toltec and Aztec calendars that perceive the movement of the Sun over thousands of years as holding profound wisdom about the transformation of the Earth and humanity.

You’ll discover how these ancient teachings foresaw our present global challenges, and that the Sun’s current movement from the Fifth to the Sixth Sun signifies a shift in human consciousness, including our understanding of how we relate to ourselves, each other, the Earth, and the cosmos.

You’ll also learn how Toltec Dreaming can help you navigate these challenging times and manifest a better future using the new energy and opportunities the Sixth Sun brings.

Sergio was indoctrinated into the world of dreaming and its wisdom and power in helping us create our own reality when he was only seven years old.

Although raised in a traditional Catholic home in Mexico, he was surrounded by practitioners of ancient Mexican spiritual traditions, which led to his initiation into the lineage of Mesoamerica, as well as the oral tradition of Toltec Dreaming.


In this perception-expanding, powerful hour with Sergio you’ll:

  • Discover Nahualism, ancient Mexican dream wisdom that uses the “blossom dream” or lucid dream for dreaming at will  and for manifestation while asleep or awake
  • Learn how the night is split into different dreaming cycles to assess your optimal times for lucid dreaming and creating in your dreams
  • Discover the wisdom in the Prophecies of the Suns to help you better understand these transformational times and the ways dreaming can help you navigate them
  • Discover Toltec Yoga for Dreaming and learn the foundational postures of animals and Gods, as well as a breathing exercise to release heavy energies from the past, free up your energy, and live more fully
  • Experience a Dream Planting practice to set an intention, transmute the energy of a current challenge, and manifest a more desirable outcome

During this complimentary mini-workshop, you‘ll also learn about a 7-module on-demand, online training with Sergio, where you’ll have the opportunity to dive much deeper into Toltec Dreaming and the dream states, practices, and symbols used by this ancient tradition to help you purposefully and soulfully create and navigate the life of your dreams.

Sergio shares a powerful ancient body of wisdom that offers us a fascinating path to where the hidden power of our instincts and intuition live, as well as the steps to free ourselves from darkness and improve all aspects of our lives.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Sergio Magaña and discover the once-secret dream wisdom of the Chichimeca, and a powerful dream practice to transmute the energies of a current challenge and manifest a more desirable outcome.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Sergio Magaña...

“... inspires us to do the inner spiritual work needed for a beautiful transformation.”

Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl gives us a vision of hope and inspires us to do the inner spiritual work needed for a beautiful transformation. The Dawn of the Sixth Sun is filled with practices that help us align with our higher selves so we can blossom into our fullness as human beings.
Sandra Ingerman, Author of  Shamanic Journeying and  How To Thrive In Changing Times

“Sergio is a true healer and medicine man, plus he’s a lot of fun.”

I am fascinated by the work of Sergio Magaña and have had the pleasure of working with him and learning the obsidian mirror process, which was life-changing. Sergio is a true healer and medicine man, plus he’s a lot of fun. In his latest book, Sergio has provided us with more keys to access our inner power to transform and heal our lives, and those of others. The instructions are simply and clearly written, so you’ll be able to get started right away.
Dr. Christiane Northrup, New York Times bestselling author of   Goddesses Never Age

“... Sergio Magaña... shares his uniquely precious knowledge with us.”

We have entered a period of rapid and deep-seated worldwide transformation in which each one of us needs to master the inner world of his or her own consciousness. In his book, Sergio Magaña, inheritor of this wisdom and now its spokesman, shares his uniquely precious knowledge with us. His writing deserves to become a pillar of the new-paradigm wisdom we need during the critical years that mark the Dawn of the Sixth Sun.
Ervin Laszlo, Nobel Prize nominee

“Sergio Magaña has been entrusted with the sacred task of revealing once-secret knowledge...”

Speaking from the Nahuatl tradition, Sergio Magaña has been entrusted with the sacred task of revealing once-secret knowledge on the transformation of the Earth and humanity. The book is an instruction manual for anyone who wants to awaken from the dreamlike trance of ordinary reality and attain a truly lucid state.
Daniel Pinchbeck, Author of  2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl

“Sergio has found a way to accessibly translate ancient Mexican wisdom for a modern audience...”

Once again, Sergio has found a way to accessibly translate ancient Mexican wisdom for a modern audience and thus make true the prophecy of 2012. Perhaps more importantly, though, the practices he teaches actually work, so don’t just read his book practice what it teaches and manifest your innate capacity for healing.
Charlie Morley, Author of  Dreams of Awakening

“Sergio offers us deep layers of the unique and precious ancient knowledge of a rich Mexicayotl wisdom path...”

Already an eminent healer in Mexico, a reputable international teacher, and acclaimed author, Sergio offers us deep layers of the unique and precious ancient knowledge of a rich Mexicayotl wisdom path that has, until now, only been passed on orally from master to student. The profound teachings in [Caves of Power], which include astonishing and precise maps of the underworlds, and “caves of power”  the places where we can access and transform our shadows and fears, and activate our dreams and true powers are indeed priceless during this period of transition, where we are asked to awaken, confront our shadows, heal ourselves, take our powers, and evolve.
Christa Mackinnon, Author of  Shamanism and Spirituality in Therapeutic Practice

“... teaches us how to realign ourselves with the universe...”

The ancient knowledge that Sergio Magaña shares... teaches us how to realign ourselves with the universe so that we can play our true role as conduits for the transition from one era of human consciousness to the next.
Dr. Marilyn Schlitz, global ambassador and senior scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences

“This work can creatively and consistently transform one’s life...”

Back in the early 70s, a friend persuaded me to read Carlos Casteneda’s The Teachings of Don Juan. I enjoyed an intriguingly good read, but it felt so far from my experience at that time that I could not integrate and use the teachings. Last year I came across The Toltec Secret by Sergio Magaña and found it to be an extraordinarily clear expression of what Casteneda had written about. Now here is Caves of Power, his third book a clear, concise manual of how our being and the reality we live in really work, how the world we experience is constructed, and how to access deep altered states that can enable us to live in both worlds simultaneously. This work can creatively and consistently transform one’s life and enable one to assist the lives of others. It has given me a series of maps to work from to develop my Self and my abilities caves of power that I can access within myself.
Leo Rutherford, Founder of The Eagle’s Wing College of Contemporary Shamanism


About Sergio Magaña

A world-renowned Mexican healer, Sergio Magaña was surrounded by teachers of ancient Mexican spiritual and healing practices for most of his life. Although raised in a Catholic home, he was initiated into the 5,000-year-old Toltec lineage of Mesoamerica, which influenced the Mayan and Aztec cultures, and was trained in the Tol shamanic oral tradition, which has been handed down for 1,460 years.

Sergio leads workshops around the world, empowering others to evolve and heal themselves through a new approach to an ancient tradition. He is the author of several books, including his latest, Caves of Power: Ancient Energy Techniques for Healing, Rejuvenation, and Manifestation.
