With Renowned Enneagram Teacher and Co-Author of Wisdom of the Enneagram
Russ Hudson

Unlock the latent potential of your heart, access a higher octave of spirituality, and lead a life of expanded possibility through the Virtues of the Enneagram.

Be guided in a centering practice to discern the difference between your emotional reactions and the deeper heart and to better navigate other people’s perspectives, reactions, and habits.

Would you like to deepen your understanding of the 9 Enneagram types and their higher potentials?

Are you tired of thinking about fixations, and would like to integrate the more luminous spiritual dimensions within you that honor both light and shadow?

Students of the Enneagram tend to forget that the system was first and foremost created as a mystical tool for enlightenment. The Virtues (rather than the Passions) were in the foreground as they represented the fulfillment of the types and liberation of our gifts.

It’s time to return to these teachings so you can actualize more of your higher potential and escape narrow definitions of your type.

Virtues are ultimately rooted in the strength and fullness of your deeper heart. As you cultivate a full spectrum of Virtues, you engage in a kind of spiritual alchemy in which the lower expression transmutes into a higher one...

... helping you embody higher qualities such as compassion, peace, and love and live in the world in a more sacred and authentic way.

Living from the deeper heart in a modern world that’s perpetually triggering and dividing us in every way can be challenging until, as renowned Enneagram teacher Russ Hudson teaches, we learn how to manage our emotional reactivity.

This means learning how to meet our emotions and the emotions of others without judgment, rejection, or identification. All 9 Enneagram types have their own way of responding to triggers and overcoming them.

The Shift Network is honored to be working with Russ, a much-honored lineage bearer of the Enneagram who is highly selective about where he teaches due to his incredibly busy schedule. As one of the principal scholars, innovative thinkers, and highly regarded teachers  in the Enneagram world, Ross teaches that our emotions are the true commander of the mind, holding great influence over our thoughts and how we show up in the world.

Under Russ’ expert tutelage, you'll explore and apply the Enneagram’s heart-centered wisdom through the teachings of the Virtues and access your deeper heart to minimize emotional reactivity and better understand the emotions of others

During this powerful event, you’ll explore:

  • The Enneagram Virtues the 9 deeper qualities of your heart
  • The original spiritual context and methods of Enneagram work beyond merely typing yourself and others
  • A more compassionate and intimate way of being with yourself and others using the Enneagram in service to love
  • The precise role of the heart in relation to your mind, body, and authentic gifts and how to work with all of your emotions, transforming them into energies for your growth
  • Markers of authentic transformation the signs of genuine actualization of spiritual wisdom
  • A centering practice to discern the difference between your emotional reactions and the deeper heart and to better navigate other people’s perspectives, reactions, and habits

The Enneagram teachings about the transformation of the heart are derived in part from mystical Christianity, when early mystics studied the ways in which human beings lose touch with the Divine.

The Virtues are a master map that can point you home to the higher octave of your own heart.

For example, in Type 1, the Virtue of true serenity is born of a capacity to express life’s innate goodness, and using this awareness to hold anger and resentment with compassion.

In Type 6, we discover the true nature of courage through a profound awareness of fear; while in Type 2, real humility is the result of bringing loving kindness to the parts of us that feel unlovable.

Similarly, all 9 Virtues associated with the types exist within each one of us... serenity, humility, truth, equanimity, non-attachment, courage, constancy, innocence and right action.

The Virtues also link to a more advanced teaching of the Holy Ideas, which refer to states of nondual awareness that can open from an awakened mind.

Through embodying the 9 Virtues, your life becomes a vehicle for heart intelligence selfless acts of courage, unconditional love, and service.

When you learn how to work with both the essential qualities and fixations of your types, your Virtues can begin to flower.

In joining this special event with Russ, you’ll explore the original core teachings of the Enneagram, its Virtues, and how you can leverage the gifts of your type to access your deeper heart.

You’ll also hear about a deep training with Russ on the Enneagram of the Virtues where you’ll learn how to actualize the 9 deeper qualities of your heart.

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Join this FREE video event with Russ Hudson and unlock the latent potential of your heart, access a higher octave of spirituality, and lead a life of expanded possibility through the Virtues of the Enneagram.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Russ Hudson...

“Russ Hudson is so inspiring to listen to with his calm, heartfelt wisdom.”

This course helped me become more aware of my limiting personality patterns while also promoting self-compassion and acceptance. Russ Hudson is so inspiring to listen to with his calm, heartfelt wisdom. I would recommend his courses to anyone who is serious about inner work.
Astrid Pichler-Ernst, Austria

“Most impressed with the knowledge, expertise, and authentic “fruit of the spirit” modus operandi of the main presenter, Russ Hudson.”

Michael, New Plymouth, Idaho

“The faculty was outstanding!”

The faculty was outstanding! I have been studying and coaching using the Enneagram for the last four years, and this course accelerated my understanding of the Enneagram by making it a lived experience. I added the practices to my daily meditation and I have had a continual and rich felt sense of presence.
Mary Ovenstone, Onrus, South Africa

“I am healthier in mind, heart, and body, and these three centers are working together for me rather than against each other.”

I am healthier in mind, heart, and body, and these three centers are working together for me rather than against each other. I know myself better and I have now incorporated into my life practices to stop self-rejection and to embrace self-acceptance. I have an international community that supports me in my commitment to take on this difficult inner transformation.
Celeste, Burlington, Canada

“I truly loved the systemic approach of Russ.”

This course has enabled me to start on a path of self-discovery. I truly loved the systemic approach of Russ. It was very much directed to self-knowledge and growth. However, as a self-preserving 6, I feel that I don’t yet have the confidence I need to bring these learnings to others.
Dymphna Healy Dyon, Paris, France

About Russ Hudson

Russ Hudson has established himself over the past three decades as one of the top teachers and developers of the Enneagram personality typology in the world today. Actively involved in the Enneagram community, Russ is co-founder and president emeritus of The Enneagram Institute, as well as a founding director and former vice president of the International Enneagram Association. He’s been writing and teaching full time with The Enneagram Institute since 1991.

Russ has co-authored five bestselling books with Don Richard Riso, including The Wisdom of the Enneagram and Personality Types. These books are widely considered to be not only groundbreaking contributions in the field of Enneagram studies, but also important contributions to the literature of psychological types. The pair developed a scientifically validated test instrument, the Riso-Hudson Type Indicator (RHETI), now considered a standard test in the Enneagram field. The RHETI has been used by numerous Fortune 500 companies.

Russ has a solid background in science, as well as in studies of philosophy and religion. He approaches his work with the Enneagram holding both perspectives. He originally encountered the Enneagram through The Gurdjieff Work, and sees it as a map for personal development and awareness rather than merely a system for categorizing people. He has emphasized the importance of cultivating presence and mindfulness as a foundation for authentic work with the Enneagram, and has worked diligently to align the study of the Enneagram to spiritual practice  and to bring the benefits of this synthesis into greater public awareness.

Russ has been interviewed as an expert on personality types on several dozen radio and television shows, including Good Morning America and The CBS Morning Show. He has become a popular speaker at conferences and retreat centers around the world, including the Esalen Institute, the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, and the Science and Nonduality Conference (SAND).
