Rob Schwartz
& Channel for the Beings of Light
Liesel Fricke
Glimpse your pre-birth plan through the eyes of your soul in a powerful guided meditation — channeled from the Beings of Light — to understand how all your experiences are deeply meaningful... and serve as catalysts for living and expressing your fundamental nature of Love.
It takes courage and tenacity to live a human life here on Earth...
We can often feel overwhelmed and burdened by all it entails, especially by the challenges that inevitably arise.
Yet, there is a powerful perspective we can embrace to find solace, acceptance, peace, self-compassion, and even liberation as we travel through life’s peaks and valleys.
This perspective is that we planned our own life — the parents we were born to, the relationships we engage in, even the challenges we face — to evolve as a soul and embody admirable Divine Virtues.
These Divine Virtues are the many facets of Divine Love — and are the ways we give and receive Divine Love at the human level.
The pre-birth plan perspective also helps us to know that we never journey alone. Our soul, our guides and angels, as well as countless light beings are always accompanying us, eager to guide us to summits of joy if we simply trust and follow their lead.
In this context, we understand that we can raise our consciousness and vibration to influence our life’s trajectory. We can even shift out of victim consciousness — our biggest impediment to moving forward.
During this extraordinary hour with celebrated Between Lives Soul Regression certified hypnotist Rob Schwartz and his wife, Liesel Fricke, a prolific channeler of Light Being energies and wisdom, you’ll discover the powerful healing shift you can make by viewing your life with the understanding that you not only planned it, you’re empowered to change that plan by virtue of evolving consciously.
Rob teaches that most of what is set at birth is tentative, not a certainty.
Through soul regression (hypnosis-induced inner journeys) to help people explore and understand their pre-birth plans, Rob has seen numerous people confidently take the reins of their lives and shift their course for the better.
He’s also seen many come to terms with trauma, sickness, or the loss of a loved one — and find peace, forgiveness, gratitude, and love — through the understanding that the soul ultimately makes its choices for its own betterment.
Expanding on this concept, Rob will provide fascinating insights into why a soul chooses to incarnate on Earth during particularly challenging times, such as the past couple of years — a period he refers to as a time of Ascension.
These are times of heightened anxiety and fear in which the perceived chaos actually contains the potential jolt that can serve as a catalyst for transformation, enabling you to surrender to the true safety of the Oneness within.
When you join us for this powerful online event, Rob will lead you in an inspiring inward journey to glimpse your life through the eyes of your soul and understand how all your experiences are deeply meaningful...AND catalysts for the expression of your fundamental nature, which is love.
This beautiful, sacred guided reconnection with the vantage point of your soul was received by Liesel specifically for this online event through a channeling of the light energies she calls the Beings of Light.
You’ll also learn about your glorious higher self — the highest vibrational and truest essence of you — and how getting more deeply in touch with your higher self opens the doorway to direct communication from Unity Consciousness and the loving, wise, high-vibrational beings that reside in this state of Oneness.
During this life-enhancing hour, you’ll:
- Explore the perspective that you created your own pre-birth plans, including your life challenges, and how opening to and embracing this frame of reference can bring more peace, comfort, gratitude, and love into your life
- Glimpse your life through the eyes of your soul in a powerful guided meditation where you’ll learn how all your experiences are deeply meaningful AND serve as catalysts for the expression of your fundamental nature of Love
- Discover the Divine Virtues (such as patience, compassion, forgiveness, and self-love) as fruits of your agreement to work through the challenges in your life — and why some souls choose to inhabit Earth in tumultuous times
- Learn how soul regression (a hypnosis-induced inner journey) and deep immersive meditation can help you connect, communicate, and commune with your soul, angels, guides, loving light beings, AND the love that you are
- Discover the Beings of Light who dwell in Unity Consciousness — and how their wisdom can support you in your soul’s highest goals
Rob, who unveiled his own pre-birth plan in the course of a major life transition and personal awakening, has guided hundreds through between-life regressions to glimpse and understand their pre-birth plans and become empowered to live their lives for the better.
When you join us for this soul-stirring hour with Rob and Liesel, you’ll also hear about a brand-new 7-week online program with them, where you’ll explore your own pre-birth plan, the Divine Virtues you’re cultivating in this lifetime, and the self-empowering ways you can guide the trajectory of your life and evolve consciously... for greater inner peace, acceptance, happiness, and love.
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Join this FREE video event with Rob Schwartz and Liesel Fricke where you’ll glimpse your pre-birth plan through the eyes of your soul in a powerful guided meditation to understand how all your experiences are deeply meaningful — and serve as catalysts for living and expressing your fundamental nature of Love.
Free Video Event
What People Are Saying About Rob Schwartz...
“It was by far the most emotional moment of this [current] life.”
I had the great experience of a between-life [regression] with Robert Schwartz. It was by far the most emotional moment of this [current] life. I went back to the death experience of one of my not proud [past] lives and forward into the soul completion of the lessons of that life. Hopefully, that was the last time I have to learn the remarkable responsibility of CHOOSING the right subsequent lives!
— Norm Shealy, MD
“This is such valuable work in this time of transition in human consciousness.”
For me the session was a remarkable clearing to my inner guidance and a deeper understanding and confirmation that I am on track with my “soul plan.” The technique you used was clear, relaxing, and comforting. This is such valuable work in this time of transition in human consciousness.
— Sandy S., Cheshire, United Kingdom
“After my sessions, I have experienced wonderful feelings of love and serenity within me.”
Robert created an environment in which I felt truly comfortable and let go of all my worries. Whenever I got into a place of uncertainty, he effortlessly guided me through. I communicated with a spiritual being from whom I felt tremendous encouragement to start healing my insecurities and fears. After my sessions, I have experienced wonderful feelings of love and serenity within me. I have come to understand that I can deal with my challenges in a smooth, natural way by becoming more loving toward myself and the surrounding world. It is a deeply comforting and empowering experience for which I am profoundly grateful.
— Eva S., Czech Republic
“... brought back the power, light, and joy in my life.”
Robert brought me so deep into trance that it was easy to see my past life and to connect with my spiritual guide/council of elders. The messages about my life, the problems I had to face, were so clear, and I suddenly understood everything – no more questions, why I am here, and what my soul wants me to do. I met my spiritual parents (I missed them so much in the past years!), and I had so much fun with the council of elders. The greatest gift is that the black cloud of depression, which hung over my head for years, vanished. I am now happy to be connected with the spiritual world again, and that brought back the power, light, and joy in my life. I am no longer afraid of death. I now know that I will go to a place that is unlimited love, joy, happiness, easiness, and freedom."
— Jutta S., Germany
“I highly recommend Robert’s expertise to anyone searching to look deeply within...”
My session helped to free me of feelings of guilt and self-blame, and it allowed me to open my heart to self-love. I enjoyed the experience immensely, and I had loads of fun and laughter when I met my Soul Group! I highly recommend Robert’s expertise to anyone searching to look deeply within and get clear answers from Spirit.
— Natalia P., Spain
“I loved Rob and Liesel.”
Really loved the experience and how in-depth this course was. Exceeded my expectations and taught me so much! I loved Rob and Liesel. Enjoyed their energy and the channelings.
— Blair, Glendale, California
“Rob and Liesel are delightful teachers, generous in sharing their time and knowledge with us.”
Awakening to the Spiritual Purpose of the Life You Planned Before Birth is an enlightening experience! The course expanded my understanding of the soul’s purpose and growth in this life. Rob and Liesel are delightful teachers, generous in sharing their time and knowledge with us. Rob’s master-level understanding of the topics and Liesel’s gift of channeling the Beings of Light made each module of the course rich and full. The meditations and soul regressions led by Rob are powerful tools to connect with the higher self, and I will revisit them often. The discussion of the Divine Virtues as they relate to our life challenges and the Virtues chart we each completed gave me clarity. Every part of this course resonated with me and what I know to be true.
— Jackie, Westlake Village, California
“... helping us to understand our soul’s pre-birth planning and soul’s purpose, explained by masterful instructors Rob and Leisel.”
This was an outstanding course with rich in-depth content and experiential exercises, helping us to understand our soul’s pre-birth planning and soul’s purpose, explained by masterful instructors Rob and Leisel. I looked forward to the weekly recorded sessions, meditations, and profound wisdom channeled by Leisel from the Beings of Light. I would recommend this course to anyone who is wanting to have expanded spiritual awareness and a greater understanding of their soul. The class has been a joy! Did not want it to end. Will be looking for future classes in-person with Rob and Leisel.
— Ann, Pacific Grove, California
“Rob and Leisel are such down-to-earth hosts guiding us through the most useful, interesting esoteric material to help our understanding in this lifetime.”
This has been my favourite Shift course to date, I didn’t want it to end and gained many insights into the soul virtues I planned before birth. Rob and Leisel are such down-to-earth hosts guiding us through the most useful, interesting esoteric material to help our understanding in this lifetime. We were kept so grounded whilst exploring the fringes of an incredible spiritual landscape that came with profound wisdom from channelings of the beings of light, amongst others.
— Rebecca, United Kingdom
About Rob Schwartz and Liesel Fricke
Rob Schwartz is an author and certified hypnotist who helps people heal and understand their life plans by speaking directly with the Council of Elders — wise, loving, and highly evolved beings who can tell you what you planned for your current lifetime (and why), how well you’ve fulfilled your plan so far, and how you may better fulfill your plan in the future.
Rob’s books have been translated into 26 languages. His first book, Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, explores the pre-birth planning of physical illness, having disabled children, deafness, blindness, drug addiction, alcoholism, the death of a loved one, and accidents.
His second book, Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, explores the pre-birth planning of spiritual awakening, miscarriage, abortion, suicide, caregiving, sexuality, adoption, having pets, poverty, mental illness, and other life challenges and experiences.
His third book, Your Soul’s Love: Living the Love You Planned Before You Were Born, explores the pre-birth planning of challenges related to romantic relationships or their absence, including infidelity, impotence, raising children after the death of one's partner, celibate relationships, and being single.
Rob teaches internationally on the subject of pre-birth planning at such venues as The United Nations, Kripalu Center For Yoga & Health, 1440 Multiversity, and Hollyhock.
Liesel Fricke holds bachelor’s degrees in both physics and theatre. Years ago, the obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression that she had previously somewhat managed became severe and rendered her barely functional. By applying mindfulness techniques and skills that she learned from OCD therapy, as well as through deep prayer and internal surrender to the higher power within, she emerged from this dark night of the soul, and learned to open to and allow the energies of her higher self and Unity Consciousness to flow into and through her.
She understands firsthand the powerful mechanism of transformation that intense life challenges can initiate, and is actually immensely grateful for all the difficulties she faced in making the pre-birth choice to evolve through severe OCD and depression.
She now channels a collective of wise, loving, nonphysical beings who are in a state of Unity Consciousness, referred to as the Beings of Light, or BOL for short. It is her highest priority and desire to share the deep love and wisdom that they communicate, and to be of service in bringing greater amplifications of light and love into this world.