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With the Director of Research at HeartMath Institute
Rollin McCraty, PhD

Explore the science of love to shift your mental and emotional energy anytime, anywhere raising the vibration of your personal “spectrum of love” to embody greater compassion, harmony, and peace, while spreading these transformative qualities throughout your life and the world.

We’ve all heard the saying, “Love makes the world go round.” What if that were scientifically true?

According to Rollin McCraty, the Director of Research at HeartMath Institute, when we play an active role in raising our own vibrational state to one of greater love...

... we can learn not only to navigate our daily lives with more ease, we can play an active role in raising global vibrational awareness enhancing our own lives and contributing to a more compassionate and peaceful world.

Rollin wants to help love go viral, and you can learn how to participate at the forefront of that movement as you develop more patience for yourself and others, understanding that everyone is doing the best they can based on their level of awareness.

When you join Rollin for an illuminating and experiential hour-long event, he’ll introduce you to what HeartMath calls the spectrum of love, which enables you to heighten your capacity for compassion, kindness, latitude, and love for yourself and others on an energetic level.

This happens through heart coherence a scientifically validated state in which your heart and brain are energetically aligned and cooperating with one another.

During this free workshop, you’ll learn about what heart coherence is, and how to capture its power to transform your mind-body experience of life to one of greater happiness, wholeness, and love through wisdom and practices grounded in science.

You’ll discover that the energetic vibrational state of the planet impacts your own emotional and mental states, and that when you can identify these influences, you’re well on the road to greater self-awareness, resilience, and healing.

Through scientifically validated exercises and techniques, you can develop strategies to protect your emotional health, foster improved overall wellbeing, and create healthier relationships.

Rollin will show you how achieving heart coherence can increase your capacity to feel positive emotions like love, joy, and gratitude, and significantly improve every aspect of your life.

By first taking responsibility for your own emotional stability, you not only create harmony within yourself, you’re proactively taking part in raising the global vibration. This creates a ripple effect that promotes peace and harmony around the planet and ultimately contributes to a more compassionate and loving world.

In this powerful and experiential free video event, you’ll:

  • Learn how the current global energetic state personally affects you in a negative way, you can decrease your anxiety, increase your compassion, and elevate your ability to mitigate stress, worry, and hopelessness
  • Experience HeartMath’s Attitude Breathing™ technique to shift and balance your mental and emotional energy, anytime, anywhere
  • Understand how the collective emotional climate affects you on conscious and unconscious levels and explore strategies for improving your quality of life on multiple levels
  • Uncover the importance of taking personal responsibility for expanding your awareness and raising your own vibrational state
  • Find that when you raise your personal vibration through love and compassion, you help establish a new baseline of human consciousness contributing to a more positive and supportive global energetic field
  • Embrace the concept of helping love go viral by actively practicing and spreading love and compassion in the global energetic field enhancing your sense of purpose and connection

Join Rollin and experience firsthand how, when you unleash your own love, you not only transform your experience as you walk through the world... you’ll also begin to notice how your personal evolution impacts those around you.

When you attend this event, you’ll also be among the first to hear about Rollin’s brand-new live video course in which you’ll dive deeper into the fundamentals of heart coherence and discover how to access your larger self through your energetic heart.

Over seven weeks, you’ll receive the tools you need to sustain a higher baseline vibration, infuse your heart’s magnetic field with love, and expand the areas on the spectrum of love that need healing and transformation within you...

... empowering you to expand your capacity to love, cultivate a more loving and supportive environment around you, enhance your emotional wellbeing, create meaningful connections, and help love go viral!

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Rollin McCraty, PhD, and experience an Attitude Breathing technique for shifting and balancing your mental and emotional energy... raising the vibration of your personal “spectrum of love” to cultivate greater heart coherence and experience more compassion, harmony, and peace.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Rollin McCraty, PhD...

“... such a godsend in my life!”

This course on heart coherence has given me a very simple tool to keep myself calm in the face of stress, and that has enabled me to not get sucked into old patterns of argumentative behavior, which has been such a godsend in my life! That alone is a major shift and transformational change in my life!


Fairfield, California

“This work is so dang simple and transforming.”

My life has been challenging physically, mentally, and emotionally the last few months. This class gave me insights and helped soooo much. This work is so dang simple and transforming. I dealt with Covid and serious vertigo during this course, and it was the heart coherence that helped get me through. I also learned how to trust my gut instincts — a huge one for me.


Lacey, Washington

“The course was of great help to me...”

The course was of great help to me in transitioning through a particularly stressful and difficult family conflict. I’m especially thankful to Rollin, Sarah, and the HeartMath team, as I began experiencing discomfort in my chest during the conflict. This was frightening to me, as I had a quadruple bypass about four years ago. Since practicing daily the techniques provided in this course, the discomfort has gone and I’m feeling more confident about my heart health.


Gold Coast, Australia

“Every time I have any contact with Rollin, I get true gems and pearls...”

I’ve been using HeartMath technologies, books, articles, and techniques since the ’90s and share them with every client, patient, workshop, etc. Every time I have any contact with Rollin, I get true gems and pearls, and pass them on. These are pearls of info, meaning, and application — always something new and important that adds much value to my life, practice, and teachings.

Bob Whitehouse, EdD


“The course was so profound that I often cried as it went so deep.”

Rollin and Sarah gently guided us to our Sacred Heart. The course was so profound that I often cried as it went so deep. What an honor to be in that room.


South Africa


About Rollin McCraty, PhD


Rollin McCraty, PhD, is Director of Research at the HeartMath® Institute. As a psychophysiologist, Rollin’s research interests include the physiology of emotion with a focus on the mechanisms by which emotions influence cognitive processes, behavior, and health and the global interconnectivity between people and the Earth’s energetic systems. Findings from this research have been applied to developing tools and technology to optimize individual and organizational health, performance, and quality of life.

Rollin has acted as principal investigator in numerous research studies examining the effects of emotions on heart-brain interactions plus autonomic, cardiovascular, hormonal, and immune system function. He has also served as principal investigator in many field studies to determine the outcomes of positive emotion-focused interventions and heart-rhythm feedback in diverse organizational and educational settings, as well as in various clinical populations.
