Sacred Fire Ceremony From the Mountains of Peru

Read below to find out about Andean Shamanic Rituals to Synchronize Your Life Path With the Cosmos With Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

With Andean Medicine Man
Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Uncover alchemic treasures as you go on shamanic journeys of the spirit and soul where you’ll be transformed by the wisdom of nature, gain clarity, and learn to love yourself unconditionally.


Many parts of life we’ve taken for granted have been turned upside down this year. Spiritual seekers all over the world can feel it our planet and consciousness are shifting.

And while the circumstances of this year brought this undeniable shift in consciousness into sharp focus, it had been in the works for quite some time...

So, what happens next? How should we respond?

According to Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, Andean medicine man, prophecies have foretold that we must answer the call to become part of a new consciousness and awakened humanity...

We can embrace these strange times as they inspire us to finally step into our life’s mission.

Deep down we’re all seeds, planted by none other than the cosmos and these times are our invitation to finally go through our powerful sprouting process…

It’s time to grow, evolve, and be reborn as you realize who you truly are and transcend what you may perceive as limitations. This is the moment to master the art of transformation and liberation, the transmission of energy, and more...

Join Puma for a 7-module video course where he’ll be your guide on Andean shamanic journeys of the spirit and soul. You’ll travel to the past to find alchemic treasures to transform your life today as Puma facilitates the conditions where healing can happen...

Puma received the teachings of Andean ceremonies and rituals from his grandfather, Don Maximo. A spiritual leader both in his own community of Chinchero, Peru, and in international gatherings and spiritual journeys, he has a passion for the teachings of his people and a profound respect for the global awakening of human consciousness.

He’s recognized globally as a holder of ancient lineage and wisdom with the power to inspire people, in his heartfelt way, to connect with reverence and love for Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the mountain spirits (Apus) that safeguard the Andean people.

Over these seven classes you’ll gain clarity through proclamations and prayers, and call on nature as you learn to love yourself unconditionally. After all, you’re a deeply connected conscious being of love and service.

While your life on Pachamama lasts for just one-thousandth of a second in the grand picture, you affect eternity with your experiences, intentions, and actions.

During your seven sessions together, Puma will share powerful Andean rituals that once facilitated deep transformations for our ancestors and he’ll show you how to bring such shifts into your life today.


In this potent new course, you’ll discover:

  • Timeless Andean rituals to reveal your place among the family of the cosmos and the transformation we’ve been called to as we witness the dynamic shifts on our planet
  • An even deeper sense that we’re a global family and community living a sacred life
  • Ways to offer your life to the Divine Creator in gratitude and love
  • The importance of ceremony of co-creation harmonizing your life projects and plans with the cosmic program
  • Why Sami (light energy) brings joy, life, and love, while Hoocha (heavy energy) brings suffering, struggle, and pain
  • How to consult the sun, the moon, and the star constellations about the right time to take action or make decisions
  • The beautiful truth that, because nothing exists apart from you, time, or space, you can connect with all the lineages of the planet
  • Ways to awaken the medicine woman/man within you
  • How to heal yourself and bring equilibrium back to your body, mind, and heart
  • The magical world of animal spirits  including your power animals for spiritual evolution
  • Methods for creating a personal altar for Pachamama to strengthen your spiritual connection and empower yourself
  • Ways to connect with refined energies each day as you call yourself back to absolute wellbeing
  • How to transform lifetime struggles and liberate them
  • How to wake up to your superior consciousness and choose yourself to be a guardian of life energy on our planet

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Puma will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills you’ll need to go on journeys of the spirit and soul and be transformed by the wisdom of nature, gain clarity, and learn to love yourself unconditionally.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Puma. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to uncover alchemic treasures and embark on shamanic journeys of the spirit and soul.

Module 1: Living a Ritual of Love & Gratitude You’re Always in Ceremony (December 8)


“Normal” life is actually extraordinary. When you acknowledge every moment and space as sacred, you’re celebrating the miracle of life.

In this opening module, Puma will share how love and service are the main purposes of your being.

As Puma will explain, your spiritual life journey is always happening in sacred time and sacred space. And with your presence, actions, and intentions, you’re impacting your family and your community.

You’re here thanks to your parents your cosmic father (time) and cosmic mother (space). With your cosmic family, you’re co-creating your life. You’ll discover the cosmic ceremony of Father Sun and Mother Moon, your stars family and all beings of light on the planet.

When you’re in ceremony, you’re connected to powerful spirit guides and guardians and to potent ancestral and elemental forces.

It’s essential for your evolution and awakening to realize there’s a superior consciousness that’s always blessing your life. Even the air you breathe is conscious, always bringing you life energy...

In return, you can offer your breath of life in ceremony with rituals of gratitude and love. And as you breathe out, you bless our family and community...

In this opening module, you’ll explore:

  • What it means that we’re all children of light, and children of the 7 rays
  • The powerful essence you carry within you that becomes your medicine
  • The details of your timeless ancestral lineage
  • The power of the sacred 4 elements water, fire, earth, and air
  • How to wake up to your superior consciousness and choose yourself to be a guardian of life energy on our planet
  • Enter the magical world of animal spirits and discover your power animals to spiritually evolve
  • Learn how to shift your reality in difficult times
  • A meditation to offer your life to the Divine Creator in gratitude and love
  • A meditation and ceremony to breathe conscious energy and strengthen your connection with Mother Earth and the Universe

Module 2: Synchronizing Your Life Program With the Cosmic Program (December 15)


Puma’s grandfather used to remind him how Mother Earth was here before him and she’d be here after him, too.

These wise words helped him understand that life on Pachamama, our Mother Earth, is like only one-thousandth of a second yet it affects eternity.

In this session, Puma will explain how every day you choose how you’ll affect eternity through your experiences, intentions, and actions.

He’ll share the concept of co-sovereignty that you have a soul purpose that serves self, as well as a complementary purpose for the collective.

You’ll also discover the importance of the ceremony of co-creation harmonizing your life projects and plans with the cosmos.

Puma will explain how to consult the sun, moon, and star constellations about the right time to take action or make decisions. As he’ll share, some of the projects you’ll take action on can involve many generations of humanity…

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover a meditation to connect with your soul purpose
  • Explore how to become a healer, leader, and facilitator for the most gentle healing and awakening for your brothers and sisters
  • Learn the best ways to be of service effortlessly
  • Program the life you want, so you can live consciously
  • Transcend the limitations of the ego
  • Participate with the cosmos in the co-creation of life
  • Explores rituals that use oracles to communicate with our cosmic guides

Module 3: Self-Realization The First Step in Being of Service on This Planet (January 5)


Knowing where you come from connects you with your divine origins...

As Puma will share, all people have the same amazing ancestry. We originate from the darkness, light, stars and from the constant sun, which actually never rises and never sets.

Whichever culture of origin you connect with, there are alchemic treasures for you. Because nothing exists apart from you, time, or space, you can connect with all the lineages of the planet. They’re like the rays of the rainbow they don’t belong to their color, but to the light.

Knowing where you’re going is most important, because life is a conscious journey.

When there’s no clear path, you must make one in order to get there. Who you are is a divine mystery you’ll never fully know, because as Puma will explain, you are yet to be…

In this module, you’ll:

  • See why healing your past is essential, as is taking good care of your future by being compassionate, generous, and forgiving to future generations
  • Contemplate and honor your ancestry
  • Realize your Self as the sacred mystery you are
  • Explore how to transcend linear time and access parallel time
  • Discover your Self in all the dimensions
  • Journey to your past to heal and forgive
  • Discover a meditation to heal your past within this lifetime 

Module 4: Healing Yourself & Our Pachamama (January 12)


There are two types of energy, Sami (light energy) and Hoocha (heavy energy) and both were here on the planet before us, and will be here after us.

Light energy brings joy, life, and love, while heavy energy brings suffering, struggle, and pain.

And as Puma will explain, you always have a choice of which energy you want to embody.

The healing arts are part of our nature and we’re always healing, whether it’s happening consciously or unconsciously.

When you breathe in, you take in the process of your family and community. When you breathe out, you’re transmitting energy for your family and community.

And because there is no other, everyone is part of YOU. When you heal someone else, you’re healing that part of yourself, too.

As you heal, you bring equilibrium back to your body, mind, and heart…

In this module, you’ll:

  • See how we chose always what we want to take in, and see how we chose always what we want to transmit
  • Effortlessly heal your family and community
  • Discover the power of healing consciously
  • Program today (and every day) as a day for miracles
  • Learn ancestral Andean rituals for healing
  • Pray for liberation and transformation
  • Move through a ceremony to wake up the medicine woman and medicine man within you

Module 5: Becoming the Crystal Condor & Soaring Free Through the Stars (January 19)


We’re interdimensional beings, existing simultaneously in parallel worlds. The best gift we have as human beings is our ability to consciously move through all these dimensions, effortlessly transcending time and space...

During this class, you’ll discover that while your physical body can only be present in the fourth-dimensional world, the ancient Andean people managed to shapeshift into other physical bodies, mainly of the animal kingdom.

For the Inca ancestors, there were three worlds to be fully conscious of: the Hanaqpacha, realm of the divine origins and Spirit represented by the Condor; the Kaypacha, physical realm of material manifestation represented by the Puma; and the Uk’upacha, realm of consciousness and inner world represented by the Serpent.

As you’ll discover, learning about these three worlds is just the beginning of a lifetime journey through magical realms.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn how to shift your reality in difficult times
  • Explore how to free yourself from your current fourth-dimensional cage
  • Visualize light to refine the energy you work with
  • Contemplate your magical life from the perspective of the Condor
  • Visualize yourself inside a crystal to transform heavy energy into highly refined energy
  • Discover a ritual and meditation to shift your reality in difficult times 

Module 6: Calling on Pachamama, the Chief of All Ceremonies (January 26)


When you call Mother Earth to sacred space, you’re blessing your spiritual path with the most powerful energy there is.

In this session, Puma will explain how we’re always taken care of and looked after by our sacred Mother Earth, our guardian and guide. She’ll never leave us or forget us even though we sometimes forget her.

She’s conscious and powerful and she governs over potent elements and spiritual forces.

Mother Earth has the last word about what happens and what doesn’t in time and space. We should be in ceremony with her and her elemental forces as our allies to help us evolve.

The ancestors saw Mother Earth as an altar for all of us, and have left us the legacy of the Mesa tradition. Pachamama provides the personal altar medicine bundle to be of best service to  and with our family and our community.

Puma will guide you to:

  • Understand how Mother Earth is always healing herself, our planetary family, and our community
  • Develop a communication system with Pachamama
  • Strengthen your communion with Mother Earth and her powerful nature
  • Receive the initiation as a Mesa (medicine bundle) carrier
  • Create a personal altar for Pachamama to strengthen your spiritual connection and empower yourself
  • Receive the KARPAY transmision of ancestral energies for your Mesa 
  • Participate in a ceremony to call on powerful guides and guardians to help heal Mother Earth

Module 7: Becoming a Leader in This New Consciousness Caring for Our Planet & Future Generations (February 2)


When you’re not consciously working with high-frequency energy, you may be unconsciously working with low-frequency energy.

In this closing session, Puma will explain how to master the arts of transformation, liberation, and transmission of energy and thankfully, the people of the Andes have ceremonies to help with these processes. You’ll discover the Hampuy ceremony to call back wellbeing and high-frequency vibration into your life.

You’ll explore the Pachakuti ceremony, all about returning in time and space to your center and our point of equilibrium.

This journey back to your center might take a long time, or you may restore your balance in mere fractions of a second.

Puma will show you how to call in the powerful energies that vibrate at the highest frequencies love, wisdom, joy, peace, freedom, and clarity.

As Puma often says, as we discover the power of the seven rays, we're walking on the rainbow bridge...

We’re a privileged generation, participating as active leaders and witnesses to the powerful shifts on our planet.

To take better care of our planet and the future generations that need us, we must commit to waking up this new consciousness.

In this closing module, you’ll:

  • Learn to reprogram the 7 rays of the rainbow
  • Connect with refined energies each day
  • Call yourself back to absolute wellbeing
  • Discover how to transform lifetime struggles and liberate them
  • Access higher consciousness
  • Learn how to take the very best care of yourself going forward
  • Discover a ceremony to help you use the Mesa for healing 

The Andean Shamanic Rituals Bonus Collection

In addition to Puma’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Inka Shamanism
Video Dialogue With Mallku Aribalo and Michael Stone

In this enlightening conversation, Michael Stone (shamanic practitioner and Shamanism Global Summit host) talks with Mallku Aribalo (Andean culture expert and international lecturer). Listen in as these luminaries explain the connection between shamanism and power plants, solar initiations and the path of illumination, and alchemy the path of union and sacred sexuality.


Wisdom of the 4 Powerful Andean Essences
Video Teaching From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

For thousands of years, the Andean ancestral lineage has worked with specific essences for healing and enlightenment. Puma shares the power of working with these cosmic essences for our own spiritual awakening and evolution. Activating Yachay (wisdom), Munay (love/beauty), Llancay (service), and Kausay (life force) is important for our self-realization process as we connect with the original essence that we are made of.


Messages From the Sacred Oracle
Video Experience of a Collective Coca Leaf Reading With Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

The coca leaf has long been a magical element directly related to curative or diagnostic methods. As you watch this video teaching, you’ll experience the sacred oracle of Mama Coca, a method of coca leaf divination used by the Andean medicine people for thousands of years. Puma shares a potent and inspirational collective oracle reading, providing empowering wisdom and loving guidance for these transformative times.


What People Are Saying About Puma Fredy Quispe Singona…


Marion Conaway: “Puma Creates a Safe Space in Which You Can Be at Your Very Own Best”

Anais Mali: “I’ve Never Been the Same Since”

“My life has changed so much it feels like a rebirth.”

So amazing! Healing for yourself and others, wisdom, consciousness, abundance, strength. A gentle process of reconnecting with yourself, Pachamama and the cosmos. My life has changed so much it feels like a rebirth. Infinite gratitude Puma for your love, your light, your wisdom, your support, and your awesome teachings.
Elke L., Germany

“… a very intense and transformative experience.”

To work with Puma is like the biggest gift! It is beautiful. It is an honor. Imagine: you have the chance to sit down in ceremony with him in the mountains of Peru, all the beautiful colors and patterns of Andean cloth filling the whole room, and as he blows smoke and calls upon the energies and essences, everything is transformed. And you are sitting in your living room. And your living room has become a part of this sacred space. You are now on a journey down the path of Andean wisdom, as Puma shares stories, practices, and rituals. He does so in a clear, deep way and with affection and humor. I couldn't ask for a better guide into the heart of this sacred tradition. For me, it has been a very intense and transformative experience. A work of alignment and coherence. I am doing this so I can be of best service to myself, my family, and my community in these special times of great change. I would recommend working with Puma to anyone who feels called to connect with this lineage.
Maria B., Italy

“[Puma’s] program has taken my consciousness and spirit connection to new heights.”

[Puma’s] program has taken my consciousness and spirit connection to new heights. It has certainly deepened what I was familiar with and then opened completely new doors with the prayers, the wisdoms, and teachings. Working with all of the different forces has been VERY awakening! Puma speaks to me in ways that I understand. I am so grateful to be a part of this experience, this teaching, this wisdom.
Sherry H., Canada

“I have so many ancestors and power animals around me now…”

Puma’s teachings have been a real life changer it’s about energy that he has and shows us. It’s about spirits that help us on Earth, about nature and Mother Earth… It’s about masculine and feminine working together for the love of ancestors and community. Of all the teachers I have had the last year, Puma is by far the best. I practice his teachings every day and I feel great, full of life and energy. I have so many ancestors and power animals around me now so I never feel lonely. Yes, this process brings up new feelings, and I’m so much stronger now and with the help of my powerful Mesa, that I can take them on.
Eugene C., Sweden

“… my heart, mind, and intuition have been able to connect in a way that allows the flow of all that is to influence my entire life.”

My life would not be the same if I hadn't begun the deep and meaningful guidance of the Andean way with Puma and his amazing apprentices. Through Puma's ceremony, rituals, and initiations my heart, mind, and intuition have been able to connect in a way that allows the flow of all that is to influence my entire life. I am deeply grateful.
Darci F., United Kingdom

“… opened a huge door to a new understanding about energy and healing work…”

[Puma’s] program opened a huge door to a new understanding about energy and healing work, which I am already able to weave into my everyday life, work, and support of my community. Puma is the most generous teacher who shares his wisdom and knowledge in a very clear and understandable way. He is incredibly gifted in bridging ancient Indigenous teachings to an international audience.
Iris W., PhD, Germany

“… timeless wisdom… that is absolutely vital for our being in service right now. ”

Everything about the course I took resonated with me. Puma conveys such timeless wisdom through his lineage that is absolutely vital for our being in service right now. The Andean tradition he shares transcends international borders and is quite simply the best gift of giving ourselves back to Pachamama, the cosmos, and the one eternal source of all that is. Thank you for showing us the way home, Puma.
Helen S., United Kingdom

“Puma’s teachings are filled with a lot of new knowledge and synchronicities.”

Puma’s teachings are filled with a lot of new knowledge and synchronicities. He is a powerful shaman who delivers the information and stories of this beautiful lineage with precision and articulate skill. In a short time, he has created a community of caring and insightful people that I now call part of my global family. I highly recommend these learnings and community to all and look forward to seeing what’s next on the horizon!
Jeni S., United States

“This deepening has aided not only my own journey, but how I am in service…”

Learning from Puma has been a great pleasure. I’ve been called to deepen my spiritual understanding and practices and found that Puma teaches in a way that is kind, caring, and easily understandable no matter where you’re starting from. This deepening has aided not only my own journey, but how I am in service to my clients, community, and with my family. The knowledge, stories, and wisdom Puma shares is engaging, enlightening, and simple to comprehend and implement.
Susan H., United States

“I am now finding ways to help my local island community find balance and hope…”

When I discovered Puma's teachings, a remembering within me was ignited. I felt my ancestors were guiding me. As I learn to work with the Mesa, blessings of healing, encouragement, and love for self and family are steadily increasing. My connection within my environment has deepened, as I learn to live more consciously in Ayni (the cosmic law that nothing ever goes one way). I am now finding ways to help my local island community find balance and hope in these times of upheaval. Working with the Mesa is expanding my sense of unity in a profound way.
Jessica A., United States

“… [Puma’s] teachings enhanced my life in weaving together balance, sacred ceremony, community, joy, and love during a very challenging time in the world.”

When I heard Maestro Puma was offering online Andean wisdom teachings, I signed up right away because I knew this was something special. These sacred teachings were timely not only in my life, but also much needed in the world right now. Maestro Puma offered these complex teachings in a way that was digestible and applicable to everyone in the group. His powerful teachings allowed us to access realms of multidimensional forces that are ready to assist in healing us and our community… I am grateful to be part of the Kuntur Mesa family. The teachings enhanced my life in weaving together balance,  sacred ceremony, community, joy, and love during a very challenging time in the world. I was able to strengthen my spiritual connection and creativity which allowed me to be more present, heart-centered, and mindful for myself, my loved ones, and my patients at work.
Pauline Saade


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to be transformed by the wisdom of nature, gain clarity, and learn to love yourself unconditionally.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Andean Shamanic Rituals Bonus Collection
  • Inka Shamanism
    Video Dialogue With Mallku Aribalo and Michael Stone
  • Wisdom of the 4 Powerful Andean Essences
    Video Teaching From Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
  • Messages From the Sacred Oracle
    Video Experience of a Collective Coca Leaf Reading With Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Andean Shamanic Rituals to Synchronize Your Life Path With the Cosmos Online Training


We feel honored that Puma Fredy Quispe Singona has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from an Andean medicine man whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about being transformed by the wisdom of nature as you embark on shamanic journeys of the spirit and soul, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Andean Shamanic Rituals to Synchronize Your Life Path With the Cosmos or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form within 2 weeks of your purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Puma Quispe Singona…

“Being introduced to the Andean wisdom and rituals with Puma was, is, and will continue to be a life-changing learning experience.”

Being introduced to the Andean wisdom and rituals with Puma was, is, and will continue to be a life-changing learning experience. Puma's extraordinary way of connecting ancient wisdom into our day-to-day life creates a loving, safe, and supporting space of self-exploration to who we are. I am infinitely grateful for the teachings, which help me evolve personally so I can be of better service throughout my private, work, and community life.
Marion C., Germany

“This work is truly transformational and touches every aspect of my life.”

Maestro Puma is an incredible teacher: full of wisdom, compassion, and the ability to share his knowledge in an easy-to-understand way. His teachings have deepened my understanding of the Andean path and allowed me to connect more deeply with spirit. This work is truly transformational and touches every aspect of my life.
Jim Rogers, PhD, United States

“By joining with the teachings of Puma, I have aligned with my true purpose.”

By joining with the teachings of Puma, I have aligned with my true purpose. He has guided me to connect with my ancient and divine origins in a way that aligns for me the ability to genuinely help and heal myself and others. Puma is a kind, wise, and generous teacher and I am eternally grateful to him. He has helped to transform my life, to stand steady in the rough spots, and to shine brighter in my abilities.
Serana H.H., Australia

“The practices are simple and intuitive, yet deeply transformative and powerful…”

Puma’s loving and joyful teachings of the Mesa and the Andean tradition have touched and changed my whole being deeply. I reconnected, I cried, I healed, I danced, I laughed, I  celebrated life. The practices are simple and intuitive, yet deeply transformative and powerful not  only for yourself, but for your whole community.
Saskia L., Germany

“If you are looking for a teacher... and you are prepared to meet yourself and make no excuses… then Puma is a wonderful teacher to work with.”

Puma somehow manages to balance kindness and gentleness with being direct and not sugar-coating what needs to be said. It is an honor to learn from him and keep this ancestral wisdom tradition alive. If you are looking for a teacher with heart and enthusiasm, and you are prepared to meet yourself and make no excuses in releasing your blockages, and to be in planetary service, then Puma is a wonderful teacher to work with. Words don't adequately describe what it's like to work with Puma, you must experience it for yourself.
Beleszove F., boundary walker, United States

“The teachings bring me back to the source, the core of my being.”

Puma is a wonderful teacher and he brings the Andean wisdom in a way that feels natural for someone from the West. The teachings bring me back to the source, the core of my being. Puma creates a very safe place to learn, and is very encouraging and trusting that you find your way. The safe part is that he is aware of every step his students make. It is as if you are sitting right next to him and he watches every step you take. He shares in a genuine way how he was taught by his grandfather, whose spirit is also felt during the teachings. The wonderful thing is that even [the Quechua language] is getting familiar, and it is wonderful to learn the original prayers, which makes it even more powerful.
Mylou K., Netherlands

“This sacred ancestral lineage has been a great source for healing...”

I would have never imagined how much I have grown and learned from Puma. This sacred ancestral lineage has been a great source for healing myself, and I’m taking the tools I learned to help my family and community. I am also extending healing to our planet at this time, when it’s needed the most at the moment. I love everything I have learned so far and am open to keep learning more wisdom from Puma. I recommend considering taking this amazing journey and gift to learn the Andean ancestral lineage from Puma, so you can share the healing with yourself, family, and community. This is the time to use these gifts for our planet.
Liz H., “Dancing Butterfly”, United States

“I feel happier and more at peace with myself…”

Puma is a wonderful teacher. He explains the Andean wisdom clearly, with knowledge and love. The course has strengthened my personal practice, my connection to the Apus (mountain spirits) and Pachamama (Mother Earth). I feel happier and more at peace with myself since taking the course. I am very grateful for these teachings.
Karen D., United States


About Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona was trained by his grandfather, Don Maximo, in the mastery of Andean ceremonies and rituals. As a spiritual leader both in his own community of Chinchero, Peru, and in international gatherings and spiritual journeys, he has a passion for the teachings of his people and a profound respect for the global awakening of human consciousness. He has attended and facilitated numerous international gatherings of spiritual leaders and young leaders with YES (Youth for Environmental Sanity.)

He is recognized globally as a holder of ancient lineage and wisdom with the power to inspire people in his special heartfelt way to connect with the reverence and love he brings for Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the mountain spirits (Apus) that safeguard the Andean people. He is a co-founder of Cusi Huayna, a youth group focused on re-strengthening the community through the remembrance of traditional dance, music, story, and songs.

Puma has a natural ability to connect with ancestral spirits, cosmic forces, and natural elementals that assist him in his global healing path. He sees everyone as a global family, and that by healing ourselves we are healing our family. As tour guide to the natural wonders and sacred sites of Peru and the Quechua world, he has an unshakeable certainty about the traditions and values of the ancient Andean cultures.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
