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With Co-Founder of Clarity Breathwork,
Priestess & Speaker
Ashanna Solaris
& Co-Founder of Clarity Breathwork,
Musician & Speaker
Dana Dharma Devi DeLong


Explore where breath and your birth story meet and influence your health, relationships, sense of self, ability to attract abundance, and more.

Experience a guided feminine breathwork practice to bring healing to your birth story and any trauma that was held in your body as you entered the world.


Did you know that more than half of the body’s toxins can be released through breathing?

Most of us don’t actually reap this benefit, however, because we take shallow breaths that energize limiting subconscious patterns...

... instead of breathing from the full capacity of our lungs and our greater potential for expansiveness.

This causes our bodies to compress and contract rather than release what no longer serves us, impeding our ability to expand into the best version of ourselves self-aware, empowered, and able to access the virtues and gifts that we entered the world with.

A constricted breath like this can often be traced all the way back to your birth story... and transformed by consciously breathing into the areas within you that have been “stuck," say Clarity Breathwork co-founders Ashanna Solaris and Dana Dharma Devi DeLong.

During this insightful online event with Ashanna and Dana, you’ll explore where breath and your birth story meet and learn how feminine breathwork creates a safe, sacred, and gentle process for releasing held trauma and nurturing your true self and potential.

Ashanna and Dana have devoted decades to helping others release their blocks and live their greater potential by understanding the ongoing influence of their birth stories and healing the subconscious traumas that may be associated with them.

Using a combination of breathwork, lightbody meditation, ritual, music, and chanting, they act as gentle and caring midwives as we release what no longer serves us through the breath... and birth ourselves anew.


In this empowering online event, you’ll:

  • Experience a feminine approach to breathwork that provides a safe, sacred, and understanding space for your truth and learn why healing through feminine-based practices is so direly needed in our world right now
  • Be guided through a breathwork practice to bring healing to your birth story transforming heavy emotions or imprints into self-love, strength, and clarity
  • Explore how your birth impacts your life through the lens of prenatal and perinatal psychology
  • Discover how unraveling birth trauma can help you access more of the gifts that you came into the world with
  • Learn how toxins are released through the breath and how oxygen affects the human genome and changes us

Too often when we breathe, we’re either focused on the immediate stresses of our lives or are breathing through deeply held physical, emotional, or mental trauma.

Breathing with conscious intention not only releases these toxins, including unhealthy patterns and core beliefs...

... it frees you of the blocks that diminish your capacity to love and value yourself, and attract abundance whether money, relationships, health, or a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in your life.

As you gain new tools for transforming the difficult emotions and imprints of your birth story into sources of strength and clarity, Ashanna and Dana hope you’ll come to view the entire context of your life as a holy curriculum.

From there, an empowered sense of vulnerability is free to emerge and guide you to who you were always meant to be.

If you’re ready to explore where breath and your birth story meet through a feminine approach to breathwork and healing, please join us.

You’ll also be among the first to learn about Ashanna and Dana’s new course a deep and gentle inner journey for transforming birth traumas and more through feminine breathwork techniques.

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Join this FREE video event with Ashanna Solaris and Dana Dharma Devi DeLong to explore where breath and your birth story meet and influence your health, relationships, sense of self, ability to attract abundance, and more.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Ashanna Solaris And Dana Dharma Devi DeLong

“I absolutely love Ashanna and Dana’s incredible offering and the powerful practice of Clarity Breathwork!”

I absolutely love Ashanna and Dana’s incredible offering and the powerful practice of Clarity Breathwork! I have brought them into my groups over the last several years and have had rave reviews from our attendees! Their soft gentle approach allows the deepest healing and empowerment of our gifts.
Marci Shimoff, New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

“... have never met such a perfect pairing of teachers as in Dana and Ashanna.”

I have tried and practiced many types of breathwork before, and also attended trainings of different disciplines, yet have never met such a perfect pairing of teachers as in Dana and Ashanna. The tools which I left the training with have served me every moment since. My life is completely different, my sensitivity to the Divine has mushroomed, and my capability to receive guidance and support from my inner Master has grown into a way of being rather than an occasional flash of enlightenment. Now as a teacher of the breath myself, I draw on my training experience with Ashanna and Dana.
Anthony Abbagnano, founder of Alchemy of Breath

“Words cannot express my gratitude for all you have done for me [through Clarity Breathwork]...”

Words cannot express my gratitude for all you have done for me [through Clarity Breathwork] and the other souls so blessed to have been touched by you. You are truly healing the world and are a huge source of powerful light  with a rippling effect beyond what any of us could fathom. I know my healing comes from the profound power of the breathwork, but it was so much more. It was facilitated by your beautiful music and meditations like no other, the community dancing, the group interaction and activities you led us through, and the sensitive, loving, compassionate, and open environment you create.
Anne Margolis, holistic midwife, natural birth educator, and coach

“Clarity Breathwork found me, It came into my life through complete synchronicity and swept me off my feet.”

Clarity Breathwork found me, It came into my life through complete synchronicity and swept me off my feet. It took my personal healing path to a whole new level. My training in Clarity Breathwork allowed me to access pieces of myself that had not been fully accessed or touched in three years of somatic therapy. This practice has helped me cultivate deeper intimacy with myself and others, more honesty in my heart, clarity in my interpersonal communication, authenticity as a human, profound connection to my spirit guides, and unwavering trust in following my intuition.
Kristy Hill, CBW practitioner


About Ashanna Solaris

Ashanna Solaris, a co-founder of the profound practice of Clarity Breathwork, teaches this gentle, nurturing, feminine approach to healing, transformation, and embodiment. Ashanna has led hundreds of training, workshops, and retreats around the world. She leads individuals through a powerful path of releasing their blocks, so they can open to and live their greater potential. Many of her students go on to become practitioners, bringing all of their sacred gifts into the work.

Since 1990, Ashanna has brought forth a wealth of experience and training in the healing arts integrating breathwork, Light Body meditation and transmission, Reiki and energy healing, and somatic experiencing ritual, dance, and movement. Ashanna has a deep passion to inspire others to realize their fullest potential and give their greatest offering.

She is also a gifted public speaker, officiant of ceremonies, and presenter at many conferences, seminars, and festivals. She is well-known for her inspired meditations.


About Dana Dharma Devi DeLong

Dana DeLong (Dharma Devi) has been involved in the global Breathwork community for over 40 years as a Certified Clarity Breathwork Trainer and Practitioner, inspirational teacher, and guide. She is also certified by ARTI (Association of Rebirthers and Trainers International), and by the former LRT (Loving Relationships Training) as well as by Condor Blanco in Chile a holistic and ecological mystery school.

She is a co-founder of Clarity Breathwork & Clarity Productions, producing seminars, retreats, and musical events around the globe. Dana is also an international recording artist, gifted flutist, and kirtan chant leader with several CDs, both solo and in collaboration with other major artists. She has performed for the noted Croatian healer Braco for many of his tours, and audiences praise her flute music as heaven-sent.

Dana Dharma Devi has been part of Shakti & Bhakti Fest for 11 years, as both a gifted artist and workshop leader. She is a regular invited teacher at PachaMama Eco Village in Costa Rica. Her mission is to “open hearts, one breath at a time.” Thousands have been touched by the healing power of Clarity Breathwork, and Dharma Devi is honored to be part of this profound Breathwork movement, in both private practice and through the Clarity Breathwork Professional Training Program.
