A Free Online Event
With Renowned Qigong Teacher & Author
Daisy Lee

Explore how Zang Fu Gong an empowering form of Qigong boosts energy levels, unlocks radiant health & releases stress for a balanced & joyful life.


You’re probably sitting while you’re reading this...

Most of us spend a LOT of time sitting only rarely putting our bodies in motion, engaging our creative muscles, or caring for our emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Meanwhile, life’s stressors seem to be at an all-time high...

Can you relate to any of the following statements?


You feel uncomfortable in your body congested and achy. It seems like it takes much longer to recover when you get sick.

You feel depressed and weepy... or find yourself giving in to your hair-trigger temper more than ever.

That box of cookies or bag of chips is still beckoning to you even though you swore you’d stick to healthier eating habits this year.

Your back and knees hurt, which makes exercise or movement less appealing and less likely to happen.

You feel dull, unmotivated, unhappy, weak, and hopeless. Even simply walking feels like too much effort sometimes.


While the details of your experience might be a little different, the stressors we all must deal with can lead to a sense of stagnation not just within your body, but in your mind too.

And where your mind goes, your Qi your inner life force follows...

Discover the Healing Power of Zang Fu Gong

Come learn from celebrated Qigong teacher and author Daisy Lee as she introduces you to Zang Fu Gong, a graceful, empowering form of Qigong with a focus on how your emotions and inner world can significantly impact your body’s organs.

Your organs are central to how your body functions constantly working to support detoxification and renewal of all your body's tissues, including your bones, blood, lymph, glands, and skin.

Renowned for its cleansing and rejuvenating powers, Zang Fu Gong encourages your body to release pent-up stress and transform it into healing Qi through the power of intentional movement in order to promote your body’s health and vitality.

For thousands of years, practitioners of Zang Fu Gong have reported a variety of noticeable health benefits, including stronger immunity, less downtime during illnesses, more emotional stability, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, improved circulation, more energy, greater intuition, and so much more…

In this 60-minute event, you’ll see how you can take responsibility for your own care and wellbeing... all with a gentle, effective practice that’s easy to incorporate into your daily life.


In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Participate in a guided body scan starting with a series of questions from Daisy to help you tune in to YOUR body from head to toe
  • Let go of pent-up anger that may be building up in your liver with a specific Zang Fu Gong exercise designed to expel stagnant Qi out of your body and restore you to a calm and peaceful sate
  • Release grief and other painful emotions connected to your lungs as Daisy demonstrates another powerful Zang Fu Gong exercise
  • Identify the root emotional issues causing blocked energy in your body that can lead to the specific health problems you’re facing
  • Zero in on the ways you’re experiencing blocked energy as a result of the stressors all around you
  • Receive a calming practice to bring you into vertical alignment; you’ll become better connected to your own body AND more grounded to the earth as you focus on a starpoint in the sky

Sign Up Now

Select your preferred time for this FREE online event with Daisy Lee and explore an empowering form of Qigong which boosts energy levels, unlocks radiant health, and releases stress for a balanced and joyful life.

Your information is safe with us! We’ll never share or sell it, and will use it only to send you notifications about this program and other related information from The Shift Network. Each email we send contains an unsubscribe link for your convenience.

What People Are Saying About Daisy Lee...

“I am reminded of the joy of being...”

The sessions with Daisy have been extraordinary... her explanations about the movements, their functions, and the interplay of energy, mind, emotions, and body are many. Her voice has a full, warm resonance that sounds like music and helps me feel the flow... I am reminded of the joy of being... the wonderful miracle of existence.
Leinani Springer, opera singer, Kauai, Hawaii

“I’ve been helped with dealing with the emotions of grief...”

Daisy Lee is an awesome Qigong teacher. Since taking her classes, I’ve been helped with dealing with the emotions of grief, and my overall health has benefited from practicing Qigong... I am very grateful to have Daisy come and teach us, and for the workshops with her guest teachers at Kahuna Valley.
Lupita Poppler, Environmentalist and artist

“I had a lump on the side of my left chest. It is now gone.”

I have been doing the Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong every day since I got back from China and love it. I had a lump on the side of my left chest. It was a good size. It is now gone. Also, I can notice a difference in myself and how profound this work is. I have so many patients I know I can help by teaching them the tools of this type of Qigong. This is some amazing work!
Cynthia Abbott, DTCM, BAS, CAEH, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncturist, Ontario, Canada

“I have not used my cane to walk since the workshop...”

In my younger years I was a 6-time World Champion in Kickboxing and Combat Fighting, but about five years ago my life changed after a bad accident on a motorcycle. For years I have been in pain, dealing with issues around my back, hips, and knees so much so that I needed to use a cane just to walk. After just three hours at Daisy’s Qigong seminar, I was amazed how the movements and energy began to relax my body and release pain that was chronically affecting me. I see now how Qi or energy can be utilized to heal and strengthen the body, organs, and the mind. I have been consistent in using the techniques Daisy taught me in class, and through her DVDs I can continue to learn and understand how to heal myself along with those around me. I have not used my cane to walk since the workshop, and am so very grateful to Daisy for teaching here in Colorado.
Clarence Thatch, 3D Martial Arts, Colorado

“I have lost 10 pounds, stopped drinking alcohol...”

By the end of [my first Qigong class], I knew I’d found the pathway I’d been looking for. I practice (play) Qigong twice daily, with exercises from the Beginning Qigong DVD in the morning and the Organ Cleansing at night in the dark before I go to sleep. The benefits of my practice have been immediate and very profound. I have lost 10 pounds, stopped drinking alcohol, and have stopped taking Paxil, which was my crutch for anxiety. More importantly, I now also have a way to “wake up” my body and mind when I feel stuck, sluggish, or simply tired. I know that by incorporating this practice into my daily life, I have added quality to my life and probably years to it as well. I am forever grateful for this awakening.
E. LaSota, Wedding videographer

“It had a tremendous impact on my menstruation.”

After I finished the Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women workshop I felt very cleansed. It had a tremendous impact on my menstruation. Never before I had such a long and cleansing menstruation... My favorite thing about the workshop was... pretty much everything. But foremost the very calming, respectful way of teaching by Daisy. She really walks her talk. Thanks for having given and shared so much... I hope that I sometime can give in return something to you, Daisy.
Heide Fischer, Amsterdam, Netherlands


About Daisy Lee


Daisy Lee, a respected leader in the Qigong world with more than 20 years of teaching experience, is certified as a Level III Advanced Qigong Instructor and Clinical Practitioner by the National Qigong Association of America. A past board member of the International Qigong Science Association in Beijing, she lectures and conducts workshops and instructor trainings internationally, with a specialty in women’s health. Her signature program, Radiant Lotus Qigong, is now taught in 13 countries. Her accompanying DVD series, Beginner Qigong for Women 1 & 2, and Qigong for Women became bestsellers within the first month of their release.

Daisy also teaches co-ed programs, including instructor certifications in Radiant Lotus Zang Fu Gong, an organ-energizing and balancing practice. And she continues to train students in ancient systems such as Wuji Hundun Qigong and Five Animal Qigong. She is the 59th-generation lineage holder of Hua Tuo’s original Five Animal Frolics from Bo Zhou, China, a classic among Qigong systems.

Numerous hospitals, including Johns Hopkins, Mount Sinai, and Women’s College, have invited Daisy to lead programs at their facilities to bring Qigong to patients and medical staff alike. Her practices have been shared at women’s health clinics, all-girls high schools, seniors homes, and assisted living centers. Her many students include Olympic athletes, martial artists, and all those who desire practical, transformative self-care.

Daisy continues to teach worldwide, with teacher certifications and workshops throughout North America, Europe, Australia, China, Japan, and Central America. She is excited to announce the opening of the Radiant Lotus Retreat Center in Isabela, Puerto Rico, in 2021.
