A Free Online Event
With Bioenergetic Medicine Pioneer
Dr. Sue Morter

Discover your ability to remove the blocks to physical health, financial abundance, and intuitive guidance... and liberate the true healer and creator within you.

You don’t “have” energy. You are energy. Pure, Spirit energy.

The lives and teachings of mystics, philosophers, and healers through the ages have illuminated this fact.

For centuries, Chinese medicine has focused on restoring and balancing the flow of energy, or Qi, along the body’s meridians. Ayurveda, hands-on healing traditions, shamanism, and other disciplines work with energy fields, too.

And now science, through quantum physics, also validates the existence of subtle fields of energy beyond matter, atoms, and swirling electrons.

The root cause of emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges from stress at work to discord in relationships to chronic pain to financial lack is energy; or rather, these challenges are the result of subtle blockages within your body’s energy field.

Yet, did you know YOU have an innate capacity to heal...

... to release “the limiting story” your mind is telling you about what is and isn’t possible for you...

... and to fully master the energy that is you?

It all begins with clearing and working with the energy patterns that form your inner and outer experiences.

According to Dr. Sue Morter, an energy medicine and bioenergetics pioneer, you’re meant to be an active, ever-present steward of this flow of energy...

And through her signature Energy Codes teachings, Dr. Sue can teach you how to do this by combining conscious breathing exercises, energy work, and subtle body awareness practices to remove blockages in your nervous system and subconscious memory storage.

A world-renowned quantum-field visionary, Dr. Sue teaches people to recognize and work with the subconscious or unconscious lower frequency patterns that may be creating relationship issues, emotional stress, physical illness, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and more.

You can then “teach your mind” how to listen, perceive, and read your energy flow to access your true intuitive guidance.

You don't need a guru and you don't need a miracle. You ARE already both.
Dr. Sue Morter

The Energy Codes empower you to take full ownership of the energy that you are at your very core. They’re a powerful set of simple principles and practices that take The Law of Attraction and “You Create Your Own Reality” to the next level.

And here’s what’s really amazing Dr. Sue affirms that healing of any kind, from your body to your relationships, is a byproduct of “removing the gunk” within your energy field.

No more “working on your issues,” or trying to “fix what’s broken.”

Instead, daily practices stimulate your central nervous system and electromagnetic field opening the gateway between your conscious and subconscious mind.

The result is deep healing and an awakening to your true role as a co-creator of EVERYTHING in your life.

During this free hour-long online event with Dr. Sue Morter, you’ll:

  • Discover the missing link in stewarding the energetics of your life for better health, increased vitality, and supporting your spiritual awakening
  • Recognize your ability to remove subconscious and energetic blocks to health, achievement, and manifesting by building new neural-circuitry in your body
  • Receive breathing techniques that allow you to defuse stress and shift you out of “fight or flight” to access your true and powerful authentic Self
  • Understand how to address and resolve the deep energetic causes of health issues instead of focusing on the symptoms
  • Explore operating outside of time by activating your own creatorship capacity in the brain to work with events that have not yet come to pass
  • Find out how to connect your heart essence with your high brain centers, allowing you to stay in a state of true compassion while still thinking logically
  • Experience a physical posture that stimulates your central nervous system and electromagnetic field opening the gateway between your conscious and subconscious mind
  • Discover how to anchor powerful intentions in your physiology
  • Begin to navigate our rapidly changing world with deep wisdom and grace... as a true healer

Sign Up Now

Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine is a free event now playing through The Shift Network. Choose your preferred date and time below to access this mini-workshop with bioenergetic medicine pioneer, Dr. Sue Morter.

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Once you master the Energy Codes, you’ll continuously build new neurocircuitry and expand into greater possibilities for your life.

You’ll begin to easily discern...

  • Which people and situations to say “yes” (or “no”) to...
  • The goals and projects to manifest, or not, based on how they “land” energetically
  • Places you should go, or not, based on their resonance with this inner circuitry and the ways Spirit is guiding you

As Dr. Sue explains, the Energy Codes enable you to “build a set of circuitry so you can live from deep, intuitive space, always guiding your life from a higher vibrational frequency.”

Intrigued? Register for Dr. Sue’s virtual event here, when you’ll also hear about an opportunity to fully engage with your own Energy Codes, for healing and manifesting...

What People Are Saying About Dr. Sue Morter...

“Dr. Sue is a master at blending the most cutting-edge scientific knowledge with profound spiritual wisdom.”

Marci Shimoff, New York Times bestselling author

“She brings people to the core ‘yes’ of their being”

Dr. Sue puts a powerful emphasis on embodiment, on activation, and actually living these truths. She brings people to the core “yes” of their being. Dr. Sue is a real, authentic teacher, doing the real work... It’s my joy to be associated with her and to call her my friend and colleague.
Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, Agape International Spiritual Center

“She is ahead of her time...”

I had the privilege of sharing the TEDxNASA stage with Dr. Sue... and it was a chance to witness genius in action. I knew when I heard her message that A) she is ahead of her time which means B) the rest of us have a lot of catching up to do... truly a visionary.
John St. Augustine, award-winning talk radio host

“She's a vital force in helping our world evolve”

I'm honored to be in Sue's community... She's a vital force in helping our world evolve.
Bruce Lipton, PhD, Cell biologist, lecturer, and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief

“I love Sue’s message and her soul.”

Dr. Joe Dispenza, Researcher, chiropractor, lecturer, and New York Times bestselling author of You Are the Placebo and Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

“I have great respect and love for Dr. Sue.”

Anita Moorjani, Speaker and New York Times bestselling author of Dying to Be Me

About Dr. Sue Morter

Dr. Sue Morter, an international speaker, master of bioenergetic medicine, and quantum field visionary, redirects the flow of energy patterns in the body to activate full human potential. In her new book, The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life, and through her seminars, retreats, and presentations, Dr. Sue illuminates the relationship of quantum science and energy medicine, as well as the elevation of human consciousness and life mastery.

Her globally taught Energy Codes® coursework teaches individuals how to clear subconscious memory blockages and how to master the energetics of their lives. With more than 30 years of experience as a doctor and facilitator of groups and individuals interested in natural healing and a better life, Dr. Sue shares her developments and unique perspective drawn from a life-changing awakening during ancient meditation practices.

Dr. Sue is nationally published and has served on professional licensing boards, providing guidance to health care practitioners on integrative approaches to health care leadership. She’s a member of the Transformational Leadership Council.

She’s the founder of the Morter Health Center and the Morter Institute, an organization committed to teaching self-healing techniques and a new approach to life based on quantum science.
