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With Co-Founder of The Shift Network
Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell
& Founder of Priestess Presence
Elayne Kalila Doughty
& Founder of Goddess Rising Mystery School
Achintya Devi

Including Transmissions From Dr. Nicola Amadora (Spiritual Teacher, Women’s Leader, Psychologist, and Author)Collette Corcoran (Founder of The Sacred Rose Temple), Diana DuBrow (Scent Priestess of the Emerald Temple), and Dr. Marie Mbouni (Trauma-Informed Ceremonies and Integration Facilitator and Spiritual Guide)

During this event, you’ll also hear from luminaries including Dr. Sue Morter, Eileen McKusick, Miranda Macpherson, Aja Solé Shah, and more.

An Introduction to a 9-Month Immersion of Sacred Initiations


What can you release that is currently preventing you from the most sacred expression of yourself?

Experience a powerful online ritual that can help you open to a uniquely feminine path of initiation, healing, and liberation sourced in hidden traditions, consecrated to divine embodiment, and grounded in the reclamation of sacred healing arts.

Virtually everyone we know is feeling the effects of the trauma, violence, and polarization in the world right now. It often seems we can barely catch our breath before the next difficult news cycle arrives.

Yet, what if this moment is an invitation to expand your ability to transmute the heaviness, darkness, and overwhelm through a kind of sacred alchemy in your body, mind, and soul?

What if Mary Magdalene offers you the most essential template to enact that alchemy via a descent through dark energies and an emergence into radiant, embodied divinity?

That journey is the exact opposite of the impulse to transcend and escape. It is what Mary Magdalene had no choice but to do with the crucifixion of her beloved Jeshua and with her marginalization within the movement of early Christians.

She had to breathe all this trauma through her body in order to emerge more whole.

We’ve gathered some of the foremost priestesses, mystics, and scholars who are steeped in the path of the Magdalene to offer a ritual blessing and clearing for this tumultuous time.

The intensity of the moment provides an opportunity for accelerated spiritual opening for the Sacred Feminine. This introductory event will introduce a longer and deeper 9-month initiation that will follow a similar pathway of alchemy, descent, and awakening.

It’s increasingly clear to mystics, scholars, and priestesses that it’s time for a new chapter in society one in which the gifts, blessings, and activations of the Sacred Feminine are welcomed and championed as essential medicine for all of humanity.

It’s the foundation out of which we can co-create a peaceful planet.

The Path of the Magdalenes will offer a gateway to an initiatory descent into the energies, potentials, and gifts of the Divine Feminine. It’s a healing journey that empowers you to live more powerfully and joyfully within your own body, paving the way for releasing old stories and embracing ALL of yourself rather than just a portion of your inherent nature.

Join Devaa Haley Mitchell, Achintya Devi, Elayne Kalila Doughty, and the other priestesses for a liberating 90-minute event, where they’ll guide you into an experience of the transformative powers of Mary Magdalene, who can serve as guide, role model, and sister to us all.

You’ll experience a powerful ritual illuminating that which needs releasing in order for you to fully inhabit your divine humanity...

… following the Magdalene on this downward journey in which she’ll remove her crown… then the breastplate that protects her heart… then her staff of power… then the belt that hides her sacred sexuality… and much more until she’s completely unadorned...

... and begin the process of healing the emotional scars left by the marginalization of the feminine, embarking on a path to become a potent conduit of healing for others.

When this ritual of descent concludes, you will also be left with only what matters to you, what you truly stand for, who you want to become during these pivotal times and how you’ll ultimately be transformed as you rise up into your feminine fullness, radiance, and divine humanity.


In this empowering free online event, you’ll:

  • Learn how to work with Mary Magdalene using an archetypal lens, utilizing her as a conduit to embody various facets of the Divine Feminine within yourself
  • Understand the centrality of the Descent archetype for feminine transformation, from the myth of Inanna to Mary Magdalene’s own journey
  • Experience a transformative removing-of-the-crown ritual, expanding your ability to release parts of yourself that feel superior to others... so you can cultivate genuine humility
  • Begin cultivating the resilience of your heart to see and alchemize the wounds of separation

With deft guidance, you’ll immerse yourself in a practice that emphasizes the energies and qualities of Mary Magdalene, facilitating a deeper connection to those very same qualities within yourself.

You’ll also be among the first to hear about our brand-new Path of the Magdalenes immersion program. This highly experiential program is a unique opportunity to embark on a 9-month immersive program an initiatory descent into the energies, potentials, and gifts of the Divine Feminine, led by a world-renowned roster of teachers, each possessing different areas of expertise on the path of the Magdalene.

Our priestesses will take you on a sacred journey with globally respected healers, priestesses, and guides in the spirit and healing lineage of Mary Magdalene...

... so you can expand your capacity to be a conduit of change for our planet, ushering in transformative shifts not only for yourself, but for the collective consciousness of our world.

Join us and follow the path of Mary Magdalene as you open yourself to a uniquely feminine path of initiation, healing, and liberation  that’s sourced in hidden traditions, consecrated to divine embodiment, and grounded in the reclamation of sacred healing arts.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Devaa Haley Mitchell and Achintya Devi to access a deeper view of the Sacred Feminine and practices for undertaking a radical journey of liberation.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Our Presenters...

“I thank her for all she’s doing on behalf of women.”

I love being with Devaa, and each time I look forward to it. I’ve had the opportunity to co-create some of the magnificence that she’s up to in the world in empowering women to find their voices, own their voices, and use their voices to elevate and celebrate themselves and one another as well as our brethren on this planet. So I thank her for all she’s doing on behalf of women.
Lisa Nichols, New York Times bestselling author of No Matter What, featured teacher in The Secret, and world-renowned speaker


“I always want to hear more from Devaa.”

I honor her for all that she does, and I always want to hear more from Devaa. She holds a very beautiful and powerful place. I look forward to all the gifts that she has forthcoming.
Marianne Williamson, internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer


“She helped me in a million ways I cannot even describe.”

Devaa helped me lead from my authenticity, connect with my depth, and open in ways that proved energizing and effective. Her support enabled me to go to a whole new level in my public presentation and bring new qualities to my leadership. She helped me in a million ways I cannot even describe.
Marci Shimoff, bestselling author with over 14 million books sold

“[Elayne Kalila] deeply connects with all...”

She is stunning in her grace, ease, and flow. She glides onto the stage and immediately jumps into a deep, soulful transparency that is beautiful. She deeply connects with all, touching everyone in the audience, making friends across all barriers; she has a natural ability to touch the room. Elayne Kalila is effortless in her ability to bring depth, connection, the hard questions, and delightful playfulness all in one package. She has it all. Whether to a room of 40 or a room of 4,000, Elayne Kalila can touch and transform your audience.
Lisa Nichols, New York Timesbestselling author of No Matter What, featured teacher in The Secret, and world-renowned speaker


“Elayne Kalila walks her path with passionate integrity and a truly abundant heart.”

Elayne Kalila Doughty is the walking, talking, breathing embodiment of what it means to be a modern-day priestess. Her decades of professional training, deep study, and commitment to women’s awakening is as obvious when you encounter her as her magnificent red hair. Elayne Kalila walks her path with passionate integrity and a truly abundant heart. Being a “priestess” isn’t some trendy new label to adopt; if you are a serious practitioner looking for mentoring on the authentic path of what it means to priestess, you would be well-served to lean in here.
Lisa Schrader, founder of Awakening Shakti


“There are those rare individuals who truly walk their talk...”

There are those rare individuals who truly walk their talk; Elayne Kalila not only does this with embodied grace, but equally with vigilant, tender consideration of the hearts of all who come within her community. Being a part of an impeccable and profound container, especially now during these turbulent times will serve any who are called to walk the Priestess Path with the practical, grounded, and masterful guidance of one of the rare living priestesses of our time.
Dr. Saida Desilets, author of Desireand advocate of sexual sovereignty


“Every aspect of my life has been uprooted, replanted, and is now growing with a strength of foundation I never knew was possible.”

Achintya carries the frequency of the ancient Goddess from every lineage, down to our origins as star beings. She holds and shares these sacred codes with integrity, reverence, and deep commitment. Being guided by Achintya through her online offerings, our Egyptian pilgrimage, and our journey to the sacred sites of Avalon has awakened the archetypal goddess energies within me. As a result, every aspect of my life has been uprooted, replanted, and is now growing with a strength of foundation I never knew was possible. Working with Achintya leaves no stone unturned. Her presence is both a gentle invitation and a fierce command to know the full spectrum of what it means to embody the Goddess. Choosing this path with her as your guide is not a casual encounter, but a deep, epic, root-to-rise warrioress journey that will reconnect you to the chalice of your womb, the center of our earth mother, and the galactic realms of the entire universe.
Kelly Robinson, designer and entrepreneur


“Achintya embodies, empowers, and exalts all other queens.”

Achintya, bearer of the Queen Codes, high priestess, goddess guide, sacred sister, dragon mother, and torchbearer in the shadows of the liminal realms. The architecture of the queen of multiple realms is whole and holy. She who walks the beauty way and leads with golden footsteps an illuminated path home to yourself. She is multidimensional, multifaceted, and magical beyond mundane comprehension. She is unapologetic in her passion, desire, and sovereignty and is completely resplendent in her feminine fullness! What a mystical delight to be in communion and sisterhood with such a soul that resonates on the frequencies of true queen codes. Achintya embodies, empowers, and exalts all other queens. A queen who teaches, mentors, and guides you to find your own inner throne of sovereignty, safety, and sensuality. The openings, conduits, and channels to our inner queendom are where we find the alchemical tools of honing our Woman-Craft.
Jet’aime Cherée, practitioner of sacred temple arts and CEO of Saje Sanctuary


“She reflects with pure love which makes it safe to expand to the fullest.”

Achintya and Goddess Rising have been instrumental in my growth and development in my sovereignty. As a teacher, Achintya is fully aligned and in integrity with her word, action and intention and is an inspiration. She reflects with pure love which makes it safe to expand to the fullest. I had the honor of journeying with her on pilgrimages to Avalon and to Egypt that changed my life. I’m thankful she and this collective of global sisters has come into my world as it’s the gift that keeps on giving (to myself and my soul) on all levels.
Venetia Jillian, investor and philanthropist


About Rev.Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell

Transformational leader Rev. Dr. Devaa Haley Mitchell guides people to reconnect with their spiritual depths, unleash their leadership gifts, and step into their full potential. As co-founder of The Shift Network, she helped build the company from the ground up. Devaa also founded and hosted the Inspiring Women with Soul series, which has served over 130,000 women from more than 160 countries.

Devaa is a priestess and “focalizer” of the 13 Moon Mystery School, which is rooted in the Avalonian tradition of the Sacred Feminine.

After receiving her BA and MA at Stanford University, she was ordained as an interfaith minister at Chaplaincy Institute of Arts and Interfaith Ministries. She later received her Doctorate in Ministry at Wisdom University (now called Ubiquity). 

Devaa’s private practice, Radiant Essence Services, offers personal coaching and retreats for clients who wish to balance the outer work of visionary strategy with the inner soul work of visionary leadership.


About Elayne Kalila Doughty

Elayne Kalila Doughty has been on a path of passionate service for the past 30 years, inspiring women around the world to unleash their leadership gifts and step into their full potential. She specializes in helping women tap into their deepest wisdom, enabling them to harness their own transformational power to be more effective and whole in every aspect of their lives. She is a psychotherapist, spiritual activist, author, speaker, soul midwife, and ordained priestess and focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School, founded by Ariel Spilsbury.

Elayne Kalila is the founder of the Priestess Presence Temple Powerful Women Changing the World, which has more than 80,000 women members worldwide. In this dedicated temple of the 13 Moon Mystery School, she offers in-depth Mystery School training for women who are called to ground in real practice, devoted embodiment, and service in the world. She is also the co-founder of the Rosa Mystica Mystery School, which trains women as modern-day scent-anointing priestesses. She is passionate about opening the ancient mysteries of the Divine Feminine into our modern-day lives so all women can step more fully into serving from a place of love, presence, and purpose.

She’s the author of The Sacred Call of the Ancient Priestess: Birthing of a New Divine Feminine Archetype and a contributing author to The Path of the Priestess: A Guidebook for Awakening the Divine Feminine.


About Achintya Devi

Achintya Devi is a Priestess of the Rose and founder of Goddess Rising Mystery School, a global sisterhood temple of over 150,000 women devoted to Walking the Way of Love. She is an ordained priestess in the Temple of Isis and a grail keeper of the Magdalene Mysteries within the Order of the Rose. 

Through extensive mystical and somatic training, alchemical activations of Gnosis, and over 25 years of following her embodied priestess path, Achintya guides and initiates women through light and shadow home to the triple Magdalene flames of innate wisdom, truth, and power. 

Achintya is an international teacher, speaker, ceremonialist, and spiritual mentor dedicated to empowering, catalyzing, and inspiring women to remember who they truly are in order to embody their soul essence in life, including leadership and the priestess path. 

Achintya offers an extensive mystery school curriculum that is both online and in person. This includes The Queen Codes evolutionary leadership training... Wheel of the Year ceremonies... Rose Lineage devotionals... priestess pilgrimages to Avalon, Southern France, Egypt and Scotland... and she also co-guides a year long Priestesses of the Rose training.

She is from British Columbia, Canada and lives on Maui with her husband Shems Heartwell (and fur babies). Together, they steward The Starlight Sanctuary with fruit orchards, a Rose Temple, bee keeping, rose gardens and B&B Cottages. 
