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With Teacher of the Inka Nature Wisdom Tradition of the Q’ero
Elizabeth Jenkins


Learn from the teachings of the Q’ero people and discover the missing 50% of your human identity by initiating a relationship with your nature parents Mother Water and Father Mountain.

Establish a more profound and reciprocal connection to the natural world for blessings, guidance, and the understanding that you belong to an ever-evolving sacred geography.

To see all of Nature as sacred and as a part of ourselves engenders respect and responsibility.
Elizabeth Jenkins

Are you seeking hope, empowerment, and a deeper connection to the natural world especially in light of the current global and climate crisis?

By cooperating within this larger living system, you can receive help and guidance and understand that no matter how small your family, no matter how many people you may have lost, no matter how old you are, you will always have a mother and father here on Earth, says Elizabeth Jenkins, a licensed psychotherapist and anointed teacher of the Inka Nature Wisdom Tradition of the Q’ero people of South America.

Not just because, like many, you’ve created a chosen family among your friends and community, but because, according to the Q’ero people, you’re born with four parents two of whom don’t grow old, don’t get weaker or slow down with age, will never divorce, and will never leave you.

These are the “nature parents” you were born with, unique only to YOU your Mother Water and Father Mountain and, based on the Q’ero worldview, which emphasizes a profound connection to a living and conscious natural world, they are your relatives. The Q’eros see this spiritual connection and the accompanying wisdom as essential for achieving wholeness, happiness, and fulfillment.

As we navigate the current climate crises, Elizabeth believes that our rampant grief and sadness are largely rooted in the pain of living WITHOUT the love of our nature parents.

Over the last several decades, Elizabeth has cultivated deep personal relationships with masters of the Q’ero tradition and their families, who long ago gave her permission to live and work on their land and share their teachings.

The teachings about our nature parents are one of Elizabeth’s greatest comforts, so part of her mission in the world is to assist people in connecting with their own nature beings... and she can help you discover who yours are.

Your human identity, Elizabeth asserts, flowers through the love and guidance of all four of your parents. Your human parents give you your body and your life, while your nature parents provide the wisdom and living energy required to fulfill your unique destiny.

They can give you a profound sense of the connection, the support, and the miraculous aliveness and natural beauty that’s available to you every day! They hold your “gold and silver storehouses of abundance” to provide what you need on every level.

Knowing your nature parents not only gives you a concrete way to express your devotion to nature, but also to understand that you belong to the Earth. It helps you stop objectifying or using nature for your own convenience, and instead take care of nature as you would your own human parents.

Join Elizabeth in a profound hour-long event to explore Andean cosmovision and the teachings and practices of the Q’ero people. You’ll begin to discover who your nature parents are!

You’ll experience a new way of perceiving the world as a sacred geography through the eyes of the Q’eros. It’s a journey of deepening your inextricable and reciprocal connection with nature through cooperation and communication with your Mother Water and Father Mountain spirits, who are here to help us if we ask.

One very beautiful, simple, and primal example of our reciprocity with nature is how we receive oxygen from nature when we take our first breath in this life. And, when we die, our final exhale gives carbon dioxide back to the natural world.

Elizabeth will guide you to feel the true essence of nature, which is alive and conscious and poised to respond and guide you. When we come to know and apprecaite nature, we have more support, more love, and more fun!

You’ll start to feel the DNA of the land on which you were born within you, and realize that, if there are special places in nature or stretches of land that feel like home to you, it’s because your nature family lives there!

One of the most important principles of the Q’ero people is the re-sacrelization of nature, and during this hour with Elizabeth, she’ll guide you through a sacred exchange with the living energies of nature.

With this unique cultural insight into Q’ero spirituality, you’ll come to understand how you’re part of a sacred geography that guides and supports your spiritual evolution with wisdom and unconditional love.

When you participate in a constant life-giving exchange with nature, you’ll know that you’re never alone, making life feel more vibrant, loving, and, as Elizabeth likes to say, “delicious.”


In this illuminating event, you’ll:

  • Discover that you were born with FOUR parents your birth parents and your unique nature parents (who are just for YOU!) and, as you get to know your personal nature beings, you’ll feel more supported and loved and have a heightened sense of inner peace and resilience
  • Be guided in experiential energy exchanges with nature to feel your inseparable connection
  • Undersatnd that you’re not alone, but part of a wise, unconditionally loving, sacred geography that’s alive and conscious and always guiding you to spiritually evolve
  • Learn how to cultivate a cooperative, reciprocal relationship with nature and communicate with this larger living system, which will offer you the assistance you need
  • Realize that the concepts of good, bad, positive, negative, heavy, or light don’t exist in nature, enabling you to live more freely

In 1989, Elizabeth had a profound spiritual encounter in Peru that radically changed the course of her life. She immediately knew that she was supposed to connect with the great living spirits of the Andes, the Apus (or mountains), and learn to commune with them and their blessings.

She’s now devoted the past 35 years to understanding, integrating, and deepening her journey in communication with nature and Mother Earth in the Inka Nature Wisdom of the Q’ero.

She carries out important service projects to help the communities of the Hatun Q’eros, which has given her credibility with their spiritual and governmental authorities.

She’s also trained thousands of people all over the world in the evolution of consciousness a spiritual awakening that consists of transforming the fear-based state of consciousness to one of trust and personal responsibility by deepening our intrinsic Nature Intelligence (NQ).

Her profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people from diverse paths achieve heightened wellbeing, find inner and outer harmony, and connect with their personal power and find that deep immersion with the Q’ero masters ensures an authentic and enriching experience.

When you attend this workshop, you’ll also be among the first to hear about Elizabeth’s brand-new 7-week live video course, in which you’ll dive deeper into what she calls your super natural identity.

You’ll learn to invoke, offer to, and make appropriate and measured requests of nature, completing the full series of traditional Q’ero protocols required to establish the profound energetic communion with your nature parents so you can bring greater wholeness, healing, happiness, and harmony to your life.

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Join this FREE video event with Elizabeth Jenkins and discover who your unique “nature parents” are so you can experience a more profound and reciprocal connection to the natural world and benefit from its support, guidance, beauty, and abundance.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Elizabeth Jenkins...

“As students, we drank directly from the well of knowledge…”

The year-long training with the Global Paqo School is an opportunity of a lifetime. As a longtime student and Paqo on the Andean path, the experience was truly exceptional. What sets Elizabeth Jenkins and the Global Paqo School apart is the direct teaching from the Q’ero themselves via a superb translator. As students, we drank directly from the well of knowledge of the Q’ero masters, and the year-long course allowed me to deeply integrate the teachings and practices into my everyday life. I have a profound, deep, rich connection with supreme Mother Nature, the Apus, and Ñust’as, and my life is filled with their generous wisdom, nectar, and healing forces.

Mary Christa Smith

Executive Director of Communities That Care

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“Taking Elizabeth’s class was one of the most important teachings I have ever received.”

Taking Elizabeth’s class was one of the most important teachings I have ever received. Through weekly pilgrimages making offerings to get to know the nature beings around me, I feel forever changed and so much more deeply supported. This embodied practice in a small group setting shifted my intellectual understanding of the importance of right relationship into a visceral knowing that will always be with me. The teaching that our connection with our nature parents is essential to have the life force to continue feels true, and I feel so blessed to go to them with more gratitude and ask for more support when I need it, knowing they are there. Thank you, Elizabeth! If you are feeling called to this class, I encourage you to trust yourself and go for it!

Rochelle Schieck

Founder of QOYA

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“Engaging weekly has kept me focused and brought me so much clarity and balance…”

To have the opportunity to learn directly from the Q’ero teachers in such an intimate way with the guidance of Elizabeth’s deep wisdom and respect has been a dream come true for me. Engaging weekly has kept me focused and brought me so much clarity and balance, opening in me the deepening engagement with nature that I have yearned for all of my life.

Denise Attwood

Co-founder of Conscious Connections Foundation

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About Elizabeth Jenkins

Elizabeth B. Jenkins, MA, MFT,  spiritual teacher of the Inka Nature Wisdom Tradition, is an American writer of popular spiritual books. She is a licensed psychotherapist, cultural investigator, and organic farmer. 

In 1989, a profound spiritual encounter in Peru radically changed the course of her life. Her next 30 years were devoted to understanding, integrating, and deepening that transformation, which marked the beginning of an intense journey in communication with nature and Mother Earth. 

In 1992, she began working in the United States with individuals and small groups as an initiation guide and spiritual teacher. In 1997, with the success of her book, The Return of the Inka (originally published as Initiation), she began traveling throughout Europe and the world, training thousands of people in the Fourth Level teachings of the Inka. 

Elizabeth is also the author of The Fourth Level and Journey to Q’eros, which, together with The Return of the Inka, are widely regarded as the most influential books on the Inka Nature Wisdom Tradition. 

Her profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people from diverse paths throughout the world achieve wellbeing and find inner and outer harmony and personal power. 

Elizabeth is a sought-after public speaker who teaches and travels extensively throughout the world. In 2004, she established a partnership with Native Hawaiian Kahuna and the indomitable Mother Nature of the Big Island to bring people and nature together through education, service, and sami.
