With Instructor of Rolfing® and Rolf Movement® for the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute & Instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the Somatic Experiencing International Institute
Lael Katharine Keen


Practice conscious movement to discover the postures that complement your true inner essence and outer goals.

 Explore how your daily physical movements express your deepest self through somatic movement practices that create mind-body fluidity and bring awareness to held patterns of tension and stress and your body’s ability to release them.


If you could change anything about yourself or your life right now, what would it be?

The way you move your body may not be at the top of your list, but perhaps it should be.

The changes we seek within ourselves and our lives often have physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual components, says Lael Keen, an instructor for the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute and an instructor for almost 25 years of Somatic Experiencing® a body-based approach to healing post-traumatic stress. 

Learning how to move in a way that creates ease throughout all of those components is key to moving through life as your authentic self free from held patterns of stress and tension, and aligned with the greater flow of possibility for your life.

An estimated one million people have received the Rolf movement integration that informs Lael’s teachings, which works with gravity to make more efficient use of your muscles, resulting in a dramatic improvement in body posture and daily performance with reduced pain and discomfort.

Lael says that much of the pain and tension that we feel in our bodies comes from two conflicting tension patterns the original pattern that caused the problem and the pattern of trying to force our bodies into compliance with how we think we should be moving.

These willful patterns only create more stress, tension, and pain.

During this insightful hour with Lael, you’ll realign with the natural postures of your body and your inherent flow state to relieve pain and stress and allow the life-giving essence within you to take precedence.

You’ll begin by exploring movement as an expression of your deepest self mind, body, heart, and spirit that is influenced by ground and space orientation.

With Lael’s guidance, we can explore how to use the bidirectional orientation of ground and space to bring more ease and comfort into our bodies within a few minutes.

She’ll also share the role that pre-movement the combination of the gravity orientation system and our emotional and psychological states has on our ability to allow new possibilities to emerge... within our bodies and our lives.

Lael teaches that we’re never more than a minute away from a movement that can dissolve old patterns of tension  and that can potentially change our lives.

Instead of fighting with ourselves, we can send kindness to the places that we desire change, feel the problematic pattern and the gesture that is behind it and offer new information to our bodies that allows the change to happen in the manner that works best for us.


In this interactive online event, you’ll:

  • Explore movement as a reflection of who you believe yourself to be, and how you relate to the world and as a tool for positively changing your life
  • Use bidirectional orienting to bring more ease and comfort into your body within a few minutes
  • Experience a guided practice to help your body find an upright posture that doesn’t require stress and tension letting go of effortful postural patterns and finding an easy and natural upright posture
  • Learn the powerful role of pre-movement and how it is determined by emotion and perception
  • Discover how movement is like a wave that moves through the body and how through your daily movement you create and recreate the body that you have
  • Experience a guided breathing meditation to experience breathing as an act of willingness  and discover the potential this holds for your health and life

As one of the founding members of the Brazilian Rolfing® Association, Lael was part of the development of the Brazilian double certification in Rolfing® that integrates Rolf Movement with structural Rolfing.

She has practiced and taught Somatic Experiencing, a body-based approach to healing post-traumatic stress, worldwide for almost 25 years, and is also a co-founder of the Brazilian Trauma Association.

You’ll experience Lael’s dynamic approach to somatic movement firsthand, including a breathwork practice to experience breathing as an act of allowing, and practices to relieve the stress that is held within your head, neck, and shoulders  all of which brings awareness to counterproductive patterns of movement.

She’ll also share how movement is connected to self-image and how we relate to each other...

... and how conscious movement can foster a more meaningful, productive, and easeful way of being in the world.

In joining this empowering event, you’ll also be among the first to learn of Lael’s new 7-week live video course that will continue this journey to uncover and change stressful movement patterns through Rolf-inspired teachings that align you with your natural posture and optimal health.

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Join this FREE video event with Lael Katharine Keen to explore Rolf-inspired teachings and guided practices that create mind-body fluidity and bring awareness to held patterns of tension and stress and your body’s ability to release them.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Lael Katharine Keen...

“Lael has an impeccable therapeutic lineage and reputation as an international trainer.”

Lael has an impeccable therapeutic lineage and reputation as an international trainer. My company, SOSI, has employed her many times over the past five years to teach trainings and workshops in England and Scotland. She weaves the many strands of her indefatigable learning and dedication to self-inquiry into an authentic and heartfelt expression of her work, and herself. SOSI’s international training programs attract students from disparate backgrounds: professional, linguistic, cultural, political, race, religion, and more. Holding such diversity requires sensitivity and the ability to respond to challenges with authenticity, which in turn elicits trust in the untrusting, safety in the fearful, and voices in the unheard. It is a delight and a privilege to witness the evolution of her students as they grow in knowledge of the subject, and of themselves. As indeed, in her presence, so have I. 
Giselle Genillard, owner and director of SOS Internationale

“[Lael] navigates fluently through many domains, which she integrates beautifully and originally.”

Lael has a very special approach to movement as she considers movement from many different perspectives. She is like a Renaissance woman. She navigates fluently through many domains, which she integrates beautifully and originally. She has always had an eye into what is the cutting edge in the somatic field, and has deeply investigated many of these approaches, covering structural, functional, and psychobiological perspectives. Her holistic view enables her work to be very humanitarian and help serve the development of consciousness in an extremely embodied manner and favor the evolution of the human being.
Pedro Prado, PhD, ex-professor of Somatic Psychology at the Catholic University, São Paulo, Brasil, and instructor of Beginning and Advanced Rolfing and Rolf Movement for the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute and the Brazilian Rolfing Association.

“[Lael’s] presence, resonance, competence and pacing helps students to understand, comprehend and embody her teaching.”

I had the pleasure to co-teach and Advanced Rolfing Training with Lael in 2019. I deeply appreciate her capacity to encounter and meet each student. Her presence, resonance, competence and pacing helps students to understand, comprehend and embody her teaching. If I was her student, which I was in fact, I would feel totally satisfied to have Lael as teacher.
Pierpaola Volpones, certified advanced Rolfer®, certified Rolf Movement practitioner, instructor of Rolf Movement integration, and Somatic Experiencing practitioner

“I have traveled many miles in my life to work with [Lael] and have never ever regretted it!”

Lael Keen has been my instructor in Rolfing and Somatic Experiencing and several related workshops for the past 18 years. Currently, I have the opportunity to assist her and get an even broader view of her work. What fascinates me most is her ability to incarnate and integrate her humanity and her academic knowledge, and teach it as well. She is the instructor in my life who has inspired me the most to dive deeper intellectually while allowing the knowledge to truly enter into my body cells. She also juggles humor and a serious tone in a way that I experience with not many teachers; likewise, closeness and distance. You truly feel welcome as a human being in her company. Her way of leading groups is simply wonderful. She is courageous and actively meets the challenges of each new group system. She has the ability to hold on to her authenticity and at the same time stay very open. I have traveled many miles in my life to work with her and have never ever regretted it!
Nicole Nagel, singer, voice researcher, certified Rolfer, Somatic Experiencing practitioner, and founder of the transcultural laboratory Third Space


About Lael Katharine Keen

Lael Katharine Keen has been an ardent student of human movement throughout her life. She started her studies with the practice of Aikido when she was 17 years old, and continues practicing and teaching Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido to this day.

As an Instructor of Rolfing® and Rolf Movement® for the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute and the Brazilian Rolfing® Association, she has taught Rolfing at the beginning and advanced level in Brazil, the U.S., Japan, and Europe. As one of the founding members of the Brazilian Rolfing Association, she was part of the development of the Brazilian double certification in Rolfing that integrates Rolf Movement with structural Rolfing.

She is an instructor of Somatic Experiencing® for the Somatic Experiencing® International Institute and the Brazilian Trauma Association, which she co-founded. She has practiced and taught Somatic Experiencing, a body-based approach to healing post-traumatic stress, worldwide for almost 25 years.

Lael also holds certification as a Bates Method of vision educator and is an Anthroposophic art therapist. She is a member of Aurora ABTAA (Associação Brasileira de Terapeutas Artísticas).

Lael’s experience is that our daily movement the movement that creates and recreates the body that we live in flows from who we believe ourselves to be and how we perceive the world. Therefore, changing our movement patterns also involves touching these other dimensions. How we transform ourselves and the world around us is intricately connected with becoming conscious of and transforming the way that we move.
