Journey into the hidden messages and healing qualities of plants through a plant communion ritual, absorbing the plant’s wisdom through your body’s senses — to receive deep insights into your current state of wellness and what steps to take to support your healing and transformation.
Engage in a healing tonic for your nervous system through the energetic and somatic experience of herbs.

If you’re like many people interested in the healing and restorative power of plants...
... you may know that ingesting certain herbs and flowers, inhaling their diffused scents, or anointing yourself with their oils and essences, can help heal the systems of your body, decrease pain, increase longevity, bolster your immune system, improve cognitive capacity, provide emotional relief, and more.
Are you aware that you can also reap those benefits (and more!) by getting to know the plants on a somatic and energetic level, communicating with them, and receiving their messages — through your body’s intuitive and sensual awareness?
Clinical herbalist, homeopath, and initiated priestess Seraphina Capranos has created a new system of absorbing the transformative teachings of plant spirits through a process she calls a plant communion practice — simply smelling and tasting a plant and absorbing its wisdom while in a trance-like meditative state.
It’s a complex, multi-layered approach that reveals often surprising information about what’s happening inside you — physically, yes... but it can also evoke deeper experiences of memory, unresolved trauma, and blocked emotions and energies...
...that, once released, can result in profound shifts, including an expanded sense of vitality, a greater feeling of aliveness, a deeper connection to your inner guidance system and wisdom, a stronger relationship with your own spiritual authority, and a more flexible and relaxed nervous system — providing you with the ability to reset, relax, and find your equilibrium more easily.
Seraphina is a delightful and deeply spiritual teacher and healer, whose connection with plant spirits has been embedded in her since childhood, having grown up in a home that thrived on the medicine of herbs.
As a teenager, she suffered a spinal injury, causing her to live in chronic pain, which she healed over time through homeopathy, osteopathy, and herbs. On the scientific side, Seraphina is trained in both herbalism and homeopathy. For her spiritual approach, she apprenticed in Toltec shamanism for 10 years and became an initiated priestess in the Reclaiming tradition of witchcraft, which was co-founded by Starhawk. She also has innate and finely tuned psychic skills.
Seraphina has taught workshops and classes, counseled one-on-one with clients for two decades, and is a highly skilled and intuitive guide.
We’re excited to invite you to join her for an illuminating and experiential hour-long event, where she’ll walk you through her plant communion practice with the common herb sage (Salvia officinalis), which you can find on your spice rack, or maybe even gather a fresh sprig from your own garden.
She’ll show you how to flow into a meditative state of being — a gentle trance-like state — that enables you to receive the wisdom sage has to offer, through your own body and senses.
It begins with taste and the taste receptors on your tongue, which send information to your nervous system. You’ll then experience an opening through your subtle body, where the insights from the plant can flood your system. With this experience, you can expect to pick up both the scientific medicinal virtues of the herb, as well as the energetic messages that you need to hear.
In this eye- (and body)-opening event, you’ll:
- Learn how accessible, common herbs can be healing plant spirit teachers, and how working with them can help you deepen your relationship with the subtle art of plant medicine
- Experience the plant communion practice, designed to help you connect with your body and its subtle language — so you can better understand your body’s symptoms and persistent patterns
- Receive immediate and direct benefits, including intuitive messages, from the herb sage (Salvia officinalis) during the event and realize that one of the best ways to learn anything is through your body!
- Feel how the plant is working directly in your body, using traditional methods of taste and body sensations and bypassing complex analytical study
- Discover that you have a whole pharmacy of herbs in your backyard (or on your spice rack) — a bounty of effective medicine at your fingertips — so you don’t require exotic expensive plants to do this healing work
While sage itself has strong digestive benefits, it can also help you process and metabolize emotions, cool your body and reduce inflammation, regain mental clarity, improve your memory, and clear energies that are blocking you from enjoying your highest level of wellbeing.
This plant can even teach you about how you get in your own way, and bring you clarity about your own personal direction and life path.
Seraphina calls this healing practice a “tonic for the nervous system.” It’s designed to uncover and awaken your enlivened sensation, training your nervous system on a physiological level, such that you remember how to listen to the wisdom that’s indigenous to your own body.
Seraphina demystifies plant communication, showing you that we ALL have this ability encoded within us. She affirms that understanding this gives you the power, agency, and skill to use your own body as a diagnostic tool, and to test whether or not a plant is good for you at the moment.
You’re bound to walk away from this event surprised at just how intuitive you are, understanding the profound resources available within you — revealed by your communion with plants — and the messages you may receive about what your whole being needs, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
When you attend this workshop, you’ll also be among the first to hear about Seraphina’s brand-new 7-week live video course, in which you’ll dive deeper into the plant communion practice, immersing yourself in potentially life-changing information from seven sacred plants, one in each session. She’ll share the scientific properties of the medicine and guide you to open your being to the wisdom these spirits have to offer.
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Join this FREE video event with Seraphina Capranos and learn a plant communion practice for receiving the hidden messages and healing qualities of plants, gaining deep insights into the needs of your whole being — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual — and how herbs may best support your healing and transformation.

Free Video Event
What People Are Saying About Seraphina Capranos...
Seraphina is incredibly knowledgeable, generous, and patient as a teacher and mentor. She is a truly gifted storyteller, and in every lesson she freely shares her deep wisdom as well as all of her practical tips and tricks. She takes great care to make sure you understand all of the material and complexities. I learned so much by being introduced to herbs one at a time, tasting them, making medicine with them, using them as food and growing them. I feel as if I have just scratched the surface of what is possible and I now have the framework I need to apply to any herb I wish to work with.
Grounded in foundational wisdom, Seraphina is a pillar for all called to this work. Whether it be an intimate ritual or a large community gathering, her authentic presence holds space for that which needs to be healed, rebirthed, and spoken in these crucial times. She has a gift of bringing out the potential in her students. I am in awe at the growth I witness in myself from her teachings in both magic and herbalism over the past three years. My life perspective has shifted from seeing myself as a passive recipient to old stories and a broken system that fails us, to a knowing creatix remembering she walks the path of truth-seeking, here to shift things up by creating new programs and inspiring others to find their inner magic. Seraphina is an amazing gift to all who are blessed enough to find her.
Seraphina is incredibly wise and alchemizes her experience spanning several decades as a third-generation herbalist, ritualist, herbal educator, and homeopath. As a beginner in the world of plant medicine, I have often felt intimidated by this path. However the way Seraphina weaves the essence and magic of plants with the science of herbal medicine has helped me find my confidence and clarity in working with herbs. As a student of hers since 2015, I truly feel that her unique approach to teaching, her invitational leadership style, and her sacred guidance creates a foundation of wisdom I always carry in my heart.
A gifted, knowledgeable, and wise teacher, Seraphina touches deep into the soul of plant wisdom and presents it to others with such amazing grace, insights, and her magical presence. Few people hold space the way she does. When Seraphina creates a sacred circle, one can feel the energy gathering and rising. I absolutely love her plant meditations, and always look forward to sitting in circle with her.
Herbalist and author
About Seraphina Capranos
Seraphina Capranos is a clinical herbalist, homeopath, and initiated priestess with over two decades of practice. Her journey onto the healing path was inspired by her mother, a healer herself. Like many cast onto the path of healing and spiritual training, pain and suffering led her into the dark wood to seek the answers to life’s big questions.
An injury that left her bedridden with debilitating pain as a teenager set her on a spiritual quest, which intensified a few years later with the sudden tragic death of her father. At the age of 14, Seraphina began learning alchemical practices from shamanic practitioners she met by chance. From 16 to 18, she apprenticed with a medical intuitive, then embarked on the priestess path in 1998 at the age 19. She spent 10 years in a Toltec apprenticeship, which radically shifted her perceptional world.
Considered one of Canada’s leading herbalists, Seraphina is sought after to teach at conferences and international symposiums. Considered an “OG,” she has mentored many of today’s up-and-coming herbal teachers and product developers and has influenced many popular brands and formula makers. She has also developed, written, and taught curricula for some of the largest herbal schools in North America.
Seraphina has been lauded as “a young Elder” by Rosemary Gladstar, North America’s Godmother of Herbalism, with whom she has collaborated since 2021. Regarded as a “teachers’ teacher,” Seraphina’s unique blend of gifts straddles the vast worlds of plant medicine, homeopathy, ritual, and ceremonial magic.
Seraphina, who has been in clinical practice for 20 years, is known for her heart-centered, generous teaching style that speaks to multiple ways of learning.