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With International Teacher, Singing Philosopher, Voice Pioneer & Author
Chloë Goodchild

Experience a guided visualization and sound-healing journey into the Cave of Your Soul to access the raw power of your true sound and shift feelings of separateness into a comforting state of Oneness.

Are you expressing your feelings and allowing your true self to be heard?

Giving voice to your fears... pain, grief, anger... and joys?

Spontaneous, nonverbal “sound” enables you to hear yourself with new ears and express your emotions, without analysis or interpretation, or the need to get attached to outworn thinking. It awakens a new storehouse of energy and resilience from deep within you, inspiring courage, especially during these uncertain times.

It’s how we harmonize our system  and from the body’s point of view, it’s potent medicine that releases stuck energies that can otherwise cause stress, emotional and physical imbalance, and dis-ease.

Accessing the powerful vibrational energy of your voice as sound medicine can elevate your emotions and boost your self-confidence, which in turn stabilizes your autonomic nervous system, empowering you to release fear, trauma, shame, and narratives that no longer serve you.

It can also relieve us of the bewildering loss of identity we can experience in times of transition... opening a portal to our soul and most authentic self.

Your voice is your original presence, your eternal identity. Through its spontaneous sounding, you project out into the cosmos, connecting with Spirit and the Oneness of all things. Hearing this authentic part of yourself initiates a remembrance deep within your cells... of your truest self.

International teacher, voice pioneer, and author Chloë Goodchild’s conscious, confidence-building vocal practices can help you discover your voice as a natural healing medicine that transforms difficult emotions into spontaneous musical expressions inspired by deeper feelings that open you to the stream of love and gratitude beneath.

With loving attention and deep (nonjudgmental) listening, you can feel or hear your voice as a nonverbal sound, a healing rhythm, a prayer from the heart, a spoken love song, or a musical message from your soul.

When you join us, you’ll hear about Chloë’s own recent vocal sound-healing inspiration her powerful experience chanting in an ancient cave once used for Priestess rituals on the island of Crete. She’ll lead you in a guided visualization and vocal journey for a taste of this potent experience during the hour...

It's a beautiful exercise that can help you create sound medicine to ease grief, isolation, and feelings of separation you may be feeling in these times.

During this uplifting hour with Chloë, you’ll:

  • Discover your voice as one of your most untapped resources for awakening and transforming yourself and the world at this unique time in history
  • Discover the vibrational energy of your voice as sound medicine that can help you release difficult emotions, such as fear, trauma, and shame
  • Learn how simple vocal sounding practices can open you to a new quality of awareness that connects you to Spirit and your eternal identity as a soul
  • Experience your voice as sound medicine that can transform feelings of loneliness into a felt sense of the spiritual nurturance of solitude
  • Hear, receive, and embody your own unique voice in a guided visualization and sound-healing journey into the Cave of Your Soul to shift feelings of separateness into a state of Oneness

Chloë guides us in using our voices to express, not to impress.

So if you think you “can’t sing,” you’re invited to let go of this culturally imposed illusion to open to your unique, authentic sound.

Join this genuinely funny and brilliant creator of The Naked Voice for this complimentary online event. It's a rare opportunity for spontaneity and raw honesty, designed to help you access your authentic voice your most intimate friend and resonate at a heart frequency that is older and deeper than the polarity of all conflict.

You’ll also hear about a new 12-week online program with Chloë where you’ll have the opportunity to delve much deeper into this potent healing modality... using the authentic, spontaneous sounding of your voice as sound medicine to awaken and transform your life as you navigate these unsettling times.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Chloë Goodchild and experience a guided visualization and sound-healing journey into the Cave of Your Soul to access the raw power of your authentic voice and shift feelings of separateness into a comforting state of Oneness.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Chloë Goodchild...

“Chloë Goodchild gives us keys to this universe we contain within our own voices...”

Jean Houston, PhD, Author of The Wizard of Us

“[Chloë] not only lifts us high above the terrifying cacophony of our time, she stirs the essence of a new creation to rise out of each one of us.”

[Chloë] teaches us how to liberate the voice for our own most intimate questing and to bring our resonance to a new day for an awakening humanity. She not only lifts us high above the terrifying cacophony of our time, she stirs the essence of a new creation to rise out of each one of us.
James O’Dea, Author of The Conscious Activist

“... a spectacular genius...”

Chloë’s subtle voice work opens the heart. She is a spectacular genius of this teaching art. She is at the core of a fascinating phenomenon that is allowing individuals to find their truth and freedom through the creative process of voice and sound.
Coleman Barks, Author of Rumi: Soul Fury

“... a unique and empowering vocal technique...”

Chloë has perfected a unique and empowering vocal technique accessible to everyone. In all my research with nonviolent and creative communication skills, I have never experienced this ability to effortlessly generate such a range and depth of human feeling and expression with such spontaneity, courage, and compassion. Chloë is dedicated to recovering the wisdom of the human spirit, in a way that is profound and unique for our times.
Scilla Elworthy, PhD, Niwano Peace Prize winner, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and author of Pioneering the Possible

“... penetrates to the bone.”

Chloë Goodchild’s clarity of tone both in her music and in her books penetrates to the bone. I revel in both her songs and words, especially when she surrenders to the mystery of devotion.
Gangaji, spiritual teacher and author of Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story

“Chloë Goodchild lives and breathes song.”

Chloë Goodchild lives and breathes song. Her lifework, articulated in her inspirational and practical book, The Naked Voice: Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound, is a gentle, disarming, and convincing call to all souls ready to return to the authentic power and beauty of their natural voice.
Michael Stillwater, Founder of Inner Harmony and Song Without Borders

“Chloë has a voice of mesmerizing purity.”

Chloë has a voice of mesmerizing purity. She possesses one of the freest spirits I have ever seen on stage.
Juliet Stevenson, Actor

“... she sings wild!”

Chloë looks like a nun, but she sings wild!
Angelo Badalamenti, film composer

About Chloë Goodchild

Chloë Goodchild is the founder of The Naked Voice, a pioneering experiential vocal training program providing a sound-awareness toolkit of conscious core practices, music, audiobooks, and spoken meditations that empower you to find and embody your authentic voice. She established the Naked Voice Charitable Foundation in 2004 to disseminate a deeper awareness of the essential role that conscious communication plays in strengthening ethical awareness, social health, and wellbeing in all realms of human life.

Chloë’s seminal book, The Naked Voice: Transform Your Life Through the Power of Sound, invites you on a compelling adventure of self-discovery and creative fulfillment through a direct experience of your own authentic voice the voice of your personal authority, the song of your soul, and your eternal identity.

Chloë sings, teaches, performs, and records on her Naked Voice Music label. Her podcast series, VOCE Dialogues: Voices of Compassionate Evolution, launched in 2019. It explores and celebrates the transformative impact of compassion, with new-paradigm teachers, musicians, authors, artists, social activists, new scientists, and entrepreneurs who are making a difference in the world.
