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With His Holiness
The 12th Chamgon
Kenting Tai Situpa

Occupy the peaceful calm that comes from a higher consciousness so you can be a source of light and joy in the world.

Spiritual practices provide a refuge from life’s storms and a way to connect with a higher part of ourselves that transcends our conditions, often bolstering our spirits in the face of daunting worldly challenges. 

The Buddha himself found his own path to enlightenment only after he left his opulent palace and his sheltered life to face the turmoil and strife of the world, which led him to observe that the First Noble Truth is “life means suffering.”

No matter your circumstances, the path away from suffering is available in times of societal distress; there is freedom beyond this global pandemic, economic uncertainty, and continued racial injustice.

In this special hour, one of the most respected Tibetan Rinpoches (meaning Precious One in Tibetan), H.H. the 12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa (a teacher of Tibetan Buddhism over the last 12 lifetimes), will offer wise and loving reflections on how we can elevate our consciousness, even when we're faced with trying circumstances.

Through the practice of centering our awareness on our higher nature, we are fortified to weather outer storms and emanate peace, love, and joy.

This shift, what His Holiness calls “supreme consciousness,” is not just for our own benefit it offers an uplifting path of hope and possibility, benefiting all those we serve.

As we learn to reside in our own state of inner harmony, we're able to radiate goodness wherever we go.

In this 60-minute free online event with timely teachings and practices taught by His Holiness, you’ll:

  • Receive a meditation practice that shifts you from feeling overwhelmed by the world’s problems to discovering the clear sky of compassionate awareness
  • Appreciate how to hold your own suffering more lightly so that you are less identified with it
  • Receive deep insights into the nature of denser emotions like fear, anger, and greed, while lifting your awareness to a place beyond them
  • Understand how the world operates as “one body”  how harm in one area of the world ripples out everywhere and how we can choose to send positive ripples instead
  • Open to a deeper understanding of how your imagination can serve to activate your higher consciousness
  • Recognize why laughter and humor hold important keys to uplifting your consciousness

His Holiness is not only a revered teacher, scholar, and guide to Tibetan Buddhist practices, he emanates a playful, humble grace that endears him to those who come to him for guidance.

You’ll also hear about an opportunity to dive deeper into His Holiness’ teachings in a way that also spreads more wisdom in the world.

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Join this FREE video event with H.H. the 12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa and occupy the peaceful calm that comes from a higher consciousness so you can be a source of light and joy in the world.

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What People Are Saying About H.H. the 12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa...

“I feel so much happier and developed much stronger faith in myself.”

[Ultimately Perfect by Tai Situ Rinpoche] is very easy to follow, full of humor, yet enlightening and heart-touching. I stopped so many times, contemplating, laughing, contemplating... The words are indeed coming from a precious realized being who sincerely wishes everyone to be happy. My understanding about life and how to live a meaningful life has become so much deeper, far beyond my expectation from reading a book. Since I read this book, I feel so much happier and developed much stronger faith in myself. I feel extremely fortunate to come across this book in this life. I sincerely recommend this book to everyone who is searching for the key to happiness.
Changchiu Lhamo

“... always so happy, and calm, humble... a very inspiring being!”

I was very fortunate to receive teachings from Tai Situpa... He is always so happy, and calm, humble, and explains Dharma in such a profound and simple way, a very inspiring being!
Nelson C.

“Just seeing him is a teaching in itself.”

His Eminence is such a blessing. Just seeing him is a teaching in itself. I could listen to him read the phone book and feel the blessings.
Ted Faris

About H.H. the 12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa

His Holiness the Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa, popularly known as His Holiness Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche, is proclaimed in number of sacred texts as the incarnation of Bodhisattva Maitreya in Tushita, heaven-crowned as the future Buddha in 623 BC and Subsequent incarnations as Guru padmasambhava.

In 1012 AD, he was born in Tibet as Marpa the Great enlightened Translator, who introduced sacred kagyu lineage from India and continued by his disciple such as the Milarepa and Marpa’s incarnation Gampo Tsultrim Nyingpo, and in 1148 as first Tai Situ Drogon Rechen. In 1407, enlightened Chokyi Gyaltsen received the title “Kuan ting yuan thong miyu tsi guo shi.”

In 1727, His Holiness the Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa, the great popularly known as Situ Panchen, founded the Mount of Excellence, nonsectarian, multidisciplinary, Palpung Institutions and established the Palpung Monastic Seat.

300 pre-Buddhist and Buddhist monasteries and 180 monasteries of Kagyu lineage looked up to Palpung Monastic Seat and its supreme head, His Holiness the Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa.

The current His Holiness the Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa was born to a farming and nomadic dual family in the east Tibetan kingdom of Dege in 1954 and shortly after enthroned to the Palpung Monastic Seat.

In 1959, at the age of five, he was brought to safety by senior lamas of the Palpung Monastic Seat to the Kingdom of Bhutan, and then to India following His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama taking refuge.

Until 22 years of age, he grew up in Sikkim, Bhutan and West Bengal. He received ordinations from His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa and from a great number of eminent masters. He received an entirety of basic and advanced studies and transmissions.

In 1976, at age of 23, His Holiness the Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa established the Palpung Sherabling Monastic Seat in Himachal Pradesh, India. which today is contributing towards training, educating, ordaining, and transmitting to the next generation of Buddhist Masters of present and future across and beyond denominations and ethnicity.

In 1984, His Holiness the Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa founded the Maitreya institute, dedicated for interfaith and interdisciplinary harmony through exchange and exposure based on love, kindness, compassion, and wisdom.

Concerned about disharmony among people, religion, and ideology throughout the world, as well as environmental degradation, he initiated in 1989 a pilgrimage for ACTIVE PEACE ONE WORLD ONE HUMANITY, which celebrated its silver jubilee in 2014.

His Holiness the Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa is a great scholar, philosopher, poet, artist, architect, geomancer. He authored more than 20 books in English and his compilation in the Tibetan language reaches over 200 volumes; his writing reaches over 15 volumes.

He is continuously teaching and transmitting sacred lineage of Dharma to disciples from all over the world.
