Experience HighSpeed Healing™, Debora Wayne’s proprietary approach to energy healing that uses beneficial vibrational frequencies to release disturbances in your biofield and open you to a state of consciousness where healing is possible.
Join us to discover how to access a relaxing sense of calm, release chronic physical or emotional pain, receive an energy boost, and establish a deeper connection to Source, love, and your intuition.

Have you suffered from chronic physical or emotional pain?
Perhaps you have a chronic disease that has left you depleted and depressed, and have tried everything to heal it, but nothing seems to work... at least for very long.
Or, maybe you suffer from mystery symptoms no medical specialist or diagnostic test can explain, and you’ve all but given up hope of ever feeling well again.
Renowned healer Debora Wayne, the founder of the International Chronic Pain Institute®, has helped thousands worldwide to uncover, release, and heal the root causes of their pain or dis-ease with an energetic solution that transmits healing vibrational frequencies — and can serve as a seemingly miraculous jumpstart to transforming pain and illness and opening the door to a more vital, enjoyable life.
Debora’s past clients have reported finally experiencing relief from severe and chronic physical or emotional pain, insomnia, migraines, trauma, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, gut-health issues, binge-eating, IBS, depression, anxiety, addictions, inflammation, arthritis, carpal tunnel, TMJ, spine pain, Lyme disease, and the list goes on.
How is this possible? As Debora explains, everything is energy, including your pain and symptoms, which means all of it is changeable.
In this remarkable hour, you’ll learn about and experience Debora’s proprietary approach to energy healing, which she calls HighSpeed Healing.
This profound approach to energy healing allows her to act as a mediator or adapter for others, accessing a state of consciousness through the cosmic field where there is no dis-ease — a state that holds the possibility for your state of health to literally transform.
Experiencing HighSpeed Healing with Debora can open you to an abundance of healing possibilities, including a relaxing sense of calm, the release of physical or emotional pain, anda deeper connection to Source, love, or your intuition — and provide insights into what may be holding you back from healing a current health challenge.
Debora’s unique healing ability began emerging after she experienced her own health crisis, which led to a pivotal moment of spiritual awakening — and started her exploration of hands-on-healing, Reiki, yoga, hypnotherapy, addictions counseling, and other energy healing modalities.
HighSpeed Healing, however, goes well beyond the scope of other methods you may have experienced.
The band of healing frequencies Debora accesses and that reside in her own biofield — the energy field that surrounds and extends out from each person’s body — is so powerful that people have actually experienced the spontaneous healing of a physical or emotional imbalance by merely hearing Debora’s voice, seeing a photograph of her, or being in her presence. (This can also happen even long distance — over Zoom, the phone, or other online platforms.)
During this complimentary presentation, you’ll learn to view pain and dis-ease from a new perspective. You’ll find out why we all have the ability to heal— and you’ll discover the impact that your thoughts and how you manage your emotions have on your wellbeing, energy level, and entire life!
When you join Debora for this eye-opening event, you’ll:
- Gain a new understanding of pain and the healing process — and learn why pain is your friend and not your enemy
- Open to the possibility of experiencing yourself as an energy field with the help of HighSpeed Healing as you enter a state of consciousness where there is no dis-ease or energy disturbance and where health and healing reside
- Discover your biofield and how it holds the key to the fastest, safest, easiest path to healing emotional and physical pain and dis-ease
- Discover the #1 reason that practically guarantees that your pain, patterns, and symptoms will never leave
- Learn that even though you may think you’re in touch with your emotions, emotional blind spots may be at the root of what’s preventing you from healing
During the hour, you’ll also learn about a brand-new 7-week online course with Debora where you’ll experience a full HighSpeed Healing session — and learn powerful self-care tools to help you shift unbeneficial thought patterns and release stuck emotions blocking your way to true, sustained health, high energy ... and a life you’ll love!
Sign Up Now
Join this FREE video event with Debora Wayne and experience HighSpeed Healing™, her proprietary approach to energy healing that uses beneficial vibrational frequencies to release disturbances in your biofield and open you to a state of consciousness where healing is possible.

Free Video Event
What People Are Saying About Debora Wayne...

“I experienced a profound healing from fibromyalgia with Debora Wayne.”
I experienced a profound healing from fibromyalgia with Debora Wayne. After 20 years of symptomatic pain, I could feel the sources of this autoimmune disorder being pulled from my body during her session. The flareup I was experiencing has remained in remission since I received her gift of energy work. I highly recommend anyone with fibromyalgia, other related autoimmune disorders, or chronic pain to seek her loving intervention.
— Maryanne DeAngelo, San Diego, California
“I haven’t had a major pain spasm for six months!!!”
This time last year I could never have imagined how much my life would change. I haven’t had a major pain spasm for six months!!! My oncologist doesn’t want to see me for a whole year! I’m a full-time author and will be living a lot of the year in the mountains — all dreams come true. Thank you, Debora Wayne!
— Marilee Seymour, Bellevue, Washington
“Before working with Debora, a CT scan revealed a cyst on my pancreas, and I suffered from digestive drama.”
Before working with Debora, a CT scan revealed a cyst on my pancreas, and I suffered from digestive drama. As a result I missed celebrating both Thanksgiving and my birthday entirely! After working with Debora for only one month’s time, the endoscopic ultrasound revealed nothing on my pancreas, and the digestive drama I was experiencing cleared up! Debora helped me to see the power of my thoughts and feelings, and how they can affect the body positively or negatively.
— Janet T., Kalamazoo, Michigan
“This truly was an amazing, life-changing experience that is difficult to put into words.”
Something HUGE happened! Something I feel in my bones and in my mind every day. This truly was an amazing, life-changing experience that is difficult to put into words. Whatever I write will not do my experience justice. During the sessions with Debora, I experienced healing beyond anything I had thought about or dreamed about. Recurring issues/pain I’d been having for years with my low back were gone! Debora, you are a healing angel and I thank you so much!
— Susie P., San Diego, California
“Debora wears no white coat and uses no stethoscope, yet has the gift of shifting people from chronic states of illness into perfect health.”
Healing can come in so many different disguises. Debora wears no white coat and uses no stethoscope, yet has the gift of shifting people from chronic states of illness into perfect health. It is something not only beautiful to behold but magical to experience!
— C.C., Carlsbad, California
“About two-and-a-half years ago I was hit with chronic pain and IBS so severe I thought I was dying — two conditions I had never had before.”
About two-and-a-half years ago I was hit with chronic pain and IBS so severe I thought I was dying — two conditions I had never had before. I always maintained that if I could suddenly get them, then I could make them all go away. Debora helped me discover where my issues came from, how to get rid of them, and how to prevent them from returning. I’m now leading a normal life. When I feel “triggers” tensing my muscles now, I can recognize it and know what to do to relax and stop the pain pattern. I wish this program was covered by health insurance because I don’t know a person who wouldn’t benefit from it.
— Eileen S., Toronto, Canada
About Debora Wayne

Debora Wayne is the founder and CEO of The International Chronic Pain Institute. She is a world-renowned energy healer whose leading-edge non-drug method, known as HighSpeed Healing™, has (remotely) helped tens of thousands in over 160 countries to rapidly release chronic pain, depression, anxiety, trauma, battles with weight, binge-eating, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and other “mysterious” chronic conditions.
A highly sought-after speaker and author of Why Do I Still Hurt?, Debora has earned degrees and certifications in psychology, hypnotherapy, and chemical dependency counseling. She has 35+ years practicing and teaching meditation, is a nationally recognized glass artist, a former professional modern dancer, a certified yoga instructor, and leads the only practitioner training worldwide in her HighSpeed Healing proprietary method.
DISCLAIMER: The information, materials, and attachments contained herein are designed for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced in any manner or format without specific written permission from Debora Wayne, LLC. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind, nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Debora Wayne LLC, The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute™, and any and all associates of Debora Wayne LLC and/or The Biofield Healing Institute® and International Chronic Pain Institute™shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control.