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With Mystic, Medium & Author
Suzanne Giesemann

Discover tangible practices and activities that help you acknowledge the presence of the spirit world throughout your day and embrace your role as a soul who’s already connected to those beyond the veil... as part of a much larger whole.

From our limited human perspective, it’s easy to feel like those in the unseen realms are out of sight and out of mind...

Yet, once you understand your own multidimensional nature that connects you to those beyond the veil, and make communicating with them part of your daily life... it becomes self-evident that you’re never alone, and that death is not the end, but a transition into a whole new world.

Like all of us, you were born with the ability to reach out to those beyond the veil through the power of mediumship. You can create and maintain a profound ongoing connection with those in the unseen dimensions... and receive closure and feel less alone when you experience for yourself how they’re already part of your very being...

After all, your very soul, your divine essence, is part of one interconnected whole.

Mediumship powerfully affirms this truth  that there’s life beyond our earthly embodiment, and that we’re all part of something much greater than the visible world.

According to celebrated medium Suzanne Giesemann, you intrinsically are blessed with your own style of what she calls holistic mediumship a way of living that brings what you practice in your mediumship sessions into every facet of your daily life.

Holistic mediumship is your individualized style of mediumship that draws from your specific life experiences, personality, interests, lifestyle, and spiritual journey...

It’s an extension of who you are, making your mediumship more personal and meaningful, both for you and your sitters (the people you perform readings for).

Join Suzanne for a free 60-minute online video event, where she’ll share practical and tangible ways to explore your personal brand of holistic mediumship... and acknowledge the presence of spirit throughout your day.

To help you understand why being part of this larger whole can change your daily life, Suzanne will guide you through an exercise to heal self-criticism through a new perspective of wholeness...

Suzanne is a former U.S. Navy Commander and the author of 13 books, including her memoir, Messages of Hope. She’s been a keynote presenter for Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment, the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, the Afterlife Research and Education Institute, and the International Association for Near-Death Studies.

She’ll also provide you with a deep dive into the term holos, and explain how being part of the universal hologram makes mediumship possible.

You’ll come to understand how, as one field within many fields during spirit connections, you can easily merge and flow with the information that’s always present creating instant, spontaneous connections beyond the veil.

You’ll reflect on an incident in your life that you’re “beating yourself up” for because you’re only seeing it through a human perspective. With Suzanne's guidance, you’ll shift to a more accurate, multidimensional view  to reframe the incident from the perspective of wholeness.

Suzanne is known for her evidence-based mediumship, recognized as highly credible by noted afterlife researchers and organizations. She uses simple tools to make reliable connections with the spirit world and discern the verifiability of the information you receive.

Join us for this illuminating hour and explore how to embrace your sense of wholeness and make your unique, innate ability to communicate with the spirit world a natural part of your daily life.

During this transformative 60 minutes with Suzanne, you’ll discover:

  • How you can make spirit connections a way of life through the power of holistic mediumship your individualized style of mediumship based on the specifics of your life and who you are
  • Five fun, tangible practices and activities that help you recognize and acknowledge the presence of spirits throughout your day
  • A guided exercise to heal self-criticism through a new understanding of wholeness and transform an incident you deeply regret by reframing it from a higher perspective
  • How to feel the underlying peace and joy that comes from recognizing your innate wholeness
  • Why your soul is part of a much larger whole and how that realization can help you access information and interact with those across the veil anytime, anywhere

When you join Suzanne for this powerful hour, you’ll also learn more about how you can continue to benefit from her vast experience and wisdom in her upcoming 9-week video course...

... in which you’ll deepen and refine your innate ability to communicate with loved ones and others beyond the veil and help others make connections with the spirit world  as you tune in to a higher consciousness and open your heart to a more awakened life.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Suzanne Giesemann and discover tangible practices and activities that help you acknowledge the presence of the spirit world throughout your day and embrace your role as a soul who’s already connected to those beyond the veil... as part of a much larger whole.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Suzanne Giesemann...

“... an exceptionally gifted visionary and practitioner.”

Suzanne is an exceptionally gifted visionary and practitioner. Trust me on this... I know from firsthand experience.
Dr. Wayne Dyer, PhD, bestselling author and spiritual teacher

“... if anyone has the potential to bring the reality of mediumship and life after death to the masses, it is Suzanne.”

Suzanne is among the most gifted and among the most credible of any genuine medium I have had the privilege to meet and work with over the past 15 years. Moreover, if anyone has the potential to bring the reality of mediumship and life after death to the masses, it is Suzanne.
Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor, author, and afterlife researcher

“I aspire to develop the trust and confidence that [Suzanne] has.”

Suzanne was real. There was no ego. There was so much love. She was down-to-earth, caring, and incredibly connected to Spirit. I aspire to develop the trust and confidence that she has. As far as I’m concerned, Suzanne is my new teacher. Thank you for an awesome experience!
Rev. Donna Thompson, certified spiritual counselor, energy intuitive, and medium

“The work with [Suzanne] took my mediumistic and psychic skills to another level...”

Suzanne has a way of explaining the process of mediumship that provides a powerful and clear framework for understanding what we are trying to do. Not a moment was wasted. The work with her took my mediumistic and psychic skills to another level, which is deeply exciting to me. I cannot recommend this workshop highly enough.
Judy Tsafrir, MD, Boston Holistic Adult and Child Psychiatry

“... one of the most outstanding classes on communication I have taken in my almost 40 years as a psychotherapist.”

Suzanne’s workshop is one of the most outstanding classes on communication I have taken in my almost 40 years as a psychotherapist. The workshop is transformative, inspirational, and provides a “how to” on seeing the reality of the spirit world with a new perspective and understanding.
Sylvia Chavez Reaves, LCSW, LPC, certified bereavement counselor and certified spiritual director

About Suzanne Giesemann

Suzanne Giesemann is a spiritual teacher, author, and messenger of hope who guides people to the certainty that love never dies and that we are part of a multidimensional universe. She is featured on Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine’s 2022 list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People.

Suzanne is a former U.S. Navy Commander, commanding officer, and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Her transition from senior military officer to her current work is featured in the award-winning documentary Messages of Hope, based on her memoir by the same name.

She has authored 13 books, and written and narrated 6 Hemi-Sync® recordings. She produces the Daily Way inspirational messages read by tens of thousands each day and hosts the top-ranking weekly Messages of Hope radio show with the Unity Online Radio Network.

She is a sought-after keynote speaker at major international conferences, and her many YouTube videos have reached millions of viewers, helping people throughout the world awaken to the interconnectedness of all life. Suzanne leads both online and in-person classes, workshops, and retreats, teaching people around the world about their true nature and how to connect with higher consciousness.

Suzanne is the founder of The Awakened WaySM, a path to living a consciously connected and divinely guided life. She is the creator of the BLESS ME Method of connecting to Higher Consciousness, and the popular SIP of the Divine© meditation. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, a group of thought leaders from diverse disciplines who come together to help support a global shift in consciousness

Suzanne’s gift of communication with those on the other side has been verified and recognized as highly credible by noted afterlife researchers. Her messages bring not only hope, but healing and love that go straight to the heart.
