With Doctor of Oriental Medicine & Advanced Energy Medicine Practitioner
Dr. Melanie Smith

Start regenerating and bolstering your cognitive capacity and preserving optimal brain function NOW, so you can enjoy sustained brain health and keep your memory, clarity, and focus razor-sharp as you age.

You may be surprised to hear that your brain begins its aging process at the tender age of eight!

With that in mind, wouldn’t you do everything you could to protect, preserve, and enhance your cognitive function... not only so you can enjoy and achieve all the things you love to do in this life, but to ensure that you maintain healthy mental acuity all the way through your elder years?

According to energy medicine practitioner,Dr. Melanie Smith, there are many things that can chip away at our brain health starting at a very young age even in utero! from being born into a family dealing with hardship... to sustaining brain injuries...

... to regular exposure to toxins, EMFs, and food additives... to experiencing traumatic events, loss of loved ones, lack of sleep, or hormonal changes.

If we don’t intentionally exercise our brain’s resilience, we can start losing memory, focus, and clarity and ultimately develop conditions like Alzheimer’s or dementia, Parkinson’s, or multiple sclerosis, and even compromise our gut health.

But fear not. Regardless of your stage of life and what’s happened in your personal world, there are many things you can do to rejuvenate, restore, and sharpen healthy brain activity particularly energy medicine practices to counteract and prevent the often negative impact of an aging brain.

As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, an acupuncture physician, and expert in other healing modalities, Dr. Melanie has provided energy healing consultations to patients in over 50 countries and all 50 states. She’s taught workshops on four continents, and has treated thousands of patients in person and online.

Dr. Melanie, recognized as one of the most powerful energy medicine teachers of our time, has dedicated her life to empowering people to heal complex health issues and transform their lives with her unique fusion of non-Western, alternative methods.

That’s why we’re excited to invite you to join Dr. Melanie in a free video event, in which she’ll guide you in three simple yet highly effective, brain-oriented energy medicine exercises:

  1. The “Lotus Blossom” for building neuroplasticity as you enhance cross-over energy patterns
  2. The “Glymphatic Rub” for clearing debris, detoxing your brain, and moving glymphatic fluid, which opens new neural pathways
  3. The “Peacemaker” for calming your nervous system, supporting good gut health, and enhancing the 2-way communication pathway of your vagus nerve from your brain to all of your organs, and back to your brain

Dr. Melanie will share important (and fascinating!) information about the chronology of brain development. For example... did you know that we come into the world with all the brain cells we’re ever going to have?

Or that we receive energy from both our parents (what’s known in Oriental medicine as jing) energy that’s meant to sustain us throughout our whole lifetime at conception?

So, what might have happened to your brain if your parents had challenges with addiction... if there was serious illness or death in your family... of you suffered a head injury... or if your primary caregivers didn’t provide the loving environment necessary for healthy early childhood brain development?

Well, for example, it’s possible that the synapses in your brain may not be operating at optimal capacity, or your vagus nerve which supports your ability to rest, restore, and digest may not be functioning at full strength, and so on.

Despite the many good reasons that you may be experiencing brain fog, headaches, difficulty in focusing, or memory loss, Dr. Melanie will offer you hope by providing a variety of self-care measures you can take on your own to provide relief, while supporting and enhancing your brain potential at any age.

In this reassuring and healing hour-long workshop, you’ll discover:

  • Three energy-healing techniques for building neuroplasticity, detoxing your brain, opening up new neural pathways, and calming your nervous system
  • The chronology of brain development and the importance of having a fully developed brain before the age of 8
  • How synapses are “communication connectors,” and the important role they play in developing brain neuroplasticity
  • How your early childhood and any difficult circumstances may still be impacting you now
  • The role of the vagus nerve, which manages your parasympathetic nervous system, and how its development in early childhood can affect your gut health and lead to anxiety, depression, ADD, ADHD, and much more
  • Ways that exposure to poor nutrition, food additives, processed food, toxins, and EMFs especially in early childhood can negatively impact your brain health in your later years

Dr. Melanie will lead you in a profound meditation, inviting you to think about what struggles you may have encountered in your early years, and consider how they may have prevented your body from developing complete brain function.

You’ll receive tips on how to repair those deficiencies guidance you can start implementing immediately to interrupt the aging process by reconnecting neural communication, enhancing vagus nerve function, and much more.

You’ll walk away from this event understanding that it’s never too late to heal and enhance your brain power by incorporating energy medicine practices into your everyday life.

Dr. Melanie will also address lifestyle changes you can easily make for improved brain health and longevity.

When you attend, you’ll also be among the first to hear about Dr. Melanie’s brand-new 7-week live video course a highly experiential program that can help you optimize your brain function and cognitive abilities now, and as you age.

You’ll learn how the brain works and experience a wide variety of potent techniques to augment and sustain its capacity and keep it that way for as long as you’re here on this planet!

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Dr. Melanie Smith and begin the process of rejuvenating and cultivating optimal brain function to sustain your mental acuity for the rest of your life.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Dr. Melanie Smith...

“[Dr. Melanie’s] clarity and ease are hallmarks of a master at work.”

I had the good fortune of being in one of Dr. Melanie’s energy medicine classes. Her wellspring of knowledge is deep and clear. Her teaching style is precise and concise. Her clarity and ease are hallmarks of a master at work. Dr. Melanie’s blend of experience and scientific background add credibility to the field of energy medicine.
Christine Simonetta , Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner

“Dr. Melanie has carefully, skillfully, and thoughtfully crafted the teaching of energy medicine and taken it to a new level.”

Dr. Melanie has carefully, skillfully, and thoughtfully crafted the teaching of energy medicine and taken it to a new level. Having taken most of Dr. Melanie’s energy mastery courses, I can honestly say that each one is better than the last; in fact, I won’t hesitate to take the same course more than one time to absorb all the rich material. At the end of a workshop, one feels so empowered, so revitalized, so grateful, and so cared for that there is only anticipation for the next one. Having taught many workshops myself for over 40 years, both as an attorney (teaching other lawyers, judges, and juries) and as an energy medicine practitioner, I have only the highest praise and utmost respect for the gift of Dr. Melanie’s teaching.
Karen L. Semmelman , JD, Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner

“[Dr. Melanie] took difficult concepts and broke them down into manageable, usable information that changed my life.”

[Dr. Melanie] is a great teacher: thorough, knowledgeable, and engaging. She took difficult concepts and broke them down into manageable, usable information that changed my life. I learned so much in these classes, I sought her out for personal care. When I started seeing Dr. Melanie in 2014, she put me back together as I was struggling with divorce, chronic health conditions, physical and emotional exhaustion, and all of my systems being overwhelmed. Her work kept me going so I could juggle parenting, starting a new business, and all the things life was throwing at me. She restored my balance and strengthened my physical and emotional wellbeing. Now she is part of my regular health maintenance and I feel great! Her work has created a shift in my anxiety, depression, and fatigue and has reinforced my focus on self-care and balance. She has profoundly impacted my life.
April Boykin , LMHC

About Dr. Melanie Smith

Dr. Melanie Smith is recognized as one of the most powerful energy medicine teachers of our time. She is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, acupuncture physician, Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, and senior faculty for Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine certification program in the U.S. and United Kingdom.

Over 25 years ago, Dr. Melanie sustained a serious injury. When Western medicine could not improve her condition, she turned to alternative medicine and fully recovered. As a result, she changed careers and has since dedicated her life to empowering people to transform their lives by connecting with their own inner healers through the power of energy medicine. She’s known for her intuitive ability to help people heal complex health issues with a holistic approach embodying a unique fusion of energy medicine, sound healing, acupuncture, Oriental medicine, emotional healing, and nutrition.

Passionate about inspiring others to learn, grow, and heal, Dr. Melanie has created multiple Energy Medicine for Healthy Living™ online courses and charts. She has provided energy consultations to patients in over 50 countries and all 50 states, taught workshops on four continents, and treated thousands of patients in person and online.
