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With the Creator of LifeSpa and a Globally Recognized Leader in Natural Health, Ayurveda & Sports Medicine
Dr. John Douillard, DC


Discover how Ayurvedic philosophies woven with modern science can shift physical and emotional patterns that cause weak digestion, shallow breathing, poor sleep, chronic pain, and degenerative disease all obstacles to your wellbeing and longevity.


Our health and longevity is on our minds more than ever these days...

Perhaps you’ve upped your game to protect your wellbeing meditating and exercising more or boosting your immunity with a new diet and supplements yet, you’re still encountering roadblocks to achieving optimal health. 

What you may not realize is that key foundational aspects of your health beyond diet, DNA, and other hereditary factors were created when you were a child. The ideas you were taught about what you needed to be happy, or who you should become, were etched into the building blocks of your health story.

Through the Ayurvedic philosophies of ancient India, it’s been discovered that a significant portion of your health and wellness hinges on speaking your truth… embracing your truth eases stress levels and is vitally important for living a conscious, loving, healthy, and long life.

As science tells us, chronic stress is linked to the six major causes of death, including depression, cognitive decline, heart disease, and cancer.

The good news is that there are practical steps you can take to identify and shift the factors contributing to your current health challenges providing you with a clear understanding of the “storyboard” for how your health has unfolded.

There are also simple ways to boost your longevity and age gracefully, no matter your circumstances, to feel more energetic, healthier, and happier.

Ayurvedic philosophy shows us how to tap into our most subtle and powerful self, as well as our life’s purpose, or dharma. It helps us shift physical and emotional patterns to find balance, better our health, and connect with the healing power of our own spirituality. 

Join us for an eye-opening hour with Dr. John Douillard, DC, a recognized leader in the fields of natural health and Ayurveda, and discover how this ancient approach to medicine can help you shift physical and emotional patterns that can lead to weak digestion, shallow breathing, poor sleep, chronic pain, and degenerative disease all obstacles to graceful aging and longevity.

Dr. John weaves hard science with Ayurvedic principles, including practical ways to listen to your body’s messages and nature’s rhythms helping us discover and understand new perspectives on our health and how we age.


During this nourishing hour, you’ll discover:

  • Ayurvedic principles of conscious longevity presented as approachable practices and protocols for conscious aging and vibrant health
  • The Ayurvedic philosophy of “letting the truth out” as a way to mitigate stress
  • How stress is stored in the body and how to work with your subtle body sheaths to promote balance and longevity
  • The key role your lymphatic system plays in immunity and gut health and why it’s so important to your digestion to eat seasonal foods
  • How your breathing patterns are key to your wellbeing
  • A breathing technique called “Flossing the Diaphragm” benefiting blood pressure levels, digestion, breast health, circulation, and the lymphatic system

Dr. John has been on the leading edge of achieving dynamic optimal health for decades, helping thousands of people delve beyond their symptoms to reach the root causes of their physical and emotional imbalances.

He teaches how Ayurvedic principles of conscious longevity can boost your immunity and capacity for joy, and provide an approach to your life and overall wellness that can help you stay calm and grounded...

... even when faced with personal challenges or tumultuous events of the greater world.

When you join us for this life-enriching hour, you’ll also be among the first to hear about a new 7-week program with Dr. John that will take you deeper into what it means to live, and age, consciously.

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Join this FREE video event with Dr. John Douillard, DC and discover how Ayurvedic philosophies woven with modern science can shift physical and emotional patterns that cause weak digestion, shallow breathing, poor sleep, chronic pain, and degenerative disease.

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What People Are Saying About Dr. John Douillard, DC...

“... a HUGE gain in health.”

As an editor for such publications as Yoga Journal and Natural Health, I see a lot of “detox plans.” [Dr. John Douillard’s Colorado Cleanse] is a cleanse based on a clear understanding of body dynamics. It’s not about suffering fasting, denial but about working with your own body rhythms to create better health. My own results were undeniable: I lost 11 pounds. More importantly, my blood pressure dropped from 160/98 to 125/75. That is a HUGE gain in health.
Hillari Dowdle, Editor, Yoga Journal

“Dr. John Douillard takes the analysis of food sensitivities deeper to get at the root causes.”

Combining insights from modern scientific research and the brilliant, ancient system of Ayurvedic medicine, Dr. John Douillard takes the analysis of food sensitivities deeper to get at the root causes.
Timothy McCall, MD, author of Yoga as Medicine, co-editor of The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care, and medical editor for Yoga Journal

“... helped me on game days, when I needed energy most.”

The 3-Season Diet is very informative. It helped me on game days, when I needed energy most.
Kendall Gill, former team captain, the NBA’s New Jersey Nets

“Great practices with tangible results in short periods.”

I am a medical doctor, and really loved all the talks. Very good information with scientific evidence. Great practices with tangible results in short periods. I really enjoyed the course and will go back to the information.
Claudia Guzman, MD, Bogotá, Colombia

“Dr. John has a way of articulating information in a way that makes it understandable, applicable, and thus truly transformational.”

This course with Dr. John was phenomenal. I’m a health coach and I’ve done a lot of training and online courses, and this was the BEST one I’ve ever taken. Dr. John has a way of articulating information in a way that makes it understandable, applicable, and thus truly transformational. The knowledge and insight I’ve gained from this course are invaluable and will serve me for the rest of my life.
Michelle Brown, health coach, Topeka, Kansas


About Dr. John Douillard, DC

Dr. John Douillard, DC, is a globally recognized leader in natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine. He’s the creator of LifeSpa, the leading Ayurvedic health and wellness online resource, which offers thousands of free articles, ebooks, and videos. LifeSpa combines ancient wisdom with modern science to evolve the way Ayurveda is understood around the world, disseminating information to more than 105,000 newsletter subscribers and through more than 11 million YouTube views.

Dr. John is the former director of player development for the NBA’s New Jersey Nets, the author of seven wellness books (including the bestsellers Eat Wheat and The 3-Season Diet), a teacher of several online courses, and the director of LifeSpa Ayurvedic Clinic (the 2013 Holistic Wellness Center of the Year) in Boulder, Colorado.
