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With Spiritual Guide to the Dying, Meditation Teacher & Founder and Director of the Living/Dying Project
RamDev Dale Borglum


Activate a new healing path to wholeness by reconnecting with your infinite self to ease the fear of death, transmute difficult emotions and obstacles into inspired presence... and embrace the gifts of life that are here now.

Be guided in a practice to tangibly feel the sacred nature of all experience and your place in it.


What if the fear of death was the one true obstacle on your path to wholeness?

The fear that you and those you love will inevitably die one day not only limits your capacity for living fully now but undermines the part of you that is human, in physical form...

... and here to expand your soul by experiencing love, joy, sorrow, and a spectrum of emotions in a rich and colorful dimension of sensuous physicality for a limited time.

As the Executive Director of the Living/Dying Project, Dale Borglum says the fear of death is actually the root of all fears... which we can overcome by healing the divide that has separated our spiritual and physical selves.

This begins with how we process the emotions that arise with physical death and our ability to reconnect to our infinite selves... and the true reality of life.

You’ll begin this soulful reconciliation of all that you are during this comforting online event with Dale, and activate a new path to wholeness by easing your fear of death  and the heavy emotions and uncertainty that often accompany it.

You’ll receive illuminating spiritual practices that unify your spiritual and physical nature as you explore your emotions as a gateway to embodying a deeper sense of wholeness, surrender, and peace.

Dale worked closely with Ram Dass and Stephen Levine to inspire the conscious dying movement in the West and became the founder and director of the first residential facility in the United States to support conscious dying.

You’ll experience how liberating this approach to life and death can be as he guides you through a meditation to ground and experience your innate aliveness your true identity and source of stability in a world that is constantly changing.


In this life-enriching online event, you’ll:

  • Learn how the fear of death is obstructing your path to wholeness and be given steps you can take right now to ease this fear and reconnect to your true infinite nature
  • Be guided in a meditation to tangibly feel the sacred nature of all experience, grounded and embodied mindfulness, and compassion and forgiveness
  • Gain greater agency over your emotions by learning how to directly feel an emotion rather than being lost conceptually in the trigger
  • Explore your emotions as a spiritual gateway to a deeper relationship with yourself and others
  • Allow interconnectedness to help you transmute difficult emotions into compassion for all beings
  • Transmute obstacles into awakened presence by realizing the Source within each of us that does not die

Dale teaches that getting lost in emotions or pushing them away is often the main cause of suffering.

The more conflicted we are with our emotions, the deeper the divide between our spiritual and physical natures, which influences our capacity to live fully and to die as a conscious and whole human being.

There is a spark an ember of infiniteness within us that is always with us in life and death, that can grow and brighten as we embrace the limited time we have on Earth and draw from the spiritual wellspring that nurtures our immortality...

... transmuting difficult emotions surrounding death into the grace, joy, compassion, and passionate presence of simply being alive here, now.

In joining Dale’s inspiring online event, you’ll also be among the first to learn about his new 7-week course on how to live and die consciously a journey to awaken, ground, and expand your innate aliveness and your capacity to live fully both as spirit and human being.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with RamDev Dale Borglum to activate a new path to wholeness by consciously reconnecting with your infinite self to ease the fear of death and embrace the true reality of life.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About RamDev Dale Borglum...

“[Dale] is a pioneer and carries on our work with wisdom, humor, and great compassion.”

Dale was there with Ram Dass and Stephen Levine at the beginning of the conscious dying movement in the West. He is a pioneer and carries on our work with wisdom, humor, and great compassion.
Ondrea Levine, author of Embracing the Beloved

“I recommend anything that Dale teaches.”

Ram Dass, spiritual teacher, guru of modern yoga, psychologist, and writer

“I am now happy every day and living in grace.”

Dale’s teachings are so natural and effortless that it seems simple, and then I realized  I am now happy every day and living in grace.
Jacqueline J., group member

“Thank you, Dale, for bringing people together to deepen spiritual lives and remind us of who we are.”

After I’d had the opportunity to tell some of the story of my mom’s transition and I was sitting quietly listening to the sharing of our group, I was filled with gratitude, appreciation, and love for all of you and profound gratitude that I found you all. Thank you, Dale, for bringing people together to deepen spiritual lives and remind us of who we are. The gift of your service helped me to hold my mom’s decline and transition with a tenderness, devotion, and sacredness of love that I didn’t know was within me.
Barbara M., group member

“I felt like I was right where I was supposed to be.”

I want to thank you from the very depths of my being, Dale. I had to be rushed to the hospital just four days ago due to complications from a surgery and I had to confront and make peace with my death more fully than I ever have in the five hours leading up to another emergency surgery. Though I still felt fear, it didn’t overtake me and I felt divinely guided having just recently taken your course. I had my partner lead me through the “AH” breathing practice and other practices that you shared, which helped keep me conscious and present in my body through the experience. I felt like I was right where I was supposed to be.
Katie W., client


About RamDev Dale Borglum

Dale Borglum founded and directed the Hanuman Foundation Dying Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the first residential facility in the United States to support conscious dying. Working with Ram Dass and Stephen Levine, Dale helped found the conscious dying movement in the West.

He has been the Executive Director of the Living/Dying Project in Santa Fe, and since 1986 in the San Francisco Bay Area. The co-author with Ram Dass, Daniel Goleman, and Dwarka Bonner of Journey of Awakening: A Meditator’s Guidebook, he has taught meditation since 1974. 

Dale, who has a doctorate degree from Stanford University, lectures and gives workshops on the topics of meditation, healing, spiritual support for those with life-threatening illness, and caregiving as spiritual practice. He has taught with Ram Dass, Stephen Levine, Joan Halifax, Robert Thurman, Joanna Macy, Jack Kornfield, Annie Lamott, Jai Uttal, and many others.
