With Physical Therapist, Owner of Spring Physical Therapy, and Somatic Enneagram Teacher
Marion Gilbert, RPT


Learn how you can integrate and embody the Enneagram’s psychological wisdom through somatic movement and experience a more open mind, a less defensive heart, and a more vital and resilient body.


You likely carry certain default patterns of behavior based on past survival mechanisms and responses to trauma.

What if you could relax those automatic responses, learn to feel when you’re in true danger, and ease many of the survival strategies that only seem to cause more stress in mind, body, and spirit?

The Enneagram, an ancient system illuminating nine primary personality types, sheds light on elements of your personality that you may not be aware of including those parts that are easily triggered in challenging situations  and how your type has certain default behavioral patterns based on past trauma or survival needs.

According to Somatic Enneagram teacher Marion Gilbert, the Somatic Enneagram uses your body intelligence to relax the automatic reactivity of your Enneagram type patterns.

Through the Somatic Enneagram, you can calm those automatic reactions by tuning in to your body’s response to psychological stress, enabling you to discern more quickly whether you’re in true danger or not.

While the Enneagram is about defining behaviors, the Somatic Enneagram is about learning what drives those behaviors. For many, it’s the missing piece to their Enneagram work, as it helps them consciously recognize when their bodies are resorting to a default pattern.

The Greek word somatic not only relates to your body but also to your entire being. The Somatic Enneagram can help you discover the root of your attachment to and identification with a conditioned way of perceiving reality.

In this fascinating hour with Marion, you’ll learn how you can work with your body’s intelligence to uncover the unconscious reactions and behaviors of your specific Enneagram type so that they’re not automatically activated and causing undue stress on your body.

Marion will share how the Somatic Enneagram allows you to experience increased emotional freedom, awareness, and unconditional love and respond more consciously to your life as you live it with less stress and reactivity.

She’ll also guide you through a brief full-body scan to help you understand the difference between how you feel about something and what you think about it, which also helps you tap into the unconscious part of your brain.


In this eye-opening online event, you’ll:

  • Learn about the 9 personality types of the Enneagram and how your type affects your default behavioral patterns
  • Discover the Somatic Enneagram a new way of looking at how you can better understand your personality through your body’s wisdom
  • Explore how to discern between regular somatic practices that don’t require conscious awareness and those that do require conscious awareness to build new connections in your brain
  • Create greater awareness of yourself in the present moment through the placement of your attention in various parts of your body
  • Experience a whole-body scan to help you discover where you hold on to memories that may be impacting how you move through the world today

Join us for this insightful hour and discover how to apply your body’s wisdom in conjunction with your personality type to experience a more open mind, a less defensive heart, and a more vital and resilient body resulting in a greater capacity for receiving, knowing, and sensing.

You’ll also learn about Marion’s upcoming 7-week online program where you’ll further apply this brand-new method to uplevel your Enneagram training with somatic awareness. You’ll explore how to interpret and integrate your behavioral response in your three primary centers (body, head, and heart), ultimately giving you a greater sense of grounded presence, freedom to receive, and ability to respond consciously and lovingly to life.

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Join this FREE video event with Somatic Enneagram teacher Marion Gilbert and discover how you can embody the Enneagram’s psychological wisdom through somatic movement to experience greater emotional freedom.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Marion Gilbert, RPT...

“Marion’s deep understanding and skill in working with the body (somatics) is revolutionizing the Enneagram work...”

I first met Marion Gilbert while I was teaching in the Netherlands. She joined the core faculty of Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition in 2007 and has become a powerful teacher over the years. Marion’s deep understanding and skill in working with the body (somatics) is revolutionizing the Enneagram work and integrates the psychological and spiritual aspects of the system. She brings a compelling energy and expertise to the Enneagram based upon her vast experience in somatic therapy. I recommend her highly, without reservation of any kind.
Dr. David Daniels, MD

(I) come away enriched by her wealth of Enneagram understanding, clarity of delivery, and kindness of attention to students.”

I have rarely heard such skilled interventions, particularly in the area of somatic relaxation for longstanding personality patterns. I currently co-teach several programs a year with Marion and typically come away enriched by her wealth of Enneagram understanding, clarity of delivery, and kindness of attention to students.
Helen Palmer


About Marion Gilbert, RPT

Marion Gilbert, RPT, who has been practicing physical therapy since 1978, is the owner of a well-established physical therapy practice and movement studio in Grass Valley, California. She has extensive training in Craniosacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Release® and Trauma Resolution. She has been actively using the Enneagram professionally and personally since 2003.

She emphasizes understanding the role of the somatic lens of perception in facilitation of personal and spiritual transformation with the Enneagram. Her specific interest is in developing somatic awareness for reconciling 3-centered awareness, providing a platform for meditation, contemplation, and awakening practices. She has developed the Somatic Enneagram Certification Training and is teaching locally, nationally, and internationally. She is an adjunct faculty member of The Narrative Enneagram and an advisory board member of the Enneagram Prison Project.
