With the Founder of the Shared Crossing Project & Author of At Heaven’s Door
William Peters, MA

Learn about the life-changing phenomenon of the shared-death experience and be guided through a simulated visualization accompanying a loved one through their end-of-life transition to receive comfort and a reassuring understanding of the beautiful afterlife that awaits us all.

The shared-death experience strongly suggests that an enduring aspect of ourselves survives death and journeys to an awe-inspiring realm imbued with joy and love.
William Peters

The passing of a loved one can leave us bereft, grief-stricken, and regretful.

It can also trigger anxiety around our own end-of-life journey, the fear of leaving our loved ones and this world, the unknown of what happens next, and the often profoundly destabilizing existential question: Is this really all there is?

Would you experience the loss of a loved one differently if you knew where they were headed, and felt reassured that they were lovingly guided to a dimension of peace and bliss?

Would the feelings of emptiness be easier to process if you knew with certainty that you’d see your loved one again? That the end of this life is not the end of your connection... or of their very existence?

You’ve likely heard about near-death experiences (NDE)... maybe you’ve even had one. But there’s another, lesser-known, not frequently discussed phenomenon called the shared-death experience (SDE).

And what’s being revealed in research is game-changing for the 95% of us who have never had a near-death experience (research suggests that about 5% of North Americans have had an NDE).

In short, you can journey into the afterlife with the dying... and benefit from the enormous life-changing effects for the rest of your time on Earth.

William Peters, founder of the Shared Crossing Project and director of the Shared Crossing Research Initiative, had two NDEs earlier in his life and then quite unexpectedly experienced an SDE while volunteering at the Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco.

He’s since dedicated the past two decades of his life to researching hundreds of cases of SDEs gathering stories from people all over the world and meticulously categorizing them to identify key patterns and features of what is now known as the “shared crossing” experience.

The term shared-death experience was originally coined by Dr. Raymond Moody, a philosopher, psychiatrist, physician, and author most widely known for his research on the afterlife. William has built on Moody’s research and evolved this field of study.

So, what IS an SDE?

It’s a spiritual journey in which the family, friends, or caregivers of someone transitioning to the other side actually sense, witness, accompany, and/or are a party to what the dying person is experiencing in the moments of their passing...

... allowing the “experiencer” to see and feel for themselves the initial stages of their beloved’s beautiful afterlife.

This can happen whether you’re at someone’s bedside when they die, or even if you’re far away. From a distance, you may suddenly have what seems like an otherworldly sense of the person’s transition triggered by something you see, smell, hear, or simply feel.

Join William, a uniquely dynamic teacher and guide, for this illuminating online event where he’ll share more with you about this powerful phenomenon, what happens during an SDE, and how it can not only bring you great comfort and transform the way you process the death of a loved one...

... it can also shift how you think about your own death and dying process and relieve you of the fear of that universal unknown.

In time, you may also find that you’ll be able to intentionally open to powerful “beyond the veil” experiences as a result of practice rather than luck.

In this potent event, you’ll:

  • Understand what it feels like to have a shared-death experience through a guided visualization
  • Be reassured that not only will you survive human death... but that at the time of your own death, you’ll be reunited with loved ones who’ve already passed
  • Receive peace of mind that you and your loved ones will enter a beautiful afterlife when you die, and all find each other again in an exquisite new landscape
  • Learn that, once you understand what SDEs are and the profound personal benefits they hold, you’ll increase your potential of having one yourself
  • Discover that there’s a spiritual force called “the conductor” that meets people at the boundary between human life and the afterlife to guide them through their transition
I think human beings are innately curious. And so if we allow ourselves to be curious about death and dying and come across this shared-death experience, it changes everything. All of a sudden, you’ve opened this new vista of what is possible at the end of life, and an ongoing connection to our loved ones that transcends human death.
William Peters

William will lead you through a gentle but powerful guided visualization simulating an SDE offering you the opportunity to know what it feels like to accompany a loved one in their transition...

... and a new way to understand and support your own grief and loss.

When you join William for this workshop, you’ll also be among the first to hear about his new 7-week live video course, in which you’ll dive much deeper into the exploration of SDEs and how they can change your whole view of death, dying, and the true meaning of your life.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with William Peters to learn about the life-changing phenomenon of the shared-death experience and be guided through a simulated visualization of accompanying a loved one through their end-of-life transition to receive comfort and a reassuring understanding of the beautiful afterlife that awaits us all.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About William Peters...

“... very well-researched and thoughtful look at the transpersonal effects of dying on family, friends, and even healthcare providers.”

Peters has built upon my foundational research into shared-death phenomena with this very well-researched and thoughtful look at the transpersonal effects of dying on family, friends, and even healthcare providers. I strongly recommend At Heaven’s Door for those who want a well-researched look into what exists beyond the threshold.
Dr. Raymond Moody, bestselling author of Life After Life and Glimpses of Eternity

“Highly recommended!”

This brilliant and fascinating research about shared-death experiences removes the conventional myth of death’s finality and shows how love binds us together beyond the material realm. Highly recommended!
Eben Alexander, MD, neurosurgeon and bestselling author of Proof of Heaven, The Map of Heaven, and Living in a Mindful Universe

“Read to find the gifts of comfort, peace, and especially the reduction of fear.”

A “must read” for anyone who will die. Read to find the gifts of comfort, peace, and especially the reduction of fear. This book will change your view of dying in a profoundly positive way.
Maggie Callanan, bestselling author of Final Gifts

“At Heaven's Door offers moving and tender accounts, real and important, soothing and surprisingly common...”

At Heaven's Door offers moving and tender accounts, real and important, soothing and surprisingly common, that validate and affirm the great mystery that who we are is consciousness. We are spirit beyond our body.
Jack Kornfield, PhD, bestselling author of A Path With Heart

About William Peters

William Peters, MA, MEd, is the founder of the Shared Crossing Project, whose mission is to raise awareness for and educate people about profound healing experiences available to the dying and their loved ones. As director of the Shared Crossing Research Initiative (SCRI), William and his team collect and study extraordinary end-of-life experiences (aka shared crossings). Recognized as a leading authority on the shared-death experience (SDE), William has developed methods to facilitate these shared crossings, and to assist people by meaningfully integrating their experiences.

William is a sought-after speaker and conducts workshops internationally. He is a licensed psychotherapist at the Family Therapy Institute in Santa Barbara, where he specializes in end-of-life counseling as a means toward psychospiritual evolution. As a Zen Hospice Project volunteer in San Francisco, he experienced a variety of SDEs; his perspective is also informed by his own two near-death experiences.

His work has been published in the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and in Omega: Journal of Death and Dying. William’s new book is titled At Heaven’s Door: What Shared Journeys to the Afterlife Teach About Dying Well and Living Better.
