A Free Video Event
With Acoustics Scientist &
Inventor of the CymaScope
John Stuart Reid


Have you been exploring the remarkable powers of music and sound to create real healing in the body... and you’re curious about the latest frontier science?

Have you had transcendent experiences with music that catapulted you into an expanded state of consciousness... and you wonder how that’s possible?


Acoustics scientist John Stuart Reid is the go-to source for the answers you seek.

This wizard of sound healing has spent decades at the forefront of the science of sound healing.

He even received special permission from the Egyptian government to conduct the most in-depth studies of the acoustic healing properties of the Giza Pyramid King’s chamber that have ever been done.

He’s dug deeply into the science of how cascades of changes happen in the body, including research with dopamine, nitric oxide, and far more.

John has explored frontiers of music and consciousness in ways no one ever has.

He’s been investigating Cymatic Science and engineering with the passion shared by all great explorers and is now ready to unveil the electrifying secrets he’s discovered.

In a mind-blowing hour, he’ll share how working with sound healing and cymatics (the study of sound and vibration made visible) holds the keys to both personal and planetary healing.

John will be joined in this 60-minute event by musicians who have translated the songs of whales into powerfully transformative frequencies that activate our capacity to heal at a cellular level... including reducing pain and chronic inflammation, and balancing our body systems.

A Healing Sonic Bath

You’ll be sonically bathed in the deep and soothing frequencies of the whale’s song as channeled through The Dream of the Blue Whale, composed and performed by Anders Holte and his partner Cacina Meadu, internationally known for their interdimensional music that takes the listener on a spiritual journey.

Is it possible that basking in the sonic healing of one of the world’s most majestic and mysterious mammals not only stimulates ripples of wellness within our cells, but also infuses them with the original dream for the world and the wisdom of the ages?

This scenario is only ONE of the fascinating excursions into the frontiers of sonic science that you’ll hear about in this boundary-breaking presentation.

You’ll also discover how the right low-frequency sounds can stimulate the healing intelligence of your vagus nerve to calm and bring balance to your nervous system and reduce the biological stress responses of excessive cortisol and inflammation.

You’ll also gain practical insights into the exciting healing potential of cymatics, one of the latest sound-therapy modalities to gain mainstream momentum.

A Miraculous Healing in the Great Pyramids

John’s groundbreaking work in cymatics spans decades, but was elevated to new heights by a personal healing experience he had when experimenting with sound frequencies in the Great Pyramid of Giza.

There, John became transfixed when a series of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs appeared in cymatic sound patterns, as if by magic, when a membrane was stretched across the chamber’s sarcophagus, then sprinkled with sand and excited by sound.

As if this weren’t astonishing enough, it was there in the Great Pyramids that John discovered for himself the extraordinary life-altering healing properties of sound.

You see, John had injured himself some weeks prior to visiting the Great Pyramids, and his every movement caused considerable pain. During a 20-minute sound experiment in the King’s Chamber, his debilitating pain left him, never to return.

A wealth of discoveries in sound and music have unfolded for John since this time including how the patterns of sound that exist on the membranes of your cells can awaken sleeping aspects of your biology... how sound gives birth to light and creates cell-to-cell communication...

... and how sound may one day be used to eradicate cancer.

Are you ready to bask in The Dream of the Blue Whale and to explore how the healing intelligence of sound and music frequencies can boost your immune system, bring light and balance to your bodily systems, and activate your capacity to heal at a cellular level?

Join John for this FREE 60-minute event journey into the healing potential of sonic science and music as medicine!


In this mind-expanding journey into sonic science, you’ll:

  • Be sonically bathed in the deep and soothing frequencies of the whale’s song as channeled through The Dream of the Blue Whale , composed and performed by Anders Holte and Cacina Meadu
  • Stimulate the healing intelligence of your vagus nerve to calm and bring balance to your nervous system, and reduce the biological stress responses of excessive cortisol and inflammation
  • Experience a guided vocal exercise by Anders that activates the production of nitric oxide an important molecule for raising dopamine levels and boosting the immune system
  • Gain insight into the exciting healing potential of cymatics, the science of sound made visible, and one of the latest sound-therapy modalities to gain mainstream momentum
  • Discover how ancient tones of the natural world are seeded with powerfully transformative frequencies that activate our capacity to heal at a cellular level

In joining John’s hour-long experiential event, you’ll also be among the first to learn about his groundbreaking 7-module course where you’ll unravel the mysteries and healing potential of sonic science and the cymatic patterns that influence your health at a cellular level...

... and be immersed in a series of music and sound activations that balance and boost the healing intelligence of your inner harmonics.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with John Stuart Reid and learn how the remarkable powers of music and sound can create real healing in the body.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About John Stuart Reid...

“His pioneering work and teachings are truly monumental.”

I’d like to acknowledge that John Stuart Reid is an extraordinary researcher of sound one of the best on the planet. He’s knowledgeable and affable. His pioneering work and teachings are truly monumental.
Jonathan Goldman, founder of Sound Healers Association

“I hope very much that you will get not only new knowledge but also pleasure from his teaching course.”

I met John Stuart Reid at a seminal conference in London. His presentation and demonstration impressed me very deeply because I understood that we normally separate science and art, and here for me it was elite science and elite art, indivisible. I hope very much that you will get not only new knowledge but also pleasure from his teaching course.
Professor Vladimir Voeikov, chair of Bioorganic Chemistry, and faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University

“I found his lecture on the Holographic Properties of Water to be inspirational...”

I first encountered John Stuart Reid when he gave a lecture at the 11th Water Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. I found his lecture on the Holographic Properties of Water to be inspirational, highlighting the potential for the CymaScope instrument. So much so that upon my return to the U.S., I began to investigate how I could digitize this important new scientific tool, which would allow me and other scientists to analyze CymaGlyphs quantitatively.
Professor Sungchul Ji, Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Rutgers University

“[The CymaScope] is not just a new scientific instrument but new science as well, and I suspect a new field of math.”

Organized dynamical behavior is more the province of biology than of physics, and will require different tools of investigation than are standard in physics. The CymaScope may be one such tool. It is not just a new scientific instrument but new science as well, and I suspect a new field of math.
Professor Brian Josephson, Nobel Laureate, Professor of Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory, 1974-2007


About John Stuart Reid

Acoustics pioneer John Stuart Reid is on a mission to educate and inspire the world about the field of cymatics the science of visible vibrations and sound. He asserts that sound is the foundation of almost all matter in the Universe and was a potent force in the creation of life in the primordial oceans, thereby carrying the power to heal life.

In his lectures, John reveals groundbreaking information on the mechanisms that support Sound Therapy and Music Medicine, and how they can be applied to improve health naturally.

His CymaScope invention has forever changed the world’s perception of sound by giving us the ability to “see” sound and better understand this ubiquitous aspect of life. His cymatics research, which is elevating this important new field in scientific and medical arenas, includes a study on differentiating between the sounds emitted by healthy cells and cancer cells, published in Water Journal.

In John’s words, “The old adage ‘seeing is believing’ takes on an important new meaning to see sound is to open a new window on our world, one that has been veiled for all time, until now.”
