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With Ceremonial Leader, Educator, Healer,
Teacher of Indigenous Spiritual Ways & Founder of Soul of the Mother
Kahontakwas Diane Longboat

Be nourished and inspired by Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address to create your own powerful words of gratitude and deepen your connection with all of life.

To be truly happy, you have to fall in love with all of Creation.
Kahontakwas Diane Longboat

Now more than ever, our connection to Spirit, Source of Life, and all of Creation is calling… 

... to remind us of who we truly are, beyond our personal challenges and cultural differences.

We’re being encouraged to remember our compassion, hope, love, healing, and courage… called  to fulfill our spiritual mandate given to us as Human Beings. 

Values rooted in gratitude and Giving Thanks daily help us nourish our mind and remember our Good Mind our spirituality as embodied wisdom. 

We open to cultivating inner peace and building unity through our similarities and by celebrating our differences as ways of deeper learning about one another. 

The principles of the Good Mind give us the spiritual discipline to hold deep peace within, and enable us by our presence alone to help heal others and the Earth. The Good Mind helps us turn the negatives in life into something positive to benefit our personal growth and help others.

During this special hour with Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, ceremonial leader and teacher of Indigenous spiritual ways, you’ll be guided in developing the Good Mind and the spiritual wisdom, gratitude, and peace within you as building blocks for your growth.

Diane will share her teachings through oral tradition and invocations. (Concepts, values, and personal, daily spiritual disciplines will be passed on. Ceremonies are sacred and remain in the Longhouses of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, not to be broadcast.)

She’ll share the soul-nourishing Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen, a beautiful Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address, noted as “The Words That Come Before All Others,” and inspiration for creating your own daily invocations of gratitude.

You’ll also be immersed in the telling of the Creation Story as an unfolding of our spiritual selves a rich pathway into a conscious relationship to understand one’s duties to creation and viewing all life’s beings as our relatives.

Diane is a citizen of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Mohawk Nation, Turtle Clan, and a traditional teacher from Six Nations Grand River Territory in Canada. In her community, words of gratitude are offered daily: personally, in the family, at community meetings, and always at ceremonies as the first words to honor the Creator and all of creation and to remind the People of their duties to protect creation.

Diane believes that understanding the importance of traditional ceremony, story, song, dance, and teachings as healing invocations is imperative to society’s wellbeing and the renewal of all Life Beings. 

These ancient practices hold the power to help us remember our deep connection with the land and the spiritual wisdom of the Good Mind for cultivating inner peace and unity with all.

During this inspiring hour with Diane, you’ll:

  • Discover ways to develop the Good Mind, or spiritual intelligence, to cultivate a life of happiness, honor, respect, love, and peace for yourself and others
  • Learn how Kanaronkwa Medicine evokes love for Self, your partner, and all of Creation
  • Discover the Haudenosaunee Worldview as an example of a good life, and the importance of ceremony, story, song, dance, dreams, Giving Thanks, and connecting with the land in cultivating such a life
  • Experience Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen, a beautiful thanksgiving address as nourishment and inspiration for creating your own blessings of gratitude
  • Be immersed in a Creation Story as a rich pathway to deepen your relationship with Self and expand your family to include all life beings

It is the Creator's wish that the  sacred values and personal spiritual discipline of her People are shared to strengthen everyone, says Diane. “All Humans are part of the Creation Story.”​

During the hour, you’ll also learn about an upcoming 7-week online program with Diane, which will help you develop perspectives, practices, and invocations to connect more deeply with Spirit, the Land, and Self... and the inner peace that benefits all, and which the world so greatly needs.

In honor of their sacredness, Diane’s teachings do not include ceremonies. She instead shares the rich concepts, values, and practices embedded in Indigenous wisdom and reveals a path to living a sacred life, connected to and respectful of all of life. 

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Join this FREE video event with Kahontakwas Diane Longboat and be nourished by Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen  the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address  to create your own powerful words of gratitude and deepen your connection with all of life.

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What People Are Saying About Kahontakwas Diane Longboat...

“... a direct connection to the irreducible truth, the epicentre of all light, the doorway to find your own path home.”

After many years of spiritual searching I was called to meet Diane at Soul of the Mother [a Healing Lodge on the shores of the Grand River at Six Nations Grand River Territory, founded by Diane]. Through Ceremony, Diane reintroduced me to the Source of all Creation. I know her teachings to be of Source, from Source, and through Source, a direct connection to the irreducible truth, the epicenter of all light, the doorway to find your own path home.
Seamus Clark, Ontario, Canada

“I have been able to face complex challenges from a place of peace and love...”

Kahontakwas Diane Longboat is an extraordinary teacher of spiritual awakening, rooted in traditional knowledge systems. Her leadership at Soul of the Mother has been transformative in my own life. Having encountered her work at an education conference in Toronto, Ontario, and been deeply moved, I was led to engage further in my own spiritual healing and renewal. The gifts that have been awakened as a result of my work with her are something I strive to embody on a daily basis. I believe that as a result of being strengthened spiritually, I have been able to face complex challenges from a place of peace and love, and support others in my life and communities to work together for a more just and beautiful world. Her gifts and dedication are profound.
Maria Vamvalis, Ontario, Canada

“Kahontakwas is a rare and powerful voice in a world that is often shrouded in darkness.”

Kahontakwas is a rare and powerful voice in a world that is often shrouded in darkness. She reminds us that the Creator’s light is always brighter than the darkness that fear and anger brings. She has shown my family the power of deep faith and has provided powerful healing to each of us as we have grown in our spiritual practices. The teachings that Kahontakwas shared with us have shaped the people we have all become I do not know where any of us would be without her. We will be forever grateful for her guidance, love, and support throughout the years.
Tonja Clark, Ontario, Canada

“Diane’s ceremonies and teachings have greatly strengthened my spiritual connection to the Creator.”

Diane’s ceremonies and teachings have greatly strengthened my spiritual connection to the Creator. I run a large national charity that assists Canadians living in poverty. There is constant stress, especially with fundraising, with this type of job but the work is deeply meaningful and critical. The teachings have helped me feel more comfortable and to trust that everything is taken care of. I have learned that things go according to a master plan and I am simply the conduit of the Creator’s plan. I’m truly blessed that Diane and the council of Soul of the Mother are such an integral part of my life, and I believe that the teachings will bring peace and deep understanding of truth to many others as Diane’s reach grows.
Helen Harakas, Ontario, Canada

About Kahontakwas Diane Longboat

Kahontakwas Diane Longboat is a member of the Turtle Clan, Mohawk Nation, at Six Nations Grand River Territory, Canada. She is a ceremonial leader, traditional teacher, a builder, and a healer. Diane is founder of Soul of the Mother, a Healing Lodge, born of vision in 1994, on the shores of the Grand River, with extensive relationships with First Nations in Canada and globally.

Diane is a professional educator with a master’s degree in education. In 2017-2018, Diane was the Indigenous Education Advisor to the Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne, and two Ministers of Education. Diane is also founder of First Nations House (Office of Aboriginal Student Services and Programs) at the University of Toronto.

Recently, Diane was co-chair for the Indigenous Peoples Program at the Parliament of the World’s Religions global gathering in Toronto in 2018. Diane is recognized as an Evolutionary Leader by the Source of Synergy Foundation and is a member of the Council of Elders of many organizations in North America, including the Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg, Canada.

Cultivate a Sacred Life Rooted in Spiritual Wisdom
Kahontakwas Diane Longboat