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With Emotional Integration Leadership Coach, Champion For Change, Author & Speaker
Cynthia James

Experience the freedom to express your authentic self, using the power of your voice as a tool to identify your true nature and start manifesting your dreams and aspirations.

What would it feel like to be seen and heard for who you truly are? And to affirm that you have a voice, and a right to use it?

Maybe you’ve delayed or dismissed your dreams because you didn’t feel it was the right time to achieve them...

... or you got stuck in the limiting belief that it’s not your place to even have aspirations?

Too many of us have been socialized to put others’ needs before our own, to not speak up for ourselves and risk “rocking the boat”, or to hide behind a more socially acceptable facade.

Yet, once you find your voice, you’re no longer limited by what you think others want you to be.

According to Cynthia James, an emotional integration leadership coach with an advanced degree in spiritual psychology, your voice is much more than its physical manifestation. It’s a powerful tool for achieving the life you desire.

Your voice is the fullness of who you are, your true self, your essential nature.

Cynthia is a world-class inspirational speaker and author who holds profound wisdom about what it takes to live an extraordinary life of endless possibility.

In this free online event, Cynthia will affirm that you were given a voice for a reason, and that you have the right to communicate your needs and express yourself fully.

In this self-honoring free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how your true essence is expressed through your voice and how using it can help you break free of limiting beliefs
  • Realize you have a powerful voice that can be used to fulfill your greater purpose and manifest your dreams
  • Be guided through a powerful meditation to ask your authentic self what it feels like to be seen and heard
  • Explore your true nature and what’s yours alone in this life to express
  • Discover Cynthia’s 7 Steps for Evolution, and how you can learn to choose yourself and find the freedom to be fully expressed in every area of your life

As Cynthia shares, the more stuck you feel, the more you struggle to express yourself, and the less likely you are to live up to your full potential.

In this deeply self-caring event, Cynthia will illuminate the many ways that you might feel shut down by cultural expectations... and what you can do to start overcoming your fears about speaking up for yourself.

She’ll help you understand that you have a choice and a voice... and that each and every moment is a new opportunity to choose yourself and develop the courage it takes to honor your true self.

Cynthia will guide you through a powerful meditation to help you experience your essential nature, and begin to sense what it feels like to be truly seen and heard.

She’ll also share her 7 Steps for Evolution, which includes choosing yourself, honoring your spiritual practice, making a commitment to a plan of action, and more.

When you fully understand what your story is and where it came from, and begin to recognize and develop your full voice, you can break free of old limiting beliefs that leave you feeling stuck and uninspired.

When you join Cynthia for this free online event, you’ll also learn about her brand-new 7-week course, in which you’ll discover how to manifest your dreams and visions by using your voice as a portal for far-reaching transformation.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Cynthia James and experience a profound meditation to liberate your voice as a tool for manifesting your dreams and aspirations.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Cynthia James...

“Cynthia James is one of the most powerful, authentic, and inspiring speakers I know.”

Cynthia James is one of the most powerful, authentic, and inspiring speakers I know. She engages her audience with passion, brilliance, and the rare capacity to be real and present. She is one of the very best!
Joan Borysenko, PhD, New York Times bestselling author

“Cynthia James is a wonder.”

Cynthia James is a wonder. Learn from her. Listen to her. Celebrate that she is amongst us. Despite growing up in circumstances that would have flattened most of us, she thrived with a natural born grace and spirituality that awes me. She is a living example of the power of prayer, of truth, of goodness. And with her work, she shows us that it is possible, even in these complex and challenging times, to find our own voices. What a gift.
Geneen Roth, author of multiple New York Times bestsellers, including When Food is Love and Women Food and God

“Cynthia James is a dynamic, magnetic, and loving speaker.”

Cynthia James is a dynamic, magnetic, and loving speaker. The participants were so moved, they wanted her back right away! She helps women to see their beauty and perfection no matter what externals are going on!
Sarah McLean, director of, Sedona Meditation Training & Retreats

“What a wonderful opportunity to help you reinvent your life in a way that reflects how important you truly are.”

There are countless times in our lives when we’re faced with the most fundamental questions: Am I important? Do I make a difference? Do I matter? In her work, Cynthia James offers brilliant guidance and powerful inspiration as she takes us on a personal journey filled with adventure and transformation. What a wonderful opportunity to help you reinvent your life in a way that reflects how important you truly are.
Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

“Cynthia James’ message is here to inspire the soul.”

"Cynthia James’ message is here to inspire the soul. She will help you discover life-changing truths and guide you with loving care. Believe and you will receive.
Gary Quinn, life coach and author of Living in the Spiritual Zone

About Cynthia James

Cynthia James is a transformational coach and inspirational leader, guiding people to make changes at a deep level for lasting healing. She is an international speaker, coach, singer, and multiple-award-winning author of What Will Set You Free… Revealing Your Extraordinary Essence… and I Choose Me: The Art of Being a Phenomenally Successful Woman at Home and at Work.

Cynthia embodies the quote, “I am not what I have done.  I am what I have become,” and leads others to do the same.  Her own life was transformed as she transcended a violent and abusive childhood. Through education and personal healing, she created the foundation of all her programs. Her work in self-care strategies and emotional integration supports adults, leaders, and companies internationally. 

Cynthia has facilitated hundreds of workshops, seminars, and keynotes for organizations including Omega Institute, Celebrate Your Life, Woman Arising, the Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council, the Women’s Success Forum, the Children’s Hospital, the School of Mines in Denver, LeadingAge, and many others. 

Cynthia trains coaches globally in her emotional integration techniques and has led workshops and pilgrimages in England, Switzerland, and Ireland. She has led a myriad of pilgrimages to spiritual locations in France, Peru, and Italy.
