With Mazateca Healer & Ceremonial Guide
Doña Eugenia Pineda Casimiro

A revered Mazateca healer and lineage holder shares how to approach sacred medicinal mushrooms Los Niños Santos by grounding into the elements to heal your heart, restore your soul’s purpose, embody your deepest truths, and serve the world.

In these times, where people are feeling lost and disconnected in countless ways, many of us have become passionately committed to reclaiming healthy and thriving lives for ourselves and are ready to embrace new approaches to do so.

We want to reclaim our connection to family and healthy family values. We want to reclaim our connection to the natural world. We want to reclaim our very souls from the ravages of superficial materialism.

We also live in remarkable times! Never before has the mainstream conversation been so open and willing to discuss the positive outward impacts and inward benefits of the ancient plant medicine system centered around the healing power of Los Niños Santos​ (the holy children) mushrooms which contain psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound produced by more than 200 species of fungi.

For the first time, many who may never have otherwise considered it are receiving the invitation to join the mycelial network and connect with the timeless wisdom carried by these sacred spores.

What does it mean to have received this invitation? Are you ready to meet sacred mushrooms with the reverence they deserve?

Imagine that you’ve been invited to a temple your innermost temple of personal revelations one that is truly beyond imagination, with beauty and vast possibilities for soul nourishment. 

Surrounding that temple are the gardens of our world’s elemental structures a reality woven of fire, earth, air, and water.

Are you open to discovering ancient and timeless insights and practices about how to intentionally enter into that garden and engage in those conversations?

You can do this before you enter the temple of your own inner wisdom through the grace of Los Niños Santos, known to the Western world as magic mushrooms.

Who will be your guide? Who will be wise, compassionate, and skilled enough to greet you at the gates of those gardens and take your hand? Who will show you how to approach that inner temple with reverence and in the spirit of right action?

Doña Eugenia Pineda Casimiro is a Mazateca healer from Huautla de Jiménez, Mexico, a little town in the region of Oaxaca, brought to fame by María Sabina and her work with Los Niños Santos. As the daughter of Julieta Casimiro one of the 13 Grandmothers Eugenia has taken on the responsibility of carrying on her family lineage.

In this free online event, Eugenia will share her life’s purpose of welcoming you into the healing resonance of sacred mushrooms. You’ll:

  • Experience the power of the Mazatecan mysteries through “A Prayer of Gratitude and a Song of Connection to Mother Earth” that will center your breath in the rhythms of nature and your heart in the loving pulse of your deepest creative will
  • Discover a feminine-centered approach to ceremonies through a brief yet potent plant medicine visualization to feel the power of rebirth that is gifted through the spirit of Los Niños Santos; followed by a discussion on how it helps you renew your perspectives and emotions
  • Explore the alchemy of emotional awareness and transformation from a universal approach to emotional healing as we are all connected with Mother Earth and the Cosmos
  • Be introduced to the relationship between your emotional state and the 4 elements of fire, water, earth, and air and how to balance your emotions with these powerful elemental allies
  • Discover the value of embarking on a ritualistic journey into the depths of your emotions for inward liberation

Eugenia was trained in her ancestral lineage by her mother, Abuela Julieta Pineda Casimiro of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers  and worked by her side since childhood, accompanying her on all of her world travels.

Upon her mother’s passing in 2018, Eugenia deepened her commitment to carry this legacy for future generations.

It is Eugenia’s purpose to help you heal and work with your emotions, to relate to and embrace the elemental powers within and around you, and to prepare yourself for your own journey, deep within yourself, where you’ll experience your soul’s infinite love and appreciation and receive a personalized awareness of how you fit into the bigger picture.

By understanding how to work with and honor sacred medicines, you’ll acquire new ways of thinking, feeling, and moving in our current times.

You’ll redefine and recognize the power of emotional alchemy by opening yourself to commune with the wisdom of the sacred mushrooms.

If you would like to experience Eugenia's warmth, depth, and wisdom for yourself, please join us for this illuminating event.

Please note that this event will be delivered in Spanish with your choice of dubbing or subtitles in English. (In the live Q&As, an English translator will be present.)

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Join this FREE video event with revered Mazateca healer Eugenia Casimiro and explore how to approach sacred medicinal mushrooms Los Niños Santos to heal your heart, restore your soul’s purpose, embody your deepest truths, and serve the world.

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What People Are Saying About Doña Eugenia Pineda Casimiro...

Grandmother Flordemayo: “Listen About All of the Sacredness of the
Beautiful Teachings of Eugenia's Ancestors”

“Eugenia is a wise woman who has helped me to find a way to relate to myself in a very humble and yet powerful way.”

Eugenia is a wise woman who has helped me to find a way to relate to myself in a very humble and yet powerful way. Her way of talking is very unique and sometimes no words are really needed to understand the intention of her magical message.
Gloria Ordonez, laboratory technologist

“The way [Eugenia] relates to the earth is very inspiring, same as the love she brings to her prayers and rituals.”

I was very surprised to find so much information in Eugenia’s ceremonies and events. The way she relates to the earth is very inspiring, same as the love she brings to her prayers and rituals.
Florencia Díaz, Reiki healer and coach

“Every time I have the chance to experience [Eugenia’s] knowledge is an opportunity of growth for me.”

It’s difficult to describe how many teachings I received by the hands of Eugenia. Every time I have the chance to experience her knowledge is an opportunity of growth for me.
Wendy Stillman, sound healer

About Doña Eugenia Pineda Casimiro

Doña Eugenia Pineda Casimiro is a Mazateca healer from Huautla de Jiménez, Mexico, a little town in the region of Oaxaca brought to fame by María Sabina and her work with Los Niños Santos, or “the holy children.” Trained in her ancestral lineage by her mother, Abuela Julieta Pineda Casimiro of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, Eugenia worked by her side since childhood, and accompanied her through all of her world travels. Eugenia inherited this altar to carry on the family legacy upon her mother’s passing in 2018.

Eugenia is mother to three beautiful children and resides in her familial home in Huautla.  Along with her sisters, the family carries on its traditions of doing exquisite embroidery, harvesting beeswax for candle-making, and cultivating coffee and cacao.  

Helping other people and following the path of light and God are the deepest expressions of Eugenia’s heart.
