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With Renowned Author, Priestess, and Unconventional Initiator
Ariel Spilsbury
& Priestess, Muse, Dancer, and Nature Mystic
Kristin Koré Taylor

Discover how the Muse archetype can inspire you to reclaim yourself as the creator of your reality, discern life’s beautiful possibilities and experience play not as a luxury, but as a means to enlightenment, intimacy, and wellbeing.

If you want to be enlightened, then you’ve got to lighten up. You must relax and be here now...

Can true enlightenment really have elements that are this simple? And fun?

According to the archetypal Muse, the answer is a resounding YES.

Too many of us have been taught that spiritual growth and enlightenment must be painful, and full of uphill struggles.

What if you made the choice to bring more play into your life and move into the enlightened realms of the Muse?

In a new 60-minute event with Ariel Spilsbury, renowned author, priestess, and unconventional initiator, and Kristin Koré Taylor, priestess, muse, dancer, and nature mystic, you’ll discover how to get unstuck and live a more inspired and joy-filled life when you bring the Muse’s sense of play into each day.

Far from frivolous, this powerful hour will be sprinkled with elements of quantum physics, complexity theory, and magical practice but viewed through the lens of the Muse... where it’s much more delicious, as Ariel would say!

A renowned teacher focused on the Divine Feminine, Ariel has honored her guidance by only working with advanced initiates (including quite a number of well-known teachers and authors) who are truly called to experience feminine awakening and transformation.

So why has Ariel agreed to teach publicly? At 76, she senses an urgency to share her knowledge and wisdom with the world while she’s still able to do so. Plus, she’s devoted her whole life to fostering unity consciousness, an agenda that’s growing ever more urgent in this age of polarization. Finally, technology has advanced enough to allow Ariel to fully transmit the sacred energies that move through her, which can only be transmitted person-to-person.

As Ariel and her co-teacher Koré will share, the Muse can inspire you to playfully work with your unloved shadow aspects, reclaim yourself as the creator of your reality, see the creative possibility in virtually anything, and so much more...

In this 60-minute free mini-workshop, Ariel & Koré will share:

  • A playful opening guided chant to ignite your sense of play and help you feel more comfortable in a state of not knowing (it includes kazoo sounds!)
  • Why emptiness isn’t a voidness of being; instead, it is Being itself clear, open, aware, and infinitely present
  • How the Muse equips you to make each moment of your life more magical and joy-filled
  • Ways to experience PLAY not as a luxury, but as a means to enlightenment, intimacy, and wellbeing
  • A visualization journey into Enlightenment

You’ll also get to hear about Ariel and Koré’s new 7-week course, where you'll discover how to access and evoke your personal Muse, make life more magical with mythic gift-giving and wish-granting ceremonies, and much more.

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Join this FREE video event with Ariel Spilsbury and Koré Taylor and embark on a guided journey to care for your inner archetypal Muse and rekindle your passion for life.

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What People Are Saying About Ariel Spilsbury...

“... awakened my soul from a deep slumber and set fire to my greatest gifts.”

My experience working with Ariel is that she has awakened my soul from a deep slumber and set fire to my greatest gifts. Through the power of unconditional love and devotion, she has called me forward to remembrance of my Priestess... which has rocked my whole world in the best way! Her deep love and fierce devotion is a beacon for the world. Her level of mastery of channeling the Divine Feminine archetypes has drawn me to my knees in awe. I am humbled, grateful, and honored to be her student, her ally, her sister, and her friend. Any life she touches is forever blessed.
Dr. Nanilea Diamond, feminine leadership mentor

“... nothing short of mind-blowing, heart-opening, and soul-shaking.”

Working with Ariel in this way is nothing short of mind-blowing, heart-opening, and soul-shaking. If you’re at a crossroads in your life and can’t hear what’s next even though you know it’s hidden somewhere within you, working with Ariel is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. It is sure to lift the veils and help you reconnect to your own wisdom and path. Ariel’s wisdom cuts to the core into who I authentically am and leaves me catalyzed and activated. If you’re called to this work, there’s a reason. I suggest you answer the call.
Julie Santiago, author and women’s life and leadership coach

“... the living embodiment of Love and compassion.”

Thank you, Ariel, for incarnating as our “gift” of Remembrance. Your vast abilities to bridge the dimensional realms and to return us to the One Heart in all Her names and forms has transformed my life forever! You truly are the living embodiment of love and compassion.
Diana Dubrow, scent priestess and founder of The Emerald Temple

“I feel the channels have been opened to full communion with the Divine!”

Through the 13 Moon work, I for the first time experienced the reality of heaven on Earth! I feel the channels have been opened to full communion with the Divine! I am in lifetime appreciation and gratitude for the immensity of this gift of awareness!
Sarah Uma, archetypal mentor and a joyful living coach

About Ariel Spilsbury

Ariel Spilsbury describes herself as an empty reed of consciousness who humbly listens to the divine current and scribes what is heard and felt. Having devoted her life to the conscious awakening of all beings, she’s traveled around the globe for more than 30 years to share the wisdom of the Divine Feminine. She’s offered this work through writing, teaching, sacred theater presentations, creating a metaphysical store, conferences, consciousness events, lectures, seminars, starting a metaphysical newspaper, moon circles for women, spiritual counseling, and maintaining a temple for the Goddess for 25 years.

Ariel, the founder of the 13 Moon Mystery School, and the author of The 13 Moon Oracle and Gaia’s New DreamCoat: A Faerie Guide to Gaia’s Greening, offers spiritual counseling services and workshops designed with the intention of planetary awakening. She offers Initiation into the Mysteries of the Divine Feminine, Mayan initiations, Divine Child workshops, and a sound-and-light technology called crystal singing. Ariel magnetizes sacred circles of light around the planet to bring people together in divine communion, love, and remembrance.

About Kristin Koré Taylor

Kristin Koré Taylor has cultivated her innate gifts for over 30 years to be a loving conduit of compassion, joy, and wisdom. In her teens, she began to lucid dream. In one dream, she was taken directly into her heart to bear witness to the immense and transformative healing power of unconditional love and compassion. This dream continues to inspire and play an integral part in her life. 

Throughout her life she has had the support and benefit of studying with many esteemed mentors of various spiritual and mystic traditions, including an in-depth years-long apprenticeship with Ariel Spilsbury, founder of The Sanctuary of the Open Heart and The 13 Moon Mystery School. Immersing herself into the empowering wisdom traditions through a feminine lensing of consciousness, she became an ordained instructor/wisdom keeper of The 13 Moon Mystery School, and has co-facilitated dozens of workshops and personal initiations with Ariel.

She studied alignment-based yoga with Iyengar certified instructor Deni Roman and has been an instructor with the Maui Yoga Path going on eight years. When she discovered her great passion for dance while in Maui, her abilities flourished. She continued to refine her innate healing abilities, and completed her certification as a Thai Massage Bodyworker. She is also one of the original co-founders of Organic Laughter and The Pono Players, both successful local improv comedy troupes.

One of her greatest joys is embodying, grounding, and dancing the archetypal energy she’s charged with and offering it up as prayer in motion so she may support and nourish you on your journey of self-liberation, self-love, and self-actualization.

Awaken Your Inner Archetypal Muse to Spark Inspiration, Playfulness & Joy in Your Life
Ariel Spilsbury