With Jungian Psychotherapist
& Award-Winning Author
Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone

Journey to the timeless soul-level dimension and access intergenerational healing  to release ancestral trauma patterns and repair the wounds of your lineage.

Connect with your yet-unsourced healing powers, your own unique sacred purpose, and the spiritual allies and ancestors who are always available to guide you. 

There is in all things a hidden wholeness... an inexhaustible sweetness and purity, a silence that is a foundation of action and joy.
Thomas Merton

Are you feeling the collective anxiety that’s being perpetuated in our culture by the cascade of crises in our world?

According to Jungian psychotherapist Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone, the challenges we’re facing as a global community are a direct reflection of unresolved trauma in our ancestral lineages.

The pain that accumulated in the generations before us is now coming due, and much of the stress that permeates our lives stems from unhealed wounds that have been bequeathed to us from our family lines.

Our work is to go inward and explore the issues of our ancestors so we can stop the “trauma train” in its tracks and release patterns that keep us bound to small-mindedness and the material fixations that limit our true potential.

Join Rabbi Tirzah in an illuminating event in which she’ll share how the ruptures and traumas that occur in our lives and in the generations before us may fracture and obstruct our connection to our innate Self.

However, with the help of our wise and well ancestors, we can always rediscover and return to that sacred place within...

... to draw strength and to become healers of the distortions, blockages, and limitations that life’s traumas and those of our predecessors inevitably bring.

During this illuminating hour, you’ll learn that both Eastern and Western spiritual traditions believe that when we remain tethered to our original soul contract our unique piece of repair work (or as Jewish mystics call it, our tikkun)  we’re able to remember why we came into this work at this critical time.

Cultivating powerful relationships with our ancestors helps us access our true Self the part of us that holds the key to the inexhaustible source of healing within.

Thomas Merton, the great American mystic, called this core aspect of our being our hidden wholeness, and affirmed that we can recollect and bring our intrinsic wholeness into manifestation.

Carl Jung termed this latent potential the central, primary archetype of the Self.

In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the Sanskrit term Atman refers to the innately true or essential Self.

And Jewish mystics (Kabbalists) call it our most interior spark.

When you bring that fundamental part of yourself into your conscious mind, you find that you’re a fractal of divinity with a unique sacred purpose.

Whether it’s a time-honored tradition originating from the East or West, all of these wisdom systems put you in touch with your true Self the wholeness that enables you to do the work of your soul’s true purpose and generate positive transformation.

And, as you remember who you are and what you came here to do, you start to live from your numinous essence your holy, sacred, mysterious, and transcendent spirit and gain the capacity to draw from an inner wellspring of healing potential to alchemize the intergenerational suffering of your ancestry.

Rabbi Tirzah will guide you in a powerful process in which you’ll journey to the timeless soul-level dimension where you first made your spiritual contract to resolve personal and ancestral wounds.

Through this practice, you’ll access a state of mind known as “Big Mind” which enables you to strengthen your connection to the soul of your family, its riches and assets, and repair what went wrong in the generations before you.

In this free online workshop, you’ll discover:

  • A guided visualization into the ancestral realm to connect with your own healing powers and spiritual allies
  • That you have spiritual allies and ancestors who are always available to guide you toward your sacred purpose and the healing you need to do to return to your hidden wholeness
  • The agreement between Eastern and Western spiritual traditions that when you remain tethered to your original contract, your tikkun, your life is more fulfilling and flows more smoothly
  • The central, primary archetype of the Self, or the “godspark” within you and how to bring it out of latency into manifestation, so you can do the necessary healing work for yourself and your lineage
  • How to return to Big Mind your eagle’s view of compassionate awareness, remembrance, and the recognition of the true wholeness and luminosity that resides at your core

Connecting to your higher soul perspective provides you with the reassuring understanding that you’re never alone. In fact, you’re always surrounded by other beings who want the very best for you.

You’ll also learn the importance of turning your attention to silence, synchronicities, your inner voice, prayer, and contemplative practices to cultivate and strengthen your relationship to your innate intact Self.

Rabbi Tirzah is a warm, wise, and beloved Shift Network ancestral healing scholar. She has an extensive background in depth psychology and Jewish mysticism and a profound understanding of the science of trauma. With her guidance, you can begin the hands-on work of your restorative journey, to cultivate clarity, courage, and compassion, and to access your soul’s divine wisdom.

When you attend this event, you’ll also be among the first to hear about a new 7-week live video program with Rabbi Tirzah, where you’ll be immersed in the rich experience of connecting with your ancestors to activate healing for yourself, your family, and your ancestral lineage...

... drawing on three deep wells of knowledge trauma science, Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah), and Jungian archetypes.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone and begin the work of intergenerational healing to release the grip of ancestral trauma patterns within yourself and your family line.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone...

“... uncover suffering and use it to help others ― the final stage of healing.”

Wounds into Wisdom is for anyone who has suffered trauma, either directly or in a family whose generational trauma is buried. It helps readers uncover suffering and use it to help others ― the final stage of healing.
― Gloria Steinem, writer, lecturer, political activist, and feminist organizer

“... an opportunity for particular reconciliation and universal healing.”

With tender compassion and luminous insight, Rabbi Tirzah unwraps the hidden layers of stories, wounds, and wisdom that characterize the global Jewish community. She deftly lifts the complex history of modern Judaism to the light, offering an opportunity for particular reconciliation and universal healing.
― Mirabai Starr, author of God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity & Islam and Caravan of No Despair: A Memoir of Loss & Transformation

“... profound help to anyone seeking to navigate the path to healing from trauma...”

Rabbi and psychotherapist Tirzah Firestone... offers us the wisdom of a compassionate therapist whose understanding is broad and deep. She also offers us the spiritual perspective of a rabbi who has found her way to the deeper currents of Jewish understanding... [Wounds into Wisdom ] is powerful in itself but it is also empowering we can feel how the author has herself lived through trauma, and has even found her way to become a great healer and teacher.
Rodger Kamenetz, author of The History of Last Night’s Dream and The Jew in the Lotus

“... offers hope to those whose lives have been shattered by trauma.”

Tirzah Firestone’s Wounds into Wisdom offers hope to those whose lives have been shattered by trauma. The question at the heart of this book is this: Can you emerge from tragedy wiser and more free? Her answer, eloquently stated and illustrated by powerful stories and profound insight, is “Yes, you can.” If tragedy haunts your life or the lives of those you love read this book; it has the potential to change everything.
― Rabbi Rami Shapiro, author of Perennial Wisdom for the Spiritually Independent

“... compels one to positive action.”

Brilliant, beautiful, and compels one to positive action. The people interviewed are so real and lovable... [Firestone’s] writing opens one’s heart to healing and hope. This is a book I will read again for inspiration and specific principles to live a joyful, liberated life.
Dr. Anita Sanchez, author of The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times

About Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone

Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone is an author, Jungian psychotherapist, and renowned Jewish scholar and teacher. Widely known for her groundbreaking work on Kabbalah, depth psychology, intergenerational trauma healing, and the re-integration of the feminine wisdom tradition within Judaism, Rabbi Tirzah lectures and teaches globally about spiritual and ancient wisdom practices that are honed to assist us at this critical time in world history.

Rabbi Tirzah’s publications include With Roots in Heaven: One Woman’s Passionate Journey into the Heart of Her Faith and The Receiving: Reclaiming Jewish Women’s Wisdom.

Her latest work, combining research on depth psychology, neuroscience, and the field of collective traumatology, is highlighted in the award-winning book Wounds Into Wisdom: Healing intergenerational Jewish Trauma. In it, she shares the remarkable life stories of people around the world who have healed from profound tragedy and trauma. The book provides directives for the transformation of all of our injuries both personal and inherited into moral wisdom, courage, and compassion.
