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With Mystical Scholar, Teacher & Founder of the Institute for Sacred Activism
Andrew Harvey

Rise above our collective dark night by harnessing the sacred power of embodied joy and allowing it to nurture your heart, guide you through the darkness, empower your divine humanity, and bring enchantment to your daily life.

Savor a profound Hindu Tantric visualization that immerses you in the sublime bliss of golden light within your being.

What would happen if you gave yourself permission to passionately embrace the joys of life even in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty of our burning world?

What if transforming your personal challenges through the power of your own joyful embodied presence was the catalyst the world needs to begin transforming inequity, injustice, and despair?

Bringing joy to our inner world is how we bring love and acceptance to ourselves and to our shared world, says Andrew Harvey, teacher of mystic traditions and founder of the Institute of Sacred Activism.

This is also how we bring to life the infinite potential of our divine humanity through the radical regeneration of hope that is birthed through the sacred passage of the dark night.

The true nature of God is joy, affirms Andrew. Allowing ourselves to fully experience the true joys of life radical regeneration, friendship, nature and animals, wonder, creation, passion, and sacred activism...

... consecrates us with the enduring dream of life and the emerging glimpse of heaven that exists as we move through the darkness and suffering of our time and embrace the simplistic bliss of being human.

During this profound hour with a renowned spiritual pioneer, you’ll discover joy as the true essence of God, part of your divine inheritance as a human being and a sacred imperative for healing the inner divides that are creating so much destruction, disparity, and pain in our lives and world.

Joy blesses pain, heals the divisiveness between people, and brings instant enchantment and possibility to our daily lives. The mystics have long taught us that joy is the divine remedy. Indeed, St. Teresa of Avila affirmed that “joy is the surest sign of the presence of God.”

Many of the great mystical traditions have been preparing us for the immense global change that awaits us at the end of our collective dark night. Through these traditions, we can begin reimagining the purpose of peril and how to bring our divine, essential selves into the moment.

In essence, joy is the illuminating force that will guide us out of the birthing canal of the dark night and into a new world that even now beckons us with the promise of peace and potential.

Andrew will guide you in a Hindu tantric visualization to immerse yourself in the golden light within...

... as you explore the deeper inflections and possibilities of joy and its pivotal role in our personal and collective transformation.

Drawing on 40 years of experience and mystical education, Andrew believes that joy is the fuel and food for our divine evolution staying connected to the glorious power of joy is how we remain connected to each other and our essential selves.

In this uplifting online event, you’ll:

  • Explore why rebelling with joy is so important for our time as we transition from chaos, injustice, and global suffering to a deeper connection to the Divine and our own divinity
  • Be guided in a Hindu tantric visualization to experience the great bliss of golden light within
  • Learn to access joy through some of the different paths that are available, such as radical regeneration, friendship, nature and animals, wonder, creation, passion, and sacred activism
  • Discover how to connect with the potential birth of a new world amidst the constant chaos of modern living
  • Explore the power of connecting your energy to the energy of the Universe and what this joy reveals in you and the new possibilities it activates within you and the collective

Through sacred joy, you’ll gain greater agency to source your life from courage, curiosity, love, and acceptance.

In joining us for Andrew’s event, you’ll also be among the first to learn about his transformative 7-week live video course on the seven sacred paths to joy and how to become an agent for the sacred power of joy in your own life, guiding you through the shadows and into your divine humanity.

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Join this FREE video event with Andrew Harvey to discover how you can harness the sacred power of joy to empower your divine humanity and bring enchantment to your daily life.

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What People Are Saying About Andrew Harvey...

“... the light he sheds is like a meteor bursting across the inner sky.”

Every age has its teachers who keep the eternal truths alive for all of us. And when a generation is very, very lucky, it encounters a teacher so illumined that the words he delivers must be illumined as well. In the case of Andrew Harvey, the light he sheds is like a meteor burst across the inner sky.
Marianne Williamson, author of Everyday Grace

“... a genius and an inspired visionary...”

Andrew is a genius and an inspired visionary who has the ability to interpret the meaning and significance of the chaos and patterns of change that are redirecting the compass of our contemporary culture.
Caroline Myss, author of Intimate Conversations with the Divine and Anatomy of the Spirit

“Andrew gives us a clarion call to go beyond admiration to activation...”

When the heart explodes in conscious oneness with the Beloved, what remains is a burning desire to be a servant to the One that enlivens all sentient beings, every speck of space. Andrew gives us a clarion call to go beyond admiration to activation of that same capacity within our own hearts so that we too may become a beneficial presence on the planet.
Reverend Michael B. Beckwith, author and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center

“A powerful, provocative, prophetic appeal to sanity...”

Using humor, passion, and analysis, Andrew Harvey challenges us to wake up and get up off of our couches to become the spiritual activists we all can be. A powerful, provocative, prophetic appeal to sanity and activism for our apocalyptic times.
Reverend Matthew Fox, author of Creation Spirituality and founder of Wisdom University

“... it just might save our skins.”

[Andrew] Harvey’s sacred activism is a corrective to the doomsayers and do-nothings who are part of our problems. He is a modern version of a fiery Old Testament prophet whose words were ignored at great peril. We must attend to Andrew Harvey’s message. Not only will it help us humans regain our sanity, it just might save our skins.
Larry Dossey, MD, author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things

About Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey is an author, speaker, and founder/director of the Institute of Sacred Activism, an international organization that invites concerned people to take up the challenge of our multiple contemporary global crises. By becoming inspired, effective, and practical agents of institutional and systemic change, we the people can create peace and sustainability.

Andrew has taught at Oxford University, Cornell University, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, the California Institute of Integral Studies, and the University of Creation Spirituality, as well as at various spiritual centers throughout the U.S. He was the subject of the 1993 BBC documentary The Making of a Modern Mystic, and appears also in Rumi: Turning Ecstatic and The Consciousness of the Christ: Reclaiming Christ for a New Humanity.

He’s a co-author of the bestselling The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, and has worked with the great Iranian Sufi dancer Banafsheh Sayyad in producing a film, In the Fire of Grace, which marries Sufi-inspired dances to the stages of Rumi’s understanding of the path of divine love. He has written or edited more than 30 books, and received many awards, including the Benjamin Franklin Award and the Mind Body Spirit Award.

The Sacred Alchemy of Rebellious Joy as Your Path Through Turmoil
Andrew Harvey