With Modern-Day Mystic & Spiritual Visionary
Bill Bauman, PhD

Imagine an empty space where you can meet your truest self, dissolve the limits of duality, and embrace a new reality filled with boundless potential.

Discover the peace and pulsating presence of your quantum nature the “you” that is already awake and empowered who exists beyond your personality, striving, wounds, belief systems, and even spirituality, and is ready to initiate you into a mesmerizing journey of healing and self-discovery.

What if the moments that make us feel most alive are reflective of a quantum presence that’s coming alive within us?

What if we could awaken to a presence that not only helps us dissolve the illusions of limitation that block us from realizing our true purpose and potential, but empowers us to actually recreate ourselves as a new kind of being altogether...

... a person of profound peace and creative power who no longer feels stuck in destructive thought patterns or lives at the mercy of what’s happening outside, but relishes in the magic that’s always happening on the inside.

Modern-day mystic Bill Bauman, a guiding light of our time, leads others to this mysterious place within, which he calls the quantum world...

... a space where emptiness and possibility converge to create a greater unified reality, steeped in nothingness beyond identifications and judgments where we are free, connected, aware, vibrant, and peaceful.

Since ancient times, nothingness has been recognized by spiritual traditions around the world as a fertile place for our true selves to emerge. Modern science has finally caught up to this idea...

Bill will guide you to the quantum world during this free online event, where you can experience the emptiness and liberating power of your true quantum nature and receive a gift from your quantum source the pure power, emptiness, and potential that lives at the core of who you really are.

If you’ve ever felt the need to let go of something, move on, go deeper, do something different, discover more of who you are or who you can become...

... this is the mysterious language of the quantum world calling out to you.

You’ll experience it firsthand as Bill guides you in a meditative journey into your quantum depths to receive a gift that you need right now on your journey.

If you feel called, please be sure to join us. This is more than an event it’s an invitation to a deeper way of being, guided by one of the most profound voices of our time.

In this transformative online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the magic and mystery of the quantum world the possibility-rich magic of the quantum realm and the quantum void’s power-filled emptiness
  • Be guided in an inner meditative journey to receive a gift from your quantum depths as you move from your mind into your heart, soul, and finally the embrace of quantum emptiness, a place of infinite possibilities
  • Discover how your inner quantum source may be calling out to you and inviting you to a personal relationship with it through “quantum consciousness”
  • Uncover the quantum gifts your quantum source has to offer you especially the gift of creating new possibilities within yourself to enhance your life
  • Embrace the invitation to upgrade your personal identity by advancing beyond human being and spiritual being to quantum being

Experiencing the quantum world can illuminate the areas within you that you need to overcome in order to embrace your true unlimitedness and empower your deeper potential.

It’s also a gateway to the deeply relaxing state of quantum consciousness a nondual state of being that accepts you exactly as you are without judgment, supporting the real you to emerge in your wholeness as a vital, magical, and beautiful part of a greater reality that is ever unfolding.

In joining us for Bill’s online event, you’ll also be among the first to learn about his new live video course on becoming quantum an immersive 7-week journey into your quantum self where you can delve deeply into the quantum void and realm to uncover and become empowered by your true quantum nature and the many gifts it holds.

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Bill Bauman, PhD, to discover the peace and pulsating presence of your quantum nature the “you” that is already awake and empowered and ready to initiate you into a mesmerizing journey of healing and self-discovery.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Bill Bauman, PhD...

“[Bill] unwraps the mysteries of each soul...”

Capturing the essence and fullness of Bill Bauman would be like trying to catch Niagara Falls in a bucket. This mild-mannered man is a powerful force. His own “bucket” is big enough to hold a group, no matter how large. He can reach in and touch each of us individually and all of us simultaneously. When he does, he unwraps the mysteries of each soul, reveals and reflects all the beauty and potential within, and gives that back to each of us as a gift. Then he leaves us free to choose how we are going to be with that gift. And he does all this with wit and humor that I find so endearing that it alone would be worth the price of admission.

Sharon Heller

Austin, Texas

“Bill Bauman’s seminars are the most transformative...”

Bill Bauman’s seminars are the most transformative seminars that I have ever taken. From the moment you walk into the room and sit down, Bill’s energy starts entering your whole physiology. And by the time you leave, you are completely transformed into an individual who is thinking clearly, feeling extremely open, with a heart filled full of love, wanting to do nothing but be of service to the rest of humanity — because you have just been served so totally from Bill.

Janet Bray Attwood

Co-author of The Passion Test

“[Bill] is an incredible being who has touched me in my heart.”

If you’d like to have an experience in your life that would take you to the spiritual heights, to the emotional depths, and to the relational expressions that you want to have with people — and you want to do it with a real master, someone who is very subtle but very powerful — then I want to recommend to you the work of Bill Bauman. He is an incredible being who has touched me in my heart.

Jack Canfield

Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

“Bill has the ability to find out your soul’s deepest calling...”

Bill Bauman is the most profound and wise healer, counselor, and teacher that I have ever known. Bill has the ability to find out your soul’s deepest calling, to help you get in touch with that calling, to open up your heart, and to inspire you. Bill speaks with profound authority, truth, light, and love. There is nobody that I know that I would rather work with than Bill Bauman.

Marci Shimoff

Author of Happy for No Reason and Love for No Reason

“[Bill] is a master, full of grace and humor.”

Bill has guided me to know all that I am. He is a master, full of grace and humor. I am permanently indebted to his love. If you would like to meet and interact with pure love, come to one of Bill’s seminars.

Mark Hanson

Fairfield, Iowa


About Bill Bauman, PhD


Bill Bauman is a modern-day mystic and a unique and inspiring human presence. He has had a life of uncommon experiences, is a selfless and humble being, and possesses a compelling giftedness that deeply touches the lives of many people.

Bill is here on Earth with a mission to help humanity as a whole and individual persons in particular find their soul, connect to their inner truth, discover their unique nature and purpose, and lead their lives in ways that express their fullest destiny. He accomplishes this mission by sharing his personal gifts of knowing, vision, empowerment, and transformation with groups and individuals.

Above all, Bill’s ultimate destiny and legacy is to present to humanity a new, spirit-based vision of life — its real nature, its fullest meanings, and its dynamic possibilities.

Today, Bill feels especially called to be the voice and conduit of the many gifts of the quantum source.
