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With Spiritual Teacher
Miranda Macpherson
New Video and Audio Training Starts
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Have you hungered for an authentic spiritual realization that allows you to release your seeking and struggling and find yourself at home in the palpable presence of the Divine?

If so, it may be your time to let go of the search and truly discover yourself as an aspect of the Divine, a beautiful and unique facet of a dazzling diamond that is filled with light, wisdom and boundless love.


When you continually grapple for a connection or fear that God has abandoned you, you wrap your identity around a very limited idea of who you are. You are not a problem to be fixed.

You are more than a struggling, confused, hurt or insecure seeker.

You are PART OF God, and thus inherently valuable, wise and capable of expressing great beauty into this world.

You are always held in the arms of a vast and universal love, even when you feel most alone.

Indeed, you actually ARE that boundless love. Experiencing this reality is more accessible than perhaps you have thought.

Mystics throughout the ages have told us that we have forgotten our true nature and become lost in lesser identities.

We become convinced by these limited identities and forget the core of who we are, which is radiant majesty and indescribable beauty.

But you CAN remember, reclaim and rejoice in this deeper wisdom. You CAN come home to your Self. You CAN be enveloped in the warm embrace of God.

As you learn to truly relax into God, allowing for authentic surrender, the roots of your fear and doubt begin to dissolve away.

You may hear these words and be skeptical that you could experience such a spiritual realization. You may have had openings before, but found yourself caught yet again by pernicious ego habits... That is completely normal and part of the ebb and flow of true spiritual awakening.

But know this: You can make a permanent shift to knowing yourself as Divine.


No, this deep, lasting relaxation into God doesn’t solve all of life’s challenges. Navigating the worlds of family, business, community, and the world’s suffering still requires clarity, focus and discernment.

But when you are connected inside to deeper truth, you can meet life’s challenges grounded in who you truly are and know yourself as the love that animates this world. This makes the journey far more graceful and enjoyable. Your relationships thrive. Your work is more fulfilling. You feel spiritually at peace. And you move through this world with spiritual maturity, able to respond rather than react to life.

So How Does this Shift Become Real?

While there are no guarantees on when this shift will happen within you or anyone, you CAN cultivate the virtues that make you spiritually ripe. Lovingly opening yourself to ego obstacles and willingly unwinding old beliefs can melt so much unnecessary suffering and increase your receptivity to the transforming presence of Grace.

And that is what the Awakening to Your Boundless Nature course will provide you: a loving, precise and supportive path that leads to authentic spiritual awakening.

During the 14 weeks of this transformative program, you’ll come to embrace ALL aspects of your being, which are all aspects of the Divine within you. You’ll explore the ecstatic capacities of your heart and experience the power of defenselessness, the real path to humility.

You will learn to drop the knife of judgment, open to the unknown, and expand your sense of trust.

You will be lovingly invited to come home.

The Power of an Authentic, Awake Teacher

The Awakening to your Boundless Nature program is led by a remarkable feminine mystic who underwent a life-changing spiritual awakening that shifted the core of her being and eventually led her to be able to catalyze deep shifts in others.


Her name is Miranda Macpherson, and her story offers a uniquely modern tale of awakening that builds upon the lineages of the past, but also blossoms in new directions.

After twenty years of dedicated spiritual study and practice, Miranda was graced by a powerful awakening initiated in the same cave in Arunachala, India, that Hindu sage Ramana Maharshi once called home. Her concepts of self, God and world gave way to a deep silence.

She then underwent a great unravelling of her familiar ego identity that initiated powerful changes in all aspects of her life. It took years to stabilize this awakening, integrate its wisdom and learn to live daily life from this deeper ground.

From this process emerged a whole new map of awakening centered around ego relaxation which helps others resolve perennial ego obstacles and authentically make the same shift in their consciousness.

In the years since, Miranda has emerged as a truly global spiritual teacher. She speaks with the refreshing candor born of her Australian roots. She draws from her deep study of world religions and practices as an interfaith minister. And she is well-versed in many modern systems of psycho-spiritual growth.

Miranda’s teaching methods marry an exquisite and piercing capacity for clear insight with an overflowing, loving heart that helps you release your aversion to any aspect of yourself. She is known for creating powerful inquiry practices that simultaneously help you open spiritually and integrate psychologically.

She guides you in shedding the conditioning that obscures the truth of who YOU really are, and helps you approach the path with tenderness and self-forgiveness.

In Awakening to Your Boundless Nature, she’ll offer you a distinctly feminine perspective on non-dual realization that leads to the discovery of new dimensions of grace and the possibility for you to embody and live everyday life from a deeper ground of being.

At The Shift Network, we first learned about Miranda from veterans of the spiritual path who have sat with literally every major teacher of the last 30 years, and told us, “You HAVE to meet Miranda. She’s the real deal.”

And we found ourselves dazzled by the luminosity and loving realization of this heart-centered teacher.

In service to your awakening, Miranda brings a wealth of extensive teaching experience over 20 years 10 of which she served as spiritual director of a groundbreaking program, training over 600 interfaith ministers and spiritual counselors.

In recent years, she’s been guiding groups of advanced aspirants who are ripe for a deep and lasting spiritual awakening.


During this 14-week journey with Miranda, you’ll be able to relax into a larger field of grace feeling the healing balm of unconditional love AS yourself and learn why so many of your efforts to improve, grow and evolve leave you unsatisfied.

She’ll share how you can empty out, again and again, to allow grace to fill you up in a way that creates a lasting sense of fulfillment.

By learning to let go of your habits of control, you can become receptive to grace at a deeper level than your mind.

In the space beyond your strategies, you can discover that strength, clarity, wisdom and love are abundantly present allowing you to meet life’s personal and collective challenges with spiritual maturity.

During the course, Miranda will share her “7 Pillars of Awakening” that cultivate the ennobling virtues that ripen your soul, while helping you deal with classical ego obstacles.

These pillars help you connect to the boundless stream of inner nourishment that grants you access to everything you need to thrive.

Over the course of the journey, you’ll discover:

  • How your attempts to transform yourself often backfire as a form of self-rejection
  • Why the impulse to seek God takes you out of the receptive state that allows the Divine presence to open within you
  • How to identify your primary patterns of opening and closing, and be able to shift beyond them
  • How to truly relax into realization, rather than chase after special states
  • How to let your “mother-wounding” heal with the feminine energy of the cosmos
  • How to cut through self-betrayal and reclaim your heart’s ability to say “no” to self-attack
  • How to harness loving-kindness, humor, your vital aliveness and your true will to build an inner altar of protection
  • How to become undefended in a way that allows unconditional love to permeate your being
  • Ways to identify the stories you tell yourself and how to let them go
  • The key to real humility, which does not include putting yourself down

If you want to unwind the roots of suffering in yourself and access a limitless stream of spiritual nourishment, this program was designed for you.

Greater Connection Through Video


As a special aspect of this course, Miranda’s sessions will be offered via pre-recorded video to allow for more intimacy and greater communication of the teachings. Each video broadcast will be followed by a LIVE Q & A audio session with Miranda for an even more intimate connection and direct guidance. The video broadcast will be easy to access and significantly aid your transformation.

What You’ll Discover in these 14 Modules

Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.

In this 14-week transformational training, Miranda will offer you grounded guidance on how to go deeply into yourself and better understand your consciousness, limitations and core patterns so you can open to more love and joy. The course will guide you to experience a substantial shift in your center of gravity, leading to a genuine unwinding of your core patterns that produce suffering and a whole new way of moving through each day.

Each weekly contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to awaken to your divine nature and savor the majesty and beauty at your core.

Section 1: Surrender
The Universal Spiritual Invitation

Module 1: The Practice of Ego Relaxation (June 22)


We begin our 14-week journey together by exploring the paradox of the spiritual path while we are asked to surrender, the one who is often trying to surrender is the one in the way! How do we genuinely open to access the boundless love, peace, wisdom, clarity and liberating pure awareness all great spiritual traditions promise is at the core of our being? How can we become receptive to God (Sacred Presence) as our inherent foundation? How do we take the inner bunjee jump into deeper dimensions of consciousness?

Miranda will introduce and begin to unpack the central invitation of her feminine approach to non-dual realization Ego Relaxation.

In this session, you will:

  • Receive the transmission of ego relaxation that invites you to deeply rest in God right now: “Be nothing, do nothing, get nothing, become nothing, seek for nothing, relinquish nothing. Be as you are: Rest in God”
  • Discriminate the subtle ways your ego interferes with grace through constant trying, seeking, proving and chasing after particular conditions you hope will bring you freedom and fulfilment and learn how this keeps us seeking but never finding
  • Explore specifically what blocks you from deeper direct contact with God within. What is alive and ever-present in the space beyond this? And how can you stretch into that space?
  • Taste the possibility of truly being here, being still, and thus receptive to a grace deeper than your mind
  • Discover the primary methodology that integrates the practice of holistic self-inquiry with devotion and meditation so that all parts of your being are completely welcomed and included on the journey home

Module 2: The Power of Defenselessness
Learning to Let Yourself BE (June 29)


Deepening on our spiritual path asks us to substantially “look within and let go.” This sounds simple, and on one level it is, yet we all meet powerful forces of defense that developed out of our survival instinct’s response to overwhelm and pain. Unless we gain awareness and capacity to work with our defenses, they will automatically bump us back to the surface of our ego, causing unnecessary limitations and frustrations in our practice. In order to gain deeper access to the jewel of pure being, we must compassionately understand our defenses and open through them.

In this session, you will:

  • Gain an understanding of your primary habits of closure and defense, and how these habits protect against our ego’s sense of deficiency feeling separate from the love, strength, power, value, peace and joy of your true nature as well as how the disconnection itself offers us a direct path back
  • Explore how to stay present with everything that arises opening, softening and allowing your experience, without getting overwhelmed or taken out by it
  • Appreciate your survival instinct’s orientation to avoid pain and chase after pleasure through the activities of grasping, rejecting and checking out and how to strengthen your spiritual resolve you turn in to your vulnerability
  • Come to accept the ticket price of realization feeling everything and how this depth of undefended presence allows absolutely every experience, from the most painful to the most beautiful, to become a gateway to deeper liberation
  • Learn not to leave yourself out as an act of the deepest love AND power

Section 2: The Pillars of Awakening
Cultivating the Virtues that Make Us Spiritually Ripe

Module 3: Trust (July 6)


We cannot force surrender, but we can cultivate the virtues that make us spiritually mature, giving us the tools we need to harness everything as a gateway into deeper direct experience. Any one of the “pillars” has the power to take us all the way, and yet together they function as a supportive container that encourage a holistic awakening, integration of our realization, ego relaxation and the prevention of spiritual crisis.

In this class, Miranda will introduce the central role of TRUST. This virtue powerfully determines our capacity to allow for the constant change and transformation that authentic spiritual awakening requires. Trust is the antidote to fear, and when it opens fully we know in our bones that we are held in an ocean of love and inseparably part of it. This makes us courageous and confident that we can surrender into the mystery. Even though we are not in control, we know that all is well.

In this session, you will:

  • Unpack the challenges to deep trust, including your personal history around loving that may create instinctual closure, doubt and fear
  • Discover your soul’s need for the mother aspect, letting your mother-wounding unwind in the arms of the Divine Mother, so your limitations to trust can melt in a deeper embrace of total compassion
  • Discover when it is wiser NOT to trust, learning to discern trust from naivete
  • Come to trust yourself AND open to trusting the grace of God as the underlying beneficent force of life
  • Receive the boundless nature that is independent of your history through the practice of turning your attention to recognize the presence of love

Module 4: Loving the Truth & Curiosity
The Heart of Inquiry (July 13)


When trust opens up, it feels like being held in an infinite embrace of love. And truth cuts through our illusions to liberate deeper awareness. Together, they blend to become devotion without an object. This love of the truth is the engine of inquiry, blending Bhakti (devotion) with Jnana (wisdom) yoga. It births in us the true strength to face everything within ourselves and walk the path with dedication. Curiosity, the third “pillar,” opens our mind beyond fixed positions, opinions and preconceptions that keep our awareness bound in ego patterns.

In this session, you will:

  • Understand how to contact the flame of your heart that loves Reality, God and Truth, and open it deeper through devotional practice to become the guiding impetus of your life
  • Inquire what pulls you away from living the truth of your deep heart, identifying your self-images both the idealized images and the shadow images, that cause you to live out of habitual unconscious reactions
  • Cut through your own self-betrayal, relishing honesty with yourself and honesty with others. Deeper still, you’ll inquire beyond “your truth and my truth” to open to Truth itself
  • Discover how curiosity supports right use of mind and turns your awakening process into a joyful adventure
  • Identify what kinds of questions expand the horizons of your consciousness, bringing new depth and dimension
  • Experience the dynamic power of holistic self-inquiry and begin to open up deeper direct experience of God and your true nature

Module 5: Non-attack
“Dropping the Knife of Judgment (July 20)


Since opening up deeper dimensions of God and our true nature asks us to go towards our vulnerability, it is vital that we cultivate deep compassion for our humanity so that our inner environment is a supportive one. Our ego is a huge call for love. Yet what blights the way of even the most sincere spiritual aspirants is super ego judgment: the internalization of all the negative messages we absorbed in childhood from parents, teachers, spiritual authority figures, elder siblings, etc. These messages form the outer layer of our ego identity and serve to hold it in place like a psychic condom over our ego structure. As we deepen beyond our familiar identity, this inner aggressive force gets stimulated, often manifesting as ego kickback reactions.

In this session, you will:

  • Discover how to drop the knife of judgment you use against yourself
  • Discriminate what your judgment revolves around, and its basic message to you
  • Reclaim your heart’s true inner authority to say NO to the voice of self-attack and YES to the intrinsic compassion of your own deep heart
  • Harness loving-kindness, humor, your vital aliveness and true will to build an inner altar of protection
  • Learn to drop the knife you use on others and the world, and come to see everyone and everything through forgiving eyes that are no longer blinded with prejudices that divide
  • Rest in the presence of unconditional allowing that lets everyone and everything be as they are

Module 6: Humility
Opening into the Unknown (July 27)


Since our true nature is boundless, to just cling to the realizations of our journey to date is to block God unfolding freshly in this moment. Yet all ego structures contain a degree of arrogance. Humility invites us to take the posture, I do not know what anything is truly for. If we suspend all presumption about ourselves, others and the world, we are open to the mystery and receptive to be penetrated by a grace deeper than our mind. This invites us into the void, which is not the scary annihilating force our ego thinks it is. Rather, it is the vast open space of consciousness itself in which the learned veils of personality can melt. Humility brings us into right relationship with the mystery. It means admitting we don’t know the way. It invites us to relax all attempts to try to direct the way and the notion that we are supposed to know.

In this session, you will:

  • Dissolve the primary barrier to humility: your ego experience of humiliation arising out of pressure to always “get it right”
  • Discover how to allow space for the mystery beyond all opinions, leaning into “I do not know” as if listening to the silence before the song, the dark before the dawn
  • Mine the inner gap between what you have discovered so far, and what you don’t know, learning not to close down at the edge of what you know
  • Come to receive grace as if receiving a stream of light, wisdom, love, peace and guidance direct from the source

Module 7: Willingness & Patience
Beyond Control & Pushing (August 10)


Ramana Maharshi said that “One’s dedication needs to be as equal to that of a person kept under water while trying to rise to the surface to
.” Willingness helps cultivate true dedication through activating the power of our choice. It is the shift away from ego efforting that stressful pushing for “my will be done,” to allowing a more genuine surrender into “Thy will.” Directing our personal will back to the origin of our being opens a whole universe of support for our life and path. This can feel like we’re sitting within an immense mountain that gives us true stability in the ground of being itself.

The blocks to true willingness often includes anything that is not liberated around our fathering influence, which usually manifests as ego control. When our true will opens we feel steady, grounded and capable of embodying our true intention on the path.

Patience enables us to deal with the pernicious trap of trying to push ourselves into some concept of an enlightened condition. It invites us beyond control, beyond practicing with some subtle agenda to be special or powerful or to fulfill an attachment-related desire. Patience is an aspect of love that supports a deeper surrender.

In this session, you will:

  • Discern between genuine willingness vs will-full-ness, and engage more deeply with your true desire to help you stay faithful to your practice
  • Explore what causes you to feel alone and unsupported often linked to our father wounds and bring your beliefs and past experiences to the light of awareness for healing
  • Harness the power of prayer and the “little willingness” to bring everything to the inner altar of Truth
  • Turning your awareness to recognize and receive the infinite support of the universe; Miranda will introduce the “mountain of presence” meditation practice that helps us relax down into true universal support
  • Cultivate patience and relinquish your ego bargaining

Module 8: Review on the Pillars of Awakening (August 17)


Each “Pillar” offers a whole world of support for us to engage our heart’s deepest intention, and there is so much more to cover than what we’ve explored so far. During this module, we will explore how the pillars function together, offering us a true container for the practice of diving in and, through our direct experience, opening all the way into non-dual realization. Miranda will help you identify your areas of development and your weak spots, and give guidance on how to work with them so that you can safely progress into more explicit ego dissolving with balance and safety.

In this session, you will:

  • Recognize where your spiritual musculature is strong and where it’s weak, and which practices you can turn toward that support better balance
  • Experience each “pillar” not just as an orienting principle, but as an active PRESENCE you can recognize and access to support ego relaxation
  • Gain greater precision with the practice of self-inquiry, including what is likely to derail you (given your individual spiritual musculature)
  • Review and re-commit to your daily spiritual practice

Section 3: Unwinding your Core
Ego Identity

Now that we have established a true container and begun to learn the principle of holistic self-inquiry which invites us deeper into our direct experience, we come to the more advanced segment of our journey together. Now we will open in and through your core ego structure itself, allowing for deep transformation of your core knot of suffering.

Module 9: "Diving In & Through"
Process (Part 1)
(August 31)


In an atmosphere of real love, we will explore together the core structure of your ego to gain deeper understanding of your story of separation from your true nature how it takes shape and is held in place. Miranda will lead you step by step through her powerful “diving in and through” process that has been likened by many mature practitioners as “unlocking the rubik’s cube of your ego.” Together, we will harness a persistent pattern in your life, and turn it into fuel for profound transformation. This process has the power to turn even your more stubborn patterns of suffering into deeper wisdom.

In this session, you will:

  • Discover that whatever seems to be IN the way, IS the way. How the inner challenge you might have been spending a lifetime trying to get rid of is actually your gateway home
  • Inquire into the root of your ego deficiency: your personal experience of separation from the love, strength, support, joy, value and peace of our true nature
  • See how your unconscious mind makes meaning from experiences that you don’t understand, turning ego experience into identity
  • Let pure awareness pervade and permeate your assumptions of being “not good enough,” “flawed,” “nothing,” “bad,” “wrong.”
  • Learn to look deeper without fear at the very core of your sense of “me,” and thus up-root the patterns that cause unnecessary suffering in your life

Module 10: "Diving In & Through" Process (Part 2) (September 7)


Building upon our previous module, we will continue to explore the underpinnings of your ego identity. You will learn to let pure awareness and love’s presence penetrate through the foundations that pattern your life. We will continue working through the “diving in and through process,” to see the actions and projections we move toward that hold our suffering in place.

In this session, you will:

  • Awaken through your more subtle defenses to see how you keep your deficient ego identity in place through the activities of grasping, rejecting and checking out
  • Understand how projection works to keep you contracted and dis-empowered in your own story, and how to suspend all blame
  • Discover what your core knot of suffering helps you avoid; your subtle attachments to your own suffering
  • Feed through your devotion what it is you truly want to feed now

Module 11: Who Are You Deeper than "Me"? (September 14)


Now that we have deeply seen the structure of our core ego identity and gained some clarity about the forces within us that generate pernicious patterns, we can harness this awareness to explore who we are deeper. We access this not by jumping over anything, but engaging the practice ego relaxation in a more substantial way to support surrendering in and through the identity itself. Miranda will share with you the HOW, by taking you step by step through the principles of unwinding. Learning to accept the source of all love and compassion, we can meet the layers we have discovered and rest undefended with everything. Just contact everything without reaching for a single defense strategy. Just let ourselves be, and see who we are afresh.

In this session, you will:

  • Contact your core suffering in a compassionate embrace that allows you to open, soften and allow everything to come home
  • Let grace penetrate all the way through body, heart and mind
  • Explore the space deeper than your history, deeper than any idea or imprint
  • Learn how to meet absolutely everything from deeper ground of being
  • Experientially explore the question that all spiritual practice ultimately leads back to in the end: “Who am I?”
  • Welcome the whole world, everything and everyone to rest along with you

Section 4: Living your
Boundless Nature

This section of the course invites us into the boundless dimensions of our true nature, into the non-dual depths of reality as we explore beyond our historical conditioning into the sea of Being itself. We consider our journeying together as service to all beings and dedicate ourselves to actualizing and embodying our deeper understandings in our relationships, work and daily life.

Module 12: Overcoming Resistance & Dealing with Kickback Reactions
(September 21)


Everyone on the path encounters resistance and ego kickbacks at times. This can manifest in many ways: sometimes as distractions to engaging our practice consistently, despite sincere intentions. Sometimes it is like a detox reaction flushing up another level of our attachments and fears. Sometimes we just hit a glass ceiling, as if some hidden identity is saying “go no further” and bumping us back up to the surface of our personality mechanisms.
Understanding the primary dynamics of resistance; such as the “unholy trinity of sin-guilt and punishment,” fear of the void, loss of control, fear of not functioning, fears from our personal history. Miranda will share how to open to the presence of self-forgiveness that dissolves these obstacles.

In this session, you will:

  • Recognize resistance and ego kickback reactions, and inquiring into their causes
  • Deal with your split desire: your hidden conflicts and fears of surrendering into what you say you love and want
  • Dissolve the unholy trinity of the ego the existential foundation of sin, guilt and punishment
  • Open to the presence of self-forgiveness that liberates the cause of so much resistance
  • Overcome your fear of no control

Module 13: Embracing Emptiness
Whatever You Leave Empty, Grace Can Fill
(October 5)


In this module, we will explore the dance between emptiness and grace (boundless presence of all love, joy, beauty, power, etc.) that is the cosmic Yab-Yum of Reality. Working through our fears of space, emptiness and how it releases the blessings of existence to come forward from within us. Whatever you leave empty, grace can fill. Now that we have opened through some of the more dense knots in our consciousness, we will not stop at just feeling a bit freer when there are whole universes of grace to abide in and embody into our world. This all becomes available to us when we are no longer afraid of the void. When we relish the silence, the empty spaces. Yet our ego tends to associate this with death, but nothing real can be threatened in truth. Only our self-images die and this allows for a true life. More of God to take up full residence as YOU.

In this session, you will:

  • Explore your relationship with emptiness itself and learn to befriend it to support abiding in the innermost sanctuary of Being
  • Overcome the fear of the “void” allowing death of the familiar as part of the natural liberation process
  • Orient your day to support space to feel, receive, stop and BE
  • Sense into the space in which everything arises shifting your attention from a someone in the space to just being the space. Abiding in and as That
  • Understand “nothing to be, do, get, become, seek for, relinquish.” Truly being as you are

Module 14: Living from Grace (October 12)


On this final module of our journey together, we will explore what we need to ground our realization into the ordinary activities of daily life. We’ll explore how to turn absolutely everything we normally do emails, working, cooking, making love, relating, listening, the activities we enjoy and the activities that are less joyful into the path of awakening.

In this session, you will:

  • Discover practical pointers to help ground your realization into every corner of life
  • Learn what you can do when you get lost, derailed from your practice or sidelined by some unexpected life event
  • Work with the challenges to your embodiment and what supports you can place in your life that are truly helpful
  • Recognize that in reality we are all “Grace delivery devices” profound manifestations of the deep mystery, here to extend all love, beauty, creativity and much more to support the liberation of everything and everyone

The Awakening to Your Boundless Nature
Bonus Collection

In addition to Miranda’s transformative 4-month virtual course, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions with the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

4 Live BONUS Q & A Sessions with Miranda


Miranda wants to make herself available to those who have trouble attending live sessions during the regular class time due to time zone differences or any other reason. We are adding four additional sessions with Miranda which will take place at 12:00pm Pacific to add to your time with her. Join Miranda in these special 45-minute sessions where she will welcome your important questions and concerns, inviting you to dive deeper and through your direct experience of the course material.

A Feminine Approach to Non-dual Realization
Video Teachings with Miranda


In this series of teaching videos, Miranda shares important aspects of her integrated and feminine approach to spiritual realization. Speaking directly to you, she articulates how your soul inherently contains the intelligence to unfold out of ego structures into who you are, her holistic approach to self -inquiry that invites you to relax rather than try to kill off the ego, and how important spiritual practice is to living a rich and real life.

Videos include:

  1. The Practice of Ego Relaxation
  2. Your Soul Knows the Way
  3. What is Holistic Self-Inquiry
  4. Spirituality is Not a Side-Dish

Cultivating Trust
Audio Meditation from Miranda Macpherson


Spiritual deepening asks you to open into everything through ego fears and defenses, and into the mystery itself. Trust is the antidote to fear. It makes you courageous, confident that all will be well if you open, soften and allow. May this meditation help you recognize and receive the boundless love, nourishment and holding that is always available to support your life and practice.

Audio Mantras for Awakening from Miranda


Sometimes ordinary language cannot accurately express the deepest dimensions of our being the love for the sacred mystery that is boundless being and bliss. Yet we can contact our nonlinear depths through sound, silence and prayer. This is the way of devotion. It opens up courage, compassion, joy and supports true surrender. Sanskrit mantra are ancient syllables that exert precise positive effects on the body, heart and mind. Lean into the mantras as you lean your head into the pillow at night. Dissolve into the mantra and it draws you back into the origin of your being. As you chant, feel into your own prayers your truest yearnings for yourself and for the world. Intoning these ancient sounds, you join with all beings throughout time who have ever prayed these prayers. Now your prayers are part of a continuing stream of the awakening heart. May they become part of your daily life supporting you to reside AS the heart of Being.

In this special bonus, you’ll receive recordings of:

  • Gayatri Mantra: Considered the mother of all mantras, brought forth by the goddess of wisdom Sarasvati, this the great mantra of purification
  • Om Nama Shivaya depth: A powerful version of the Hindu mantra for surrender, the god Shiva is part of the trinity consisting of Brahma (creation), Vishnu (sustenance) and Shiva (destruction)
  • Be Still: “Be Still and know that I am God”, taken from the psalms of the Bible is the universal grounding point, inviting you to stop for a moment, drop your external seeking and rest in your inner sanctuary.

Landing in Grace
Video with Miranda Macpherson


Miranda gives a potent discourse on Grace as the direct experience of Boundless Love, that brings forth into our experience all the essential qualities of our true nature. She shares her map of how Grace comes alive, as four dimensions that include the nondual Ground of Grace, the Blessings of Grace that bring nourishment that we need to thrive, the Transformative Power of Grace and the Invitation to Live Gracefully in the world but not of it. This video is a live recording of the opening talk at a retreat in California in 2015.

Join the Global Community


Awakening to Your Boundless Nature not only offers some of the most advanced online spiritual teachings currently available, it also offers a thriving global community of support.

Join your fellow students and practitioners from across the world in the interactive conference calls or in our online community to support and learn from each other while you walk this spiritual path together.

This international community is also at the leading edge of a global movement of people who are committed to manifesting a better world for all beings. This emerging planetary movement is rooted in an open heart, and stands for the principles of mutual support, cooperation, harmony and reverence for all of life.

What Graduates of Miranda’s Course
Are Saying...

“Miranda’s gift of being able to explain her insights is incredible. Her almost tangible support is comforting and reassuring and allowed me to take the next steps along the way. My experiences and techniques assimilated during the course will stay with me for the rest of my life.”
Melissa P, Canada

“Miranda’s course was transformative not only for me but for many others in the international sangha. We heard stories, requests for help and gratitude for responses on the Facebook threads. We were witnesses and support for each other’s struggles and breakthroughs. I would describe the course as one of the best courses I’ve ever participated in.”
Anne, Napa, CA

“A deep and powerful insight into who we really are... it has freed me from so much misbelief and misunderstanding about myself and how my Creator views me. It feels like being set free from very painful bondage and prison. Thank you so much for this wonderful revelation and gift.”
Susan, Watford, UK

“I loved Miranda Macpherson’s course. I feel that she is so real, enlightened and very connected to the divine. I want that, and this course has helped me to embark on the journey towards my own path of enlightenment.”
Kathy, Lake Forest, CA

“Every time I watched and listened to Miranda’s teaching I felt her great loving presence. The insight I gained from these teachings will last me a lifetime. I highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to go deeper into their spiritual journey... A deep bow of thanks and affection.”
Nikki, Colorado

“I’m truly grateful for the teachings Miranda gave with such great wisdom, generosity and love. I consider myself privileged to have received lessons from such a generous and loving person... I felt surrounded by connection and support from the Universe, like Miranda says, relax into God, be as you are.”
Anne, Canada

“Miranda is an amazing teacher and this course has supported me in deepening my spiritual journey in ways which are hard to explain but are very tangible in my day to day existence.”
Jenny Grainger, Northern Ireland

“This is a wonderful course. Miranda is so knowledgeable, supportive and caring. The course has helped me move out of my head and into my heart and sense (the mountain of presence) within in ways I have never practiced before. I absolutely loved every minute of this course and am so grateful to Miranda and The Shift Network and our international sangha for all they have done for me. I love you all.”
John Kent, Garberville, CA

“Meeting Miranda has been life changing. The tools she gives to deepen my life on every level was exceptional. She is the epitome of Love in Action. I will definitely take another course or workshop with her in the near future.”
Anita Stewart, RN, Bend, OR

“Miranda is a very beautiful, gentle but strong teacher whose wisdom and teachings can take you all the way to your own true nature. I felt very loved and very supported all the time in the 14 week course. And it is just so great to have all the teachings downloaded to listen to on a regular basis, to keep deepening my practice.”
Loraine van der Meer, South Africa

“Just a big Wow! Miranda has a clarity of Presence that speaks to our Beingness beyond space and time and at the same time she stands with us in all that that is still to find wholeness. This course has changed and inspired me beyond all words and I am so very grateful.”
Pat Aaen, Scotland

“I highly recommend Miranda’s course. I have felt much more peace, softness and openness in living through some significant health challenges over the past three months. My deepest gratitude and I look forward to more journeys with Miranda, The Shift Network and all of the amazing people on the journey.”
Louise, Michigan

“This course is a game changer for all of those on the path to deeper awakening. The amount of value that is shared in Miranda’s wisdom far exceeds the price of this course.”
Jennifer Brennan, Platteville, CO

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Fourteen 90-Minute Teaching Sessions with Miranda Macpherson (Pre-recorded)

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from one of the world’s leading spiritual teachers from the comfort of your own home. Each teaching session consists of a video and audio broadcast of Miranda’s pre-recorded lecture which will guide you to learn the specific skills and insights to awaken your spiritual potential.


Fourteen LIVE Q & A Sessions with Miranda Macpherson

Directly following each teaching session, Miranda will come on LIVE for an audio Q & A session for 30 mins or more so you can have all your questions answered.


Fourteen Video Recordings of Teaching Sessions

After each class, the video of the teaching portion of Miranda’s class sessions will be available for you to download or stream in high quality format. This way, you’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime you desire on your phone or on your computer.


Fourteen Audio Recordings of
Full Class Session

After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high quality MP3 format. This way, you’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere on your iPod, in your car and at your convenience.


Fourteen PDF Transcripts of
Class Sessions

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios and videos, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Fourteen 30-Minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions

With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class where you will be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share and do additional practices to help further integrate the weekly lessons. If you’re unable to attend the calls live, the Online Community group allows you to connect with each other to find alternative times to interact.


Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.


Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can ask additional questions, interact with your fellow students and get access to additional resources to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Awakening to Your Boundless Nature Bonus Collection

  • 4 Live BONUS Q&A sessions with Miranda
  • A Feminine Approach to Non-dual Realization
    Video Teachings with Miranda
  • Cultivating Trust
    Audio Meditation from Miranda Macpherson
  • Audio Mantras for Awakening from Miranda
  • Landing in Grace
    Video with Miranda Macpherson

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Awakening to Your Boundless Nature
Virtual Course

We feel honored that Miranda Macpherson has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to interact directly with a renowned spiritual teacher whose methods marry an exquisite and piercing capacity for clear insight with an overflowing, loving heart that helps you release your blocks and open to divine grace and love.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also be able to benefit from Miranda’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you’re ready to take the next step in your spiritual awakening, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

More Praise for Miranda Macpherson...


“Of all the new spiritual teachers I’ve met recently, Miranda stands out as the most luminous truly embodying what she teaches and speaking with clarity, love and revelatory depth. She transmits a divine quality of consciousness, while also not getting caught up in the trappings of being a guru. She’s accessible and masterful at the same time. A true gem!”
Stephen Dinan, Founder of The Shift Network


“Miranda is the “real deal.” She is a standout as a spiritual teacher and she is a “stand up” as an individual in that she truly walks her talk. If there is a thing as angels walking the Earth, then Miranda is one. Do not be mistaken in assuming her softness and beauty is as deep as she goes. Miranda is a powerhouse and a force for change in this world.”
Laura Bergman Fortgang, Author of Living your Best Life


“In an ocean of spiritual guides all over the planet, rarely do you find a jewel that emanates the likes of Miranda’s integrity, depth and impact. Miranda will leave an indelible impression that will have your friends wondering how you became so present, compassionate and mindful so quickly... And she does it with such simplicity and grace!”
Gary Malkin, Emmy Award-winning Composer/Producer


“I was fortunate to find Miranda at a time when I’d been brought to my knees by unexpected life events. Through her spiritual teachings and loving guidance she helped me to deeply explore aspects of my heart that needed compassion, healing and growth. Obsolete defense mechanisms dissolved and I came to once again embrace my true evolutionary edge with courage, dignity and peace.”
Raz Ingrasci, Chairman of Hoffman Institute International


“Miranda is one of the clearest, purest, most eloquent voices for spiritual truth I know. She courageously shares both gritty challenges and lofty visions, and weaves them into powerful teachings from which we can all benefit.”
Alan Cohen, Author of A Deep Breath of Life


“Miranda is a rare teacher in that she is able to facilitate direct realization in others that many teachers can only speak of. Her work carries forward the direct invitation I have offered for many years that ushers us into deep contact with God-within. She is a luminous being and a gifted teacher.”
Eileen Caddy, Founder of the Findhorn Foundation

“Miranda Macpherson is the embodiment of wisdom and compassion... She invites a new way of seeing and living, recognizing the non-dual nature of reality as well as working with people exactly where they are and honoring the sacredness of each moment and each experience... I give Miranda my highest recommendation.”
Shauna L. Shapiro, PhD Professor, Santa Clara University, Author of The Art and Science of Mindfulness

“Miranda’s presence and teaching brings to life the spiritual wisdom of the ages. In my life, she is a shining light.”
Susan Jeffers, Author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

“Miranda works with a blend of penetrating insight, profound intuition, expertise in spiritual tradition and psychology, a deep grounding in somatic awareness, and an almost angelic transmission of pure, radiant, soul-stirring LOVE. Working with her, and being lead lovingly and masterfully back to direct experience of the divinity within me, has been a literal Godsend.”
Hilary Illick, Hoffman Process Teacher, Writer and Coach

“Miranda Macpherson embodies a deep compassion and wisdom, vast intelligence, and the ability to hold a space for genuine unfolding like nobody else I’ve known. Spending a week with her is like diving into the source of love and healing, anchored by deep spiritual practice and connection to the divine. Miranda is a rare gift to us all.”
Devi Cavitt Razo, Director of The Hoffman Process

“Miranda is an authentic honest embodiment of the divine feminine. Her work brings together spiritual depth and psychological understanding delivered with precision, care and loving-kindness. I recommend her wholeheartedly.”
Lama Palden Drolma, Founder of Sukhasiddhi Foundation

About Miranda Macpherson. . .


Miranda Macpherson is a contemporary spiritual teacher, counselor and author of the spiritual guidebook, Boundless Love (Random House 2002). Miranda, who has been teaching internationally since 1995, is known for her depth of presence, clarity and refined capacity to guide people into direct experience of the sacred.

Miranda’s work is a synthesis of self-inquiry, spiritual psychology, devotion and meditation practice offered with feminine grace that embraces our everyday human experience as a gateway into the depths of our true nature. Through a blend of silent transmission and articulate teaching, she leads retreats and ongoing programs oriented to guiding people into direct spiritual experience while providing a practical map for actualizing our realization into daily life. Drawing from the ancient lineages of Advaita and mystical Christianity, as well as from more recent wisdom teachings such as A Course In Miracles, Miranda leads from the ground of unconditional love and compassion for our humanity, emphasizing receptivity, discrimination and surrender.

Miranda is founder of the groundbreaking “OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation” in London, and today leads the “Awakening Love and Wisdom” sangha in Marin and Sonoma counties in northern California. She teaches retreats in the United States and in Europe, and is working on a new book, Tasting Grace. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, Bob Duchmann, a teacher of the Diamond Approach (A.H. Almaas’ Ridhwan School).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a phone line (or an equivalent voice service). If there is more than one person in your household taking the course, you will each need your own line. We use MaestroConference to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions, participate in groups and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

Please note that dialing MaestroConference from your phone is a regular toll call to California; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. You can also use Skype credit/subscription or Google Voice to dial in to MaestroConference; and you’ll need to use your virtual keypad to enter your PIN and to indicate that you want to ask a question. Other options include calling cards and discount long-distance carriers; and we also have a webcast which is free to use from anywhere in the world.

I have never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon to participate. I haven’t seen a course so well put together ever not in all the years of taking college classes and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
Claudia F., Medford, MA

Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private community website.

Q: Can you tell me about the Private Course Group?
A: We will have a private community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, completing homework assignments and exchanging information about events and other activities that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects and growth throughout the Course.

Q: Are there scholarships available for this Training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, giving preference to those in developing countries or doing important but underpaid work to which they can apply the training material immediately. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is July 6, 2016. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we'll send you an email confirming your refund. However, we'd love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at and we'll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
