Cyndi Dale’s 7 Brain State Videos

Day 1: The Infra-Low Brain State

Day 2: The Theta Brain State

Day 3: The Alpha Brain State


Day 4: The Beta Brain State

Day 5: The Gamma Brain State

Day 6: The Hyper-Gamma Brain State

Day 7: The Lambda & Epsilon Brain State



Explore the dynamics and potential of 7 different brain states — a new one each day — and experience how energy medicine and scientific principles can work together to help you heal and transform.


What if your life could get a whole lot easier?

The demands on your time, resources, and energy can feel overwhelming in today’s world. It can be difficult to access and live from a state of JOY when you’re physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted.

That’s why it’s so crucial to access a profound gift within our brain anatomy that empowers us to reclaim the healthy, joyful, purpose-filled, and magical life that is our birthright.

Are you ready for an exciting exploration of how energy medicine and scientific principles work togetherin perfect harmony to create a profound doorway to change in your life?

Cyndi Dale, a celebrated intuitive healer and teacher, has spent the past 30 years building an energy healing framework that combines ancient and modern wisdom with the rigors of science.

For instance, she combines a scientific understanding of brain waves with energy medicine principles to shine a light on the power of brain states, which you can use to become a more effective healer.

Join us over the next seven days for a Brain State Exploration as we explore the dynamics and potential of each brain state.

As this transformative week unfolds, Cyndi will guide us through a daily brief meditation and practice where YOU can experience for yourself the qualities and benefits of each brain state.

Each day’s meditation and practice will require approximately 20 minutes, but you can take all the time you need afterward to reflect and integrate your experience!

During the week’s exploration, you’ll learn how you can use these 7 different brain states to:
  • Process new information more quickly
  • Integrate data for recall
  • Rapidly heal yourself
  • Discover how you can experience trauma without stress
  • Move easily to compassion and care
  • Establish boundaries immediately if needed
  • Switch back and forth between brain states — so you can more easily call on self-healing practices when you’re feeling triggered
  • Switch to the Theta (healing) brain state when working on someone
  • Move between the four pathways: Elemental, Imaginal, Power, and Divine
  • Lessen stress as you learn to be in the moment
  • Let go and let God — and experience why the key to healing is surrender
  • Be there for other students and allow them to be there for you

In Cyndi’s Energy Healing Certification Program, she’ll share how you can instantly access and use these brain states for spontaneous healing and for navigating day-to-day life with greater ease and joy.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the Apply Now button to start the process now.


Need more information or have questions? Submit a help request... send an email... or click here to schedule a call with one of our Enrollment Specialists.
