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With Intuitive Healer, Author, Teacher
& Founder of the School of Intuitive Studies
Wendy De Rosa

Experience your chakras as portals to intuitive wisdom, healing, and guidance, as you open to all your intuitive gifts as a clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, or claircognizant empowering yourself as a sensitive or empath to ground, center, and gain clarity on which type of intuitive feels most natural to you.

Do you easily pick up on other people’s energy? Do you often receive intuitive “hits” about a person or situation that later turn out to be remarkably accurate?

As an empath or a sensitive person, you’re uniquely gifted... yet, your ability to intuit information or emotions can prove to be quite challenging at times.

Unless you know how to claim your intuitive skills and energetic boundaries, you’re likely to absorb other people’s energy, resulting in feelings of overwhelm, fragmentation, or ungroundedness.

You may also tend to merge others’ energy with your own, or have difficulty interpreting visions or your inner knowing because it’s tangled up with other people’s energy and information.

According to leading intuitive healer and spiritual teacher Wendy De Rosa, the first step in activating your intuitive genius is understanding how and where your BODY is sensing energy and information.

Join Wendy in a complimentary online event in which she’ll share how your intuitive ability corresponds to your chakras and the amount of life force, or prana, moving through these energy centers.

You’ll learn that there are actually four powers of intuition: clairvoyance (clear or psychic seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling or sensing), and claircognizance (clear knowing).

The greater your capacity to tune in to your body and chakras, the easier it will be to accurately access your intuition in all its forms.

During this powerful video event with Wendy, you’ll discover:

  • An immersive guided practice to help you connect to the 4 “clairs” in your body... to understand the power of your intuitive genius, and how to use it to ground yourself and create healthy boundaries
  • Four different ways to perceive and receive the information all around you, and, with practice, master your intuitive abilites as an empath or a sensitive
  • The relationship between the chakras and the clairs, and how understanding the source of energy in your body can serve to protect and guide you
  • How knowing which of the 4 powers of intuition is most natural to you can empower you as an empath and release feelings of overwhelm
  • The difference between empaths and mystics and how you may even be both!

As an empath, you may have accumulated emotional and energetic blocks that keep you from accessing and expressing your intuitive gifts in a healthy way.

If you experienced childhood trauma, a lack of healthy bonding, or the marginalization of your emotions in your formative years, it’s likely that your intuitive prowess was not encouraged and supported. As a result, your capacity to sense or your sensitivity itself may have been viewed as a problem you were criticized for.

When you become clear on which clairs are strongest within you and where in your chakras these gifts of intuition live you’ll more easily embody them and live more authentically in all aspects of your life.

Discovering that your chakras serve as portals for your aptitude of perception enables you to more fully develop all of your intuitive powers. For example, you may have come into the world with a strong throat chakra, and innately have a strong sense of clairaudience.

You might also experience claircognizance, a more developed sense of perception through your 6th and 7th chakras. You can strengthen this gift through movement and a kinesthetic experience of life.

Even if you don’t identify as an empath or a sensitive, you may still feel things without being able to explain how this information comes into your awareness. Or you might have premonitions in which you “see” into the future.

During this enlightening hour, Wendy will also guide you through a practice to help you connect to where the clairs exist in your body and what chakras they relate to... to feel more centered, grounded, and connected to how your body naturally intuits information.

Understanding how the clairs work can help you gain control over your intuitive sensing so you don’t feel as overwhelmed by the amount of intuitive energy you’re experiencing.

Once you learn how your body receives this information and energy, you can consciously open to the full range of your intuitive capacity.

When you attend this event, you’ll also hear about Wendy’s upcoming 7-week course, in which you’ll dive deeper into the full range of your intuitive abilities your clairs and strengthen them through a plethora of practical skills for reading energy and intuitive information without taking it on. She’ll also provide guided chakra healings every week!

Sign Up Now

Join this FREE video event with Wendy De Rosa and begin to open to all your intuitive gifts as a clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, or claircognizant empowering yourself as a sensitive or an empath to ground, center, and gain clarity on which type of intuitive feels most natural to you.

Free Video Event

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What People Are Saying About Wendy De Rosa...

“Wendy is a wonderful instructor with great knowledge about energy work who wants her students to succeed and is able to help us do so.”

Wendy’s courses have been very healing of past traumas. Equally valuable are the skills, knowledge, and practices Wendy teaches for energetic health, balance, and being around others as an extremely energetically sensitive person. I am learning a great deal that marries well with my Reiki practice. Wendy is a wonderful instructor with great knowledge about energy work who wants her students to succeed and is able to help us do so. She is doing sacred work, I believe. Thank you to Wendy and everyone at The Shift Network for these powerful teachings.
V. French, British Columbia, Canada

“I am very impressed with Wendy De Rosa’s teachings because they are easy to understand and practice, and I strongly feel the truth within.”

I have studied and read many books about energetic healing over the past 25+ years. I am very impressed with Wendy De Rosa’s teachings because they are easy to understand and practice, and I strongly feel the truth within. I am very happy to have found out about her and will continue to read, study, and participate in her work.
Georgia, Grass Valley, California.

“Wendy’s teachings and transmissions truly are very powerful, compassionate, engaging, and, I feel, timely for these world events...”

Wendy’s teachings and transmissions truly are very powerful, compassionate, engaging, and, I feel, timely for these world events we are in and witnessing personally and globally. I’m feeling Wendy’s powerful intent in getting us really grounded and maintaining this in our lives.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to empower myself and strengthen my energetic boundaries with such a heart-centered and grounded teacher as Wendy.”

This course with Wendy was life-changing for me. To cultivate appreciation and confidence in my sensitivity has been invaluable beyond measure. I am grateful for the opportunity to empower myself and strengthen my energetic boundaries with such a heart-centered and grounded teacher as Wendy.
Lisa, Durango, Colorado

“Wendy is such a gifted, talented, generous teacher, and the team is so caring.”

This course has been such a balm to my soul and helped me to become autonomous in my healing process, spiritual growth, and empowering path. Wendy is such a gifted, talented, generous teacher, and the team is so caring. The structure of the course makes the learning process easy, pleasant, progressive, and whole. These moments were such a blessing in my journey. I am looking forward to additional courses with Wendy and The Shift Network. Many thanks to all of you and all the best in our empowering journey.
Peggy, France

About Wendy De Rosa

Wendy De Rosa is an internationally known intuitive energy healer, speaker, teacher, author, and the founder of the School of Intuitive Studies. She offers education and training programs for spiritual and personal growth to people from all over the world who wish to develop their intuition and experience personal transformation.

Wendy is also a featured teacher on the Mindvalley spiritual growth channel Soulvana, and has appeared on the CBS News program Better Connecticut. More than 100,000 people have attended her live events and programs for The Shift Network.

Wendy’s newest book is Becoming an Empowered Empath: How to Clear Energy, Set Boundaries & Embody Your Intuitive Powers. Her other titles include Energy Healing Through the Chakras: A Guide to Self-Healing and Expanding Your Heart: Awakening Through Four Stages of a Spiritual Opening. She’s a contributing author to Bouncing Back: Thriving in Changing Times with Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy, John Assaraf, and other personal growth leaders.
