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Imagine for a moment how incredible it would feel to create financial abundance by offering your deepest gifts and service to the world.

What would your quality of life be like if you woke up each day and knew that you were earning your living aligned with your deepest purpose while making a positive impact in the lives of others?

Wouldn’t it simply feel amazing to know you are making a bigger “Gift to the Shift” and personally thriving as a result?


You have a gift. You started your business (or thinking of starting one) because of your sheer passion for making a difference in the lives of other people.

You now yearn to share that gift in a bigger and better way, with more soul and less stress. And, you want to earn an abundant living in the process (and do it in a way that feels authentic and right for you).

Sound familiar?

Yet, if you’re like many people, you struggle trying to figure out how to communicate this gift and make the impact you know you’re here to make it can be frustrating!


And, frankly, we need you to figure this out because your gift is unique, and if you DON’T get it out there into the world, we all lose out.

It’s a fact that the Internet and online marketing are powerful tools that can help you solve the problem of getting your gifts out there in a big way.

You may be and Twitter, and already using an email marketing system to get the word out to your audience.

Or maybe you’re familiar with all these things, but find that it’s too overwhelming to think about or don’t have the time to figure out which strategy is the right one for you!

The reality is that if you’re over 35, you didn’t come hardwired for marketing and selling yourself online. So it’s not your fault that these things can feel overwhelming or confusing or that you simply don’t have time to learn the latest and most effective ways to build your business.

That’s why we’re here to support you and are committed to helping you bring your great work, your passion, your gift, out into the world with this groundbreaking course.

In Giving Your Gift to the Shift, we break it down for you.

This course teaches you proven methods and offers a step-by-step program with some of the best business and marketing teachers in the field Lisa Sasevich, Alexis Neely, Lisa Cherney, Michele PW and George Kao.

(If you have any doubt about these methods, just look at us. We’ve also learned from many of these teachers and as a result have grown The Shift Network audience from 1 to 200,000 in two years.)

Here’s How You Can Benefit...

In just 12 sessions, you’ll learn to hone your vision and your unique brand, get crystal clear on your ideal client, know where and how to reach them online as well as master all the nuts and bolts of turning these prospective clients into paying customers and genuine fans who bring you referral business!

Armed with these tools and 12+ sessions of support in the Giving Your Gift to the Shift Course, you can then:

  • Become THE expert and leader in your industry (instead of the best kept secret)
  • Serve more clients in less time greatly increasing your impact and income
  • Build an adoring community of repeat customers by knowing your ideal clients
  • Write sales copy that is authentically you AND has people excited to buy from you
  • Use social media productively (in one hour a session) to attract prospects easily and build your credibility
  • Create products from your expertise, generating money while you sleep

Plus, you’ll learn from these top business and marketing pros the exact steps they have taken to be successful.

You’ll learn their secrets for how they mastered bringing their gift online to making a bigger impact in the world and greatly contributing to the worldwide shift, even as they have parented children, cared for elderly parents and transformed themselves in the process.


In 12 sessions or at a pace that works for you, you’ll learn the most potent and practical business methods and insights to take you to the next level in your own evolutionary business and pathway.

We believe entrepreneurship can be one of the most important evolutionary stepping-stones, and Lisa, Alexis, Lisa, Michele and George will be guiding you to the next stage.

The work of the Shift requires that the most powerful teachers, healers, consultants and coaches be continually expanding their reach and making a greater impact.

You can easily master these business-building essentials so that your gifts can be shared, your business can thrive and you can become a powerful agent of change in the world.

Join us and catapult your business and soul’s work to the next level!

What You’ll Learn: Course Overview


Module ONE

Creating an Irresistible Offer AND Increasing Your Income
Taught by Lisa Sasevich

Whether you have a website, Facebook presence or anything else set up for your business yet, this module is an absolute must. It will save you huge amounts of time and effort to create your offer before you make any further investments in bringing your work out into the world.

Session 1: Creating Your Irresistible Offer


Discover the unique transformation you provide to your clients, so that the right clients flock to you!

To build your business successfully, the first step is getting crystal clear on the transformation your clients will get as a result of working with you. Creating an irresistible offer that describes your “brand” of transformation is critical to having your clients want to invest with you.

In Session 1 you’ll discover:

  • What IS and is NOT an offer. (If you’re having trouble getting your prospects to buy, then you’ve been doing this all wrong clarifying your offer ALONE could completely transform your entire business.)
  • How clarifying your offer will give you powerful language to use on the phone, in groups, one-on-one, everywhere. (Imagine no more struggling for the right words when you’re speaking to a prospect you’ll know exactly what to say to give your prospects the opportunity to say YES!)
  • 3 questions to ask yourself that will make putting your offer together an absolute no-brainer (you’ll be amazed at how easy this can be for you)

Session 2: Discovering Your Unique Branded System


And own your place in the market!

Discovering your Unique Branded System is the KEY to making more money with less effort while making a HUGE difference getting your blessing out into the world. (In fact, once you finish with this module, you’ll see how easy it is to increase your fees 10-50 times.)

So what is a Unique Branded System (UBS)?

In a nutshell, it’s a way to package your business offering so that people easily grasp what you do and want to invest with you. In fact, you may find that once your UBS is in place, clients become hungry to invest with you.

Best yet, in many cases, you can then take your system and sell it as a group program. (This is the secret for moving from one-on-one service situations into leveraged group programs.)

In Session 2 you’ll discover:

  • Your Unique Branded System (USB) with Lisa’s 5-step system
  • How you can go from delivering your services one-on-one to reaching many with your offer and unique gifts
  • A 3-step method for packaging and selling your offer and turning your USB into a client-attraction magnet, powerfully and effortlessly
  • Whether you’re going to be a service provider or a trainer. (You’ll learn the difference and how you can be BOTH, if you want to)
  • How you can serve more clients in less time and make WAY more money

Session 3 Generating More & More Business through a Leveraged Progression Plan


And FINALLY create the consistent cash flow you’ve so long desired!

Now that you have your offer and your Unique Branded System, you can now learn to build multiple streams of income into your business the key to having steady, reliable income. One way to do this is by giving your prospects a variety of ways (and a variety of price points) to invest with you what’s called a leverage progression plan.

Lisa will show you her personal leveraged progression plan that allowed her to grow her business from zero to $2.2 million-plus in 3 short years and then double it again to over $4 million while enjoying steady cash flow. (All while raising two toddlers at home and putting her husband through medical school.)

In Session 3 you’ll discover:

  • The four methods that enable your prospects to DISCOVER YOU (Don’t follow this and you could find yourself spinning your wheels because you keep recreating the wheel!)
  • How to identify and capitalize on the “low-hanging fruit” in your business
  • How to "rinse and repeat" so you serve more clients and make more money for less time and effort

Module TWO

Claiming and Attracting Your Ideal Client
Taught by Lisa Cherney

We’ve seen far too many people start a business without focusing nearly enough time and attention on claiming and attracting their ideal clients, only to find themselves lost in the woods wondering where they had fallen off the path.

When you keep your eye on the prize of working with your ideal clients, you’ll easily make it through the forest to the impact you know you are meant to make.

Session 4: Uncovering Your Specific Ideal Client


Target market isn’t enough anymore!

Have you heard the saying "if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there?" Well, if you don’t know who your ideal client is, you won’t be able to attract them.

And when we say "your ideal client" not only are we talking about prospects you love to work with but the ones who love working with YOU! These are your biggest fans, the ones who crave what you’re selling. Wouldn’t you love having hundreds or thousands of customers who adore you and buy everything you sell? Well, this can be YOUR reality once you discover our secrets!

In Session 4 you’ll discover:

  • Finally learn the difference between Target, Niche and Ideal Client it’s not what you think!
  • An easy system for pinpointing exactly who your ideal clients are. (No guesswork here we lay it out to make it super simple)
  • Why NOT knowing your ideal client is a recipe for disaster. (In fact, NOT going through our simple system could be costing you thousands of dollars in money, time and lost opportunities)
  • Why saying “no” to a non-ideal client could be the key to unlocking your success (and abundance)

Session 5: Attracting the RIGHT Ideal Clients


How to diagnose your Multiple Ideal Client Personality Disorder™ (MICPD)

Many small business owners suffer from MICPD (Multiple Ideal Client Personality Disorder).

This “ailment” can paralyze your business. The more focused you are on helping people and serving, the more likely you have MICPD, and it’s paralyzing your business. But focusing on your most ideal client gives your business and your income the opportunity to flow.

In Session 5 you’ll discover:

  • Why marketing to everyone is marketing to no one!
  • How to tune the frequency of your marketing so precisely that your ideal clients will come find you (no more chasing clients)
  • Simple steps for attracting your ideal clients into your business effortlessly
  • How to make your ideal clients feel completely understood and that what you’re offering is the ONLY solution for them. (What competition? Do this and your competition melts away)

Session 6: Sealing the Deal with Your Ideal Clients


How to use their own words in your marketing so they say, “I need that!”

Are you overlooking your clients’ pain points? Forgetting that they’re NOT you? It’s essential to learn how to get inside your client’s head. And when you do this, you’ll be able to craft your marketing messages in THEIR language so they resonate with you.

In Session 6 you’ll discover:

  • An incredibly simple and powerful technique for getting in the head of your Ideal Client (so they see their words in your marketing)
  • How to create a mental bridge that shows clients where they are now and where they’ll be after working with you
  • Ways to spot when your agenda, lingo and skill are getting in the way of communicating with your Ideal Clients so you can catch it before the damage is done


Module THREE

Capitalizing on Conscious Copywriting
Taught by Michele PW

Once you know what you are offering and whom you are offering it to, putting it into words is the golden key that will unlock your impact. This module will bring you to clarity about the exact words necessary to share your gift for the worldwide shift.

Session 7: Selling Your Gift with Your Words


Here’s a little secret of marketing words sell. Not pretty logos or websites.

If you want to start leveraging your time and money, bringing leads and clients into your business without you doing all the work, you need to learn the basics of direct response copywriting. (Copywriting is writing promotional materials, not to be confused with protecting your intellectual property or putting a copyright on something.)

But there’s a problem with that. You probably HATE all that "hypey, salesy" copy floating around out there on the Internet. Well, what if we were to tell you there’s a better way? You can still harness the power of copywriting (letting your marketing materials bring in leads and sales for you) WITHOUT it sounding inauthentic.

In Session 7 you’ll discover:

  • What authentic direct response copywriting is AND isn’t (the answer may surprise you)
  • The decision you MUST make before you start adding direct response copywriting to your business (if you don’t do this you are dooming yourself to frustration and failure)
  • The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make when they start using direct response copywriting (and this mistake is most likely costing you not only sales but your reputation)
  • How to get started writing authentic direct response copywriting (it’s easier than you think with Michele PW’s simple system)

Session 8: Mastering the Nitty Gritty of Copywriting


Now that you know the big-picture view, it’s time to get into the details.

What are all the elements of a piece of direct response copy? And how do you get started writing? What do you absolutely need to include and what’s not important? Michele PW will show you all that and more.

In Session 8 you’ll discover:

  • A simple copywriting formula to follow (and this includes templates to make it super easy for you to write your own copy)
  • Writer’s block? No worries Michele has exercises to share for different elements that takes a lot of the stress and pressure off writing
  • Tips on how to package what you’re selling to make it a no-brainer for your ideal clients to say “yes”
  • How to make sure the words you choose are right for your ideal clients

Session 9: Leveraging Your Copywriting It’s More Than Just a Website


How to start leveraging your time, money and marketing strategy

Once you have the basics, it’s time to take it the next level. Authentic direct response copywriting is all about leveraging your time and money. So wouldn’t it make sense to use as much of your copy as you can to increase your business? That’s how you can grow your business in a leveraged manner.

In Session 9 you’ll discover:

  • Multiple ways you can use authentic direct response copywriting for your business (some you probably never thought of)
  • Easy ways to tweak and reuse the copy you already have over and over again (no need to reinvent the wheel every time)
  • Time-saving templates to help you craft your own copy

Module FOUR

Social Media and Relational Marketing
Taught by George Kao

You’ve got the offer, you know who you want to make it to, and how to talk about now you are ready to bring it all online and use the Internet to give your gift without getting lost in a mess of technologies that you’ll never be able to master.

This module makes it easy to get right to what will bring you the results you desire with the least amount of effort as you bring your gift online.

Session 10: Getting Profound Results with the Least Effort


Learn the basics of social media marketing and building relationships online

Surprisingly, social media marketing when done productively is not about building buzz, getting traffic or developing your reputation. There are much easier and more effective ways for you to build your business and share your gifts with the least amount of struggle.

In Session 10 you’ll discover:

  • The 9 most productive and least time-intensive Internet marketing methods
  • A formula for building online relationships and being highly productive while you market your business online
  • A social media framework for magnetizing clients to you with the least amount of marketing

Session 11: Conscious Social Media Marketing in One Hour a Session


Social media is the oxygen of online relationships and client engagement. But it’s essential to have a productive framework that allows you to use social media in the least amount of time possible for the best results.

In Session 11 you’ll discover:

  • How to find the audiences online who *need* your transformational offer
  • Ways of connecting with the influencers and audiences that will build your transformational business
  • How to optimize your social media presence for automatic lead generation

Session 12: Maximizing Your Social Media Presence with Easy Checklists


Social media effectiveness like being effective in life is about focus, not spreading yourself too thin.

For the foreseeable future, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are the main social media sites. Put these three sites on your social media marketing checklist, use the right strategies that you’ll discover this session, and you’ll have your bases covered.

In Session 12 you’ll discover:

  • Specific LinkedIn strategies to help you build your credibility
  • How to maximize your Facebook business page
  • Highly productive methods for leveraging Twitter

Bonus #1: 3 Deepening Calls with Lisa Cherney, Michele PW and George Kao


Enjoy 3 60-minute bonus recordings of past Q&A calls with key faculty members Lisa Cherney, Michele PW and George Kao as they answer some of the most relevant burning questions related to their expertise.

BONUS #2: Audio Session with Evolutionary Strategist Alexis Neely
LIFT Your Business With an Enlightened and Aligned Model For Truth, Love & Law


Offer check. Clients check. Compelling copy check. Bringing it all online check.

Now, it’s time to build a real business around this gift that you are uniquely suited to share, because it’s the business built around your gift that will provide you with the consistent income, steady cash flow and living legacy that will keep your inner fire alive instead of burning out in frustration.

During this bonus call designed just for this 12-session training, program host Alexis Neely will take you behind the scenes of the evolution of her business model from a bricks & mortar professional practice to an online information-based expert business that makes an impact globally with books, programs and products.

Along the way, Alexis will share the more than $1 million (yes, really) worth of mistakes she made so you can build yourself a million dollar business foundation without investing a million bucks to do it.

By the end of this session, you will have the guidance and awareness you need to LIFT your own business with legal, insurance, financial and tax systems that will empower you to the highest version of giving your greatest gifts to the shift.

Receive the business knowledge you need delivered in a way you can understand, implement and apply. You will learn:

  • The Often Overlooked Legal, Insurance, Financial and Tax Stuff You Need to Know to Make Great Business Decisions From a Place of Empowerment, Not Worry or Fear. (You’ll leave the session with actionable guidance you can implement immediately)
  • How to Save Thousands on Legal Fees By Doing What You Can Yourself and When You Really Must Hire a Lawyer. (It’s less often than you think when you have the right guidance, but when you do need to, you want to make sure you hire the right type Alexis will fill you in.)

Bonus #3: Audio Session with Business Coach Ryan Eliason
How To Triumph Over the 8 Most Common Obstacles to Entrepreneurial Success


Join Ryan Eliason, successful business coach and creator of the Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Series, for this special bonus session and learn the 8-step formula for doubling your income while doubling your free time.

Hundreds of business owners have followed these 8 steps to grow businesses that generate a healthy profit while making an immense positive difference in the world.

Using Ryan’s 8-step formula as a guide, you can learn to:

  • Identify exactly what is holding you back (both internally and externally) from creating a successful business
  • Evaluate and clarify your current priorities in order to generate a breakthrough in your business
  • Determine exactly what is needed to progress to the next level of success!

Ryan Eliason co-founded YES!, empowering more than 675,000 young visionary leaders from 65 nations working on social change, human rights, and environmental sustainability. He has been starting successful businesses and designing programs to empower social entrepreneurs for 20 years.

Ryan is a successful business coach, certified Master Hypnotist, Transformational Therapist and the creator of the Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Series. His company, Professional Coaching Inc., has supported hundreds of conscious entrepreneurs to dramatically increase their positive impact, income and free time. He developed his systematic approach through a lifetime of business, fundraising and sales consulting, designing and leading training programs, and working with both coaching and therapy clients.

Bonus #4: Enlightened Entrepreneurship Mini-Course with insights from these additional world-class leaders:


Janet Attwood bestselling transformational author
"Maximizing Your Gifts for a Passionate Life"


Mari Smith a top social media expert
"The New Relationship Marketing: How to Build a Large, Loyal and Profitable Network Using the Social Web"


Vishen Lakhiani founder & CEO of MindValley
"How to Create a Stress-Free Environment at Work"

What Others Say About These Business & Marketing Pros


“Lisa (Sasevich) is the hottest ticket in the market if you want to significantly increase your sales and revenues from teleseminars, webinars or on the stage. She gets smack into the psychology of making the sales by presenting your products or services in a way that puts you in control and your prospects wanting to buy.”

John Assaraf, featured teacher on The Secret


"If I would have had (Alexis Neely’s) LIFT system in my business right from the beginning, I would have made far more money and saved myself hundreds of thousands of dollars in mistakes. If you are serious about building yourself a sustainable, profitable business, LIFT is a necessary ingredient."

JJ Virgin, Fitness and Nutrition Expert, Media Personality


“Michele PW and her team have been a part of my marketing team for several months now, bringing her strategies and copywriting skills with her, and in doing so has increased our business. In fact, on one recent campaign she’s worked with us on, she helped increase our sales by 34% and increase our revenue on this promotion by 128% wow! I highly recommend Michele PW and her team to help you with your copywriting and marketing.”

Brian Tracy


"Even though I had been in business for many, many years, the legal and financial element of running my company had often felt intimidating to me. Even when I knew what to do, I didn’t know how to get started or who to work with. From the moment I read over the transcripts for the first time, I started implementing Alexis’ wise advise. Today, some months later, I have a business that stands on a solid foundation and I have a newly found deep sense of peace because I can see exactly where my business is going and I’ve got the resources to lead it fearlessly. Thank you Alexis for shedding light into the dark corners of MY business."

Christiane Holbrook, Founder of Sacred Productivity


“I wish I’d had Lisa’s incredible system when I got started. It would have cut years off my success journey and saved me a fortune in mistakes. Not to mention the extra millions I could have earned.”

Robert Allen, NY Times Bestselling Author


“Working with Michele PW was such a relief because she GETS direct response copywriting. She knew what I was looking for and was able to deliver. With her help, we had record-breaking numbers for one of our campaigns. I highly recommend Michele if you’re looking for copywriting that gets you results.”

Ali Brown, Founder of Alexandria Brown International


"YOUR (Alexis Neely) amazing work around Partnership agreements has transformed my business and it just keeps getting better and better and better. Every time I turn around in my business I find a NEW way to apply LIFT!! You are an infinite blessing in my life and I am TRULY DEEPLY Grateful!"

Amethyst Wyldfyre, Spiritual Advisor, Shaman, Sound Healer & Artist


"Using the strategies taught by George Kao, I grew my audience by 10,000last year, enrolled hundreds of new clients, generated well over $100,000 in revenue, and had a lot of fun serving the changemakers of the world. Highly recommended!"

Ryan Eliason, Founder and Host of The Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Series

"Working with Lisa (Cherney) is like infusing your work with a cosmic blast of energy. She helps you find your unique talents and present them in a powerful, concise manner. Her guidance is based on first-hand experience in marketing and as well as divine inspiration. This combination of creative gifts would be difficult to find elsewhere."

Amy Garcia, Author & Spiritual Counselor

“I’ve worked closely with Lisa Cherney on both marketing and business development for the past few years. Her special insights into marketing problems and opportunities have helped me increase my sales by thousands of dollars and have given me a new, deeper understanding of the marketing process. She will give you specific, concrete methods you can use tomorrow to multiply your marketing results. I heartily recommend Lisa to anyone who needs to market themselves and their company.”

Lee Pound, Co-Founder, Speak Your Way to Wealth Seminars

“I have found George to be on top of his game of social media usage and optimization. He teaches in a gentle, no-nonsense way that allows me the opportunity to make the best use of my time. I highly recommend attending his courses to make sure you are being efficient and effective with your social media marketing time.”

Garry Schleifer, Publisher, choice Magazine

"By utilizing the techniques taught in George Kao’s Social Media Coaching Program, I’ve already gained $2,000 to $4,000 of additional revenue per month! George has a clear and enjoyable way of sharing useful information with you, and he is really focused on getting results for your business. He’s also friendly, approachable, and REALLY cares about his clients and their success. He is the Real Deal!"

Tony Jenkins, Professional Life Coach

"George Kao gently helps conscious entrepreneurs connect our big visions with practical marketing reality. He jumps over jargon, clears confusion, and leaves us with a sense of empowerment and action! Even if you only have the seed of an idea for a business, George envisions end results that bring ideas to life."

Evelyn Fielding, owner of

About the Experts


Lisa Sasevich created a multi-million dollar home-based business with two toddlers in tow and her husband in medical school. She is the author of The Invisible Close, which teaches experts who are making a difference how to get out their message effectively and authentically.


Alexis Neely is a single mom, truth-telling lawyer and evolutionary strategist who built two million dollar businesses, wrote a bestselling book and appeared as a regular commentator for CNBC, Fox, CNN, Good Morning America, the Today Show and Oprah’s Radio Network all while diving into her own path of awakening.


Lisa Cherney is the founder and president of Conscious Marketing, and co-author of Inspiration to Realization: A Women’s Guide to Business, Personal & Spiritual Fulfillment. She has consulted with hundreds of small business owners. Prior to starting Conscious Marketing, she worked Nissan, AT&T, Lipton and other Fortune 500 brands.


Michele PW (Pariza Wacek) is the owner of Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC, a leading direct response copywriting and marketing company that caters to entrepreneurs and small business owners. She is a contributing author to Entrepreneur Press Start Up Guide to Information Marketing and Trust Your Heart: Transform Your Ideas to Income, an Amazon bestseller.


George Kao, a holistic marketing coach, has advised more than 500 small business owners who are coaches, consultants, healers and other service and wisdom providers. He was the chief social media strategist for The Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Series and his training programs are featured in The True Livelihood Network. George holds a Masters in Business Administration and Sustainable Management.

Register Today and You’ll Receive:

  1. Twelve 90-minute audio class sessions available to download as soon as you register
  2. Unlimited access to recordings of all class sessions and bonuses (listen online or download the mp3 file to your iPod or audio player)
  3. Three additional 60-minute Bonus downloadable audio sessions with key faculty members to keep you on track for success
  4. Bonus downloadable audio session with Host and Evolutionary Strategist Alexis Neely
  5. PDF transcripts for each class session
  6. Sessionly exercises and practices for deep inquiry and action-learning
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please submit a request at so that we can address your concerns. We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full 2 sessions so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 sessions from your date and time of purchase; submit refund requests at with the subject line "Refund request."

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Q: What are the benefits of telling my friends to join the program?
A: You can sign up as an Affiliate of The Shift Network and receive 20% for anyone that you introduce who registers for the virtual event. If you bring five friends into the event, you can cover your own! Register at and you’ll receive a promotional link to use.
