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Do you sense something radically new wanting to emerge from within you? Are you ready to open to and explore this deeper reality of yourself? To experience the actual process of your own metamorphosis?


During this self-paced, pre-recorded course, you’ll experience a radical evolutionary transmission by one of the world’s most renowned evolutionary pioneers. Barbara Marx Hubbard will share the depths of her own, ongoing metamorphosis, and guide you on your own journey into a deeper reality of yourself.

Using her own experiences and secret journal writings as catalysts, Barbara will encourage your own discoveries “at the edge of evolution.” It will be a heartfelt, welcoming home as you commune and communicate within what de Chardin called “the noosphere.”

The goal of this seven-module journey is to become one of the evolutionary forerunners, helping to birth a new, more universal human.

What actually is happening within and through us during this brief period of “metamorphosis,” of species evolution?

As Homo sapiens emerged within the early human world approximately 40,000 years ago, it seems that Homo universalis one who incarnates the ever-unfolding Universe Story is emerging now among us.

This emerging type of human is not a new religion, or a new ideology, but the new being within each of us being called out precisely as the planet reaches its limits to growth and hovers between evolution and extinction.

It is more important than ever for us to be together in resonance, in the field of our own conscious evolution especially while separated consciousness wreaks havoc upon the ‘birth-torn’ Earth.


It is time to nurture this metamorphosis within ourselves, so that the deeper reality of our emerging potential can express itself more fully through us, as us, and as a new norm.

To use the butterfly analogy: we are ‘imaginal cells,’ crossing over from the disintegrating body of the societal caterpillar, entering the brief period of metamorphosis to become something never experienced before on this Earth. In this “chaos window,” we are recreating and re-assembling ourselves, finding our new vocations and being intuitively guided as to our emerging functions and structures.

One by one we are forming the still invisible new body, preparing for our sudden appearance as members of a societal butterfly.

This is Real Time Evolution. Not about it, but AS it.

And this training takes you right to your leading edge.

Benefits of Taking this Course

  • Gain support in becoming an evolutionary leader during this important time
  • Develop an understanding and the skills needed to manifest the next level in your evolution
  • Further awaken the evolving human within yourself with the help others as triggered by evolutionary codes within a resonant field
  • Discover, deepen, integrate, and share your own higher vibrational signals, experiences, and evolutionary revelations to develop your own “inner scripture”
  • Learn how to remember your deepest calling and how to further serve your new functions in the larger Metamorphosis Process now occurring.
  • Learn how ideas of the great evolutionary pioneers like Teilhard de Chardin and Aurobindo relate to your own evolution
  • Learn how to map the process of your metamorphosis and how to navigate it
  • Awaken the evolving human within yourself through contact with important evolutionary codes
  • Learn and understand the evolutionary trajectory that humans are now on to gain a sustained hope for our future
  • Learn how to access evolutionary guidanceand act upon it

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

Each teaching, activation and training session will build upon the next, so that you’ll develop a more multi-dimensional understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to emerge from your own chrysalis as the new butterfly prepared to express your evolutionary potential.

Module One: A Pathway of Metamorphosis:

Memetic Masters of The Conscious Evolution World View


Explore the core understandings and key memes of great evolutionary pioneers such as Aurobindo, Ervin Laszlo, Buckminster Fuller, Alan Lithman, Teilhard de Chardin

  • Receive the key insights that are shared by so many great evolutionary pioneers
  • Use these understandings to guide the unfolding of your potential for radical self-evolution
  • Apply these same understandings to our social transformation potential

Module Two: Mapping the Process of Metamorphosis:

Placing Ourselves in the Map of Creation


Find the core of “Evolution’s Purpose” as it moves through us.

  • Map our Birth Narrative through 13.7 billion years of evolution
  • Understand the importance of the last 65 years of evolution in which we have gained the powers of self-destruction AND cocreation
  • Navigate the transition to Homo sapiens emeritus and explore visions of a universal humanity, unfolding with the noosphere
  • Learn how to use the powers of evolutionary technologies and understand post-planetary birth, post-soul phenomena

Module Three: Close Encounter with Our Own Kind:



Learn how to relate to the “strange attractors” of higher evolutionary guidances that seem to come from the Akashic field beyond human consciousness

  • Understand the evolutionary codes of metamorphosis and how they apply to your emergence as a universal human
  • Explore the deeper truths in a series of guidances Barbara received called “Secret Journal: Close Encounters with Our Own Kind.”
  • Develop and refine your sensitivity to inner guidance and the subtle promptings of your own evolutionary nature

Module Four: The Alchemy of Incarnation:

New Sacraments for Our Conscious Evolution and Entering the Inner Monastery for Conscious Evolution

  • Learn to remember and incarnate the higher frequencies of universal evolution within yourself.
  • Explore powerful new alchemical rituals and practices to activate our vibrational field toward evolutionary metamorphosis, for individual and small group work.
  • Experience together three new evolutionary sacraments: The Evolutionary Communion:Incarnating the Process of Creation as Cocreators.The Evolutionary Chakra Meditation: Activating the Vibrational Field of the Impulse of Evolution within us. The Evolutionary Coordination: Co-ordaining One Another by the Power Invested in Us by the Great Creating Process.

Module Five: Regenopause:

The Metamorphosis of the Woman as A Missing Link in Species Evolution?

  • Understand how when procreation is over, suprasexuality can increase and lead to regeneration.
  • Unlock the keys to women shifting to a new level of self-evolution, which in turn can heal our world
  • Learn to fall in unconditional love with the as-yet-unknown world, as a woman does with the newborn
  • Experience how the Feminine Co-Creator and Masculine Co-Creator can join their genius to give birth to the new family of humanity.

Module Six: Evolutionary Theater:

A New Causal Art Form to Evolve the Old Archetypes and the Myth of the Western World.


Understand the primal hold our mythologies exert on our collective psychology and begin to free ourselves from them.

  • Experience powerful scenes from Barbara’s unreleased manuscript: The Cosmic Family Reunion: Eve and Yahweh Meet Again in the Garden...On the Eighth Day of Creation.
  • Illuminate how liberation from the old stories transforms your life and our world. Explore how our Genesis story has perpetuated a vision of an angry and abusive God that still lives in the hearts of men and women.
  • Revision this mythology, with Eve evolving her power, forgiving and actually transforming the ancient image of a local creator God, leading us into a new mythology of cosmic co-creation.
  • Understand how archetypal forces shape our individual lives and how we can use them as part of our metamorphosis.

Module Seven: Genesis Two:

The Eighth Day of Creation

  • Experience the birth of the new, universal human
  • Transform the archetypes that have lived within us
  • Find our voice and speak as the new human and new universal family.
  • Learn how to place our deepest gifts in the Book of Life.
  • Participate in a Sacred Marriage ritual at the Tree of Life.

The Evolutionary Metamorphosis Bonus Collection

In addition to Barbara’s transformative 7-module course you’ll also receive these powerful bonuses that complement the core teachings and practices of the course. These bonus sessions will help you take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Bonus #1 Awakening Your Consciousness to Co-Create the Shift

Audio Training with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Deepak Chopra


In this 60 minute session, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Deepak Chopra will explore the profound nature of the crises of humanity, how your consciousness can help to shift the system, and most importantly, what key insights and practices you need now to shift personally and to be a more effective change agent in the world. This live dialogue between Barbara and Deepak will offer powerful inspiration not only for being the change but how to create actions that flow from your essence.

Deepak Chopra, MD, is a world-renowned authority in the field of mind-body healing, a best-selling author, and the founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. Heralded by Time magazine as the “poet-prophet of alternative medicine,” he is also the host of the popular weekly Wellness Radioprogram on Sirius/XM Stars.


Bonus #2 Opening to the Deeper Revelations of Your Own Emergence’

Audio Training with Michael Beckwith and Barbara Marx Hubbard


Dr. Michael Beckwith says, "Vision without action is fantasy. Action without vision is chaos." In this powerful bonus training, you’ll hear Michael Beckwith share with Barbara Marx Hubbard how you can move the inner revelations of your vision into outward action, as well as how you move from personal emergence into societal emergence.

Dr. Michael Beckwith’s life is a living testament to building spiritual community. In 1986 he founded the Agape International Spiritual Center where thousands gather weekly to receive inspiration from Dr. Beckwith in Culver City, California. He participates on international panels with other peacemakers and spiritual leaders and is co-founder of the Association for Global Thought, an organization dedicated to planetary healing and transformation. He has received numerous humanitarian awards, has written several books and is one of the most prominent spiritual leaders in America, inspiring transformation in millions of people.


Bonus #3 The Inseparability of Your Unique Spiritual Expression and Evolution Itself

Audio Training with Ken Wilber and Barbara Marx Hubbard


In this illuminating 60-minute conversation, Ken and Barbara discuss the role of Spirit-in-action and offer insights into how your own God-essence is an integral, co-creative expression of evolution itself. Revered as the “Einstein of consciousness,” Ken Wilber is one of the world’s leading integral philosophers and Barbara Marx Hubbard is considered one of the foremost evolutionary futurists.

Revered as the “Einstein of consciousness,” Ken Wilber is one of the world’s leading integral philosophers. Wilber has written 16 books exploring different facets of human development and cultural evolution such as A Brief History of Everything and A Theory of Everything. His philosophy integrates body, mind, soul, and Spirit with self, culture, and nature. In 1998, he founded the Integral Institute, for teaching and applications of Integral theory. Integral Life is the sponsoring organization of Integral Institute.


What People Are Saying About this Course...

“If you feel a deep yearning in your heart and are ready to evolve to the next level of consciousness, this is for you. Barbara Marx Hubbard’s incomparable power in guiding people into essential self, combined with the structure created by The Shift Network, has given birth to a curriculum, lifting individual and collective consciousness forever.”
Anne K.

"Barbara Marx Hubbard is an inspirational teacher of clarity, wisdom and passion. Her enthusiasm for living consciously is contagious. I see her as a superb role model for women and men of all ages. Thank you for bringing her into my life."
Rev. Lyn

"Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Evolutionary Metamorphosis course far exceeded my expectations. I did not anticipate the rich connections I would make with like-minded people on the Ning site. It has been fascinating to experience the formation of resonant core groups. The open sharing of what some consider mystical and secret enabled so many of us in the course to speak plainly and connect deeply. Lovely. Thank you!"

"It was beyond amazing absolutely life-changing!!"

"I had never heard of Barbara Marx nor taken any teleseminar before I stumbled upon the Evolutionary Metamorphosis Course. I entered with great wariness but I leave with a transformed heart and spirit and sense of purpose. It was as if I had been waiting to put all the inchoate pieces of my own journey into this gorgeous and and inspiring frame. I could not be more grateful."

"This was a really fun and engaging experience that will stand out as unique and potent for me for a long time! A new standard for on line courses set by this experience."

Here’s What You’ll Receive


Seven 90-Minute Sessions with Barbara Marx Hubbard

Experience a rare opportunity to mentor and learn with one of the world’s leading spiritual teachers from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your Goddess within.


Seven Audio Recordings of Each Class Session

The audio will be available to you to download in high quality MP3 format. This way you can listen anytime and anywhere on your iPod, in your car and at your convenience.


Seven PDF Transcripts of Each Class Session

In addition to the high quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.


Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each lesson you will have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning and integrate each module’s lesson.


"The Evolutionary Metamorphosis" BONUS Collection

  • Awakening Your Consciousness to Co-Create the Shift
    Audio Training with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Deepak Chopra
  • Opening to the Deeper Revelations of Your Own Emergence’
    Audio Training with Michael Beckwith and Barbara Marx Hubbard
  • The Inseparability of Your Unique Spiritual Expression and Evolution Itself
    Audio Training with Ken Wilber and Barbara Marx Hubbard

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Ignite Your Next Level of Evolution

We at The Shift Network feel deeply honored that Barbara Marx Hubbard has chosen to partner with us on this exclusive LIVE online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a renowned evolutionary leader who has developed profound ways to catalyze the next stage of each individual’s evolution.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals, which would cost thousands of dollars). But you’ll be able to benefit from Barbara’s incredible work from the comfort of your home at your own pace!

If you are serious about claiming your full evolutionary power, then it’s a gift to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training with Barbara Marx Hubbard.

If you’re ready to take the next step on your spiritual journey, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE the Evolutionary Metamorphosis course or don’t feel that it meets your needs, please let us know within 14 days after the date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

More Praise for Barbara Marx Hubbard...

Nothing in my life has impacted me more than this course. It has truly changed my life and I am still changing, day by day, as I practice the principles I learned. I was born to be a part of this and feel more complete than ever before in my life! Thank you Barbara!”
Kerry Dennis Sun City, Arizona United States

“I am truly in Awe of the personality growth and evolutionary development I have experienced throughout this course. I am focused, strong, and clear about Who I Am and why I Am here now. I am witnessing the positive effect on my family, friends, and my Spiritual Community. Divine Love, hope, and inner peace inspire my life as I move forward, co-creating as a New Human in a new world consciously evolving.”
D. Rose Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

“I found this course to be life enhancing... Barbara has a way of ’framing’ ideas that make sense in a clear and simple, yet profound way. She articulated ’knowings’ I’ve had which were previously unexpressed. Essentially, I felt as the class progressed that I was coming home to myself. I am very grateful.Blessings to all who made this class possible!”
Carmen Thompson Mishawaka, Indiana

“Since the beginning of this training my life has moved forward exponentially in being in touch with and expressing my life purpose through teaching and leading evolutionary circles. The relationships that have formed with other revolutionaries in particular has been an immense support in my ability to be a part of the wheel of co-creation. Thank you from my heart to yours.”
Alorah Lavender Albuquerque, New Mexico

“I found this course to be life enhancing... Barbara has a way of ’framing’ ideas that make sense in a clear and simple, yet profound way. She articulated ’knowings’ I’ve had which were previously unexpressed. Essentially, I felt as the class progressed that I was coming home to myself. I am very grateful.
Carmen Thompson Mishawaka, Indiana

“This has been so inspiring and forward moving for me. It is a lot of intensive information and a lot of work I will be practicing for EVER! I am traveling because of the impulse inside me. I left my business, home, dog in the United States and am finding a community where I can work with the rhythms of the Earth, Nature ~ the change. So I am following the Impulse of Evolution within.
Lauri Norton Currently in Turkey. Soon to be in Scotland at Culdees Eco Villiage

About Barbara Marx Hubbard...


Barbara Marx Hubbard is co-founder and chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. An evolutionary educator, speaker and social innovator, she is the author of six books communicating the new worldview of conscious evolution, including the bestselling Birth 2012 and Beyond.

In 1945, when she was 15 years old, the first atomic bombs were dropped on Japan. This terrible act prompted Barbara to ask the fundamental question: “What is the meaning of our new power that can be used for the good? And “What are positive images of the future equal to these new powers?” This defining moment propelled her on her life’s quest to find answers to these questions. The insights she has gained has led to her definitive message of hope that “our crisis is a birth” of a more universal human and universal humanity.

As a co-founder of The Evolutionary Leaders Council she is co-chairing with Andrew Cohen a global dialogue on The Meaning of Conscious Evolution. Barbara is also the subject of a recent biography by Neale Donald Walsch entitled: The Mother of Invention: The Legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Future of You.

She is currently the producer and narrator of an award-winning, on-going DVD series entitled “Humanity Ascending: A New Way through Together.” Part One: Our Story, translated into seven languages, has been selected for the prestigious Spiritual Cinema Circle. Part Two: Visions of a Universal Humanity, now brings together cutting-edge scientific, social and spiritual visionaries to create a positive vision of our future equal to our new capacities.

In 1984 her name was placed in nomination for the vice presidency of the United States on the Democratic ticket, calling for a “Peace Room” as sophisticated as our war room, to scan for, map, connect and communicate what is working in America and the world.

As a citizen diplomat in the former Soviet Union during the 1980’s she co-chaired a number of Soviet-American Citizen Summits, introducing a new form of conferencing called SYNCON to foster synergistic convergence. This model brings opposing groups and functions together to seek common goals and match needs and resources including the growing edge of human capacities, spiritual, social and scientific/technological of the whole system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! If you find that the course is not meeting your needs, please submit a request at so that we can address your concerns. We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full 2 weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is 2 weeks from your date and time of purchase; submit refund requests at with the subject line "Refund request."

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Q: What are the benefits of telling my friends to join the program?
A: You can sign up as an Affiliate of The Shift Network and receive 20% for anyone that you introduce who registers for the virtual event. If you bring five friends into the event, you can cover your own! Register at and you’ll receive a promotional link to use.
