The Virtual Event is Now Complete
A Free Virtual Event
With Renowned Mystic Teacher
Andrew Harvey

Discover how to open to your greatest source of inner strength and bring joy into the center of your spiritual life.

If you are seeking, seek us with joy
For we live in the kingdom of joy.


For too long, we have marginalized joy as too “soft” and unimportant on a spiritual path, giving preference to more self-denying and self-serious forms of spiritual practice...

But the deeper truth — that is known to the great mystics of the world — is that joy is the nectar that feeds us on every level, from body to mind to soul.

Especially in times of challenge and distress, joy is the fuel that keeps your batteries charged, your consciousness open, and your commitment to serve solid.

The darker the times, the deeper the joy you need to weather them.

That’s why Andrew Harvey, one of today’s most celebrated mystic teachers, is saying that now is the time to refocus on the primacy of joy in our spiritual practices — and discover what it really takes to experience joy as a sustained baseline for our lives.

It’s not about denying the pain around you but finding a place of real inner freedom, reverence for the Divine, and unconditional love. Your being can become more transparent and effervescent even while you deal with very difficult situations.

In fact, joy is the secret to effective activism — it has the power to transform people in mysterious and remarkable ways.

To address the unhealed parts of our world requires great inner fortitude — a solidity inside that does not waver. And ironically, it’s the very lightness of joy that gives us this rock-solid inner foundation.

In this special 60-minute event, Andrew will rewire how you think about joy and, more importantly, how you engage in spiritual practices to cultivate it.

He’ll show you why it’s important to engage in a number of specific practices — from “hot” to “cool” to prayer practices — all working harmoniously together to open and align all parts of you so that joy is the natural end result.

Embodiment and shadow work are also central to this inner alchemy, as whatever we resist becomes a barrier to authentic joy moving through us.

In this illuminating 60-minute event, you’ll:

  • See how to approach life like a dancer, as a living expression of Divine Love
  • Access and feel the sacred heart of the universe and its overwhelming love
  • Remember that you are the beloved of the Beloved and that your life is blessed beyond your imagination
  • See how to become a “humble secret agent of the light” in the larger transformation of our time
  • Access inner peace whenever you truly want it
  • Face what is happening in the world without being consumed by it

Andrew is a renowned scholar and mystic who has helped thousands of people around the world connect to deeper joy, love and the deeper blessings of their connection to spirit. Join us for this free event to have your own powerful experience of these proven teachings and practices, which will help infuse your days with more joy.

You’ll also hear about a brand new program that can help you birth yourself into more advanced levels of energy, focus, peace, compassion, and joy.

What People Are Saying About Andrew Harvey...

“The light he sheds is like a meteor burst...”

Every age has its teachers who keep the eternal truths alive for all of us. And when a generation is very, very lucky, it encounters a teacher so illumined that the words he delivers must be illumined as well. In the case of Andrew Harvey, the light he sheds is like a meteor burst across the inner sky.
— Marianne Williamson, Author of Everyday Grace

“Redirecting the compass of our contemporary culture”

Andrew is a genius and an inspired visionary who has the ability to interpret the meaning and significance of the chaos and patterns of change that are redirecting the compass of our contemporary culture.
— Caroline Myss, Author of Anatomy of the Spirit and Sacred Contracts

“A powerful, provocative, prophetic appeal to sanity...”

Using humor, passion and analysis, Andrew Harvey challenges us to wake up and get up off of our couches to become the spiritual activists we all can be. A powerful, provocative, prophetic appeal to sanity and activism for our apocalyptic times.
— Reverend Matthew Fox, Author of Creation Spirituality and founder of Wisdom University

“It just might save our skins”

[Andrew] Harvey’s sacred activism is a corrective to the doomsayers and do-nothings who are part of our problems. He is a modern version of a fiery, Old-Testament prophet whose words were ignored at great peril. We must attend to Andrew Harvey’s message. Not only will it help us humans regain our sanity, it just might save our skins.
— Larry Dossey, MD, Author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things

About Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey is an author, speaker, and founder/director of the Institute of Sacred Activism, an international organization focused on inviting concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming inspired, effective, and practical agents of institutional and systemic change in order to create peace and sustainability.

Andrew has taught at Oxford University, Cornell University, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, California Institute of Integral Studies, and the University of Creation Spirituality as well as at various spiritual centers throughout the U.S. He was the subject of the 1993 BBC film documentary, The Making of a Modern Mystic, and appears also in Rumi Turning Ecstatic and The Consciousness of the Christ: Reclaiming Jesus for A New Humanity. He’s co-author of the bestseller, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, and has worked with the great Iranian Sufi dancer, Banafsheh Sayyad, in producing a film, In the Fire of Grace, which marries Sufi-inspired dances to the stages of Rumi’s understanding of the path of Divine Love.

He has written and edited over 30 books and received many awards, including the Benjamin Franklin Award and the Mind Body Spirit Award.
