The Virtual Event is Now Complete
A Free Video Event
With Renowned Visionary Activist Astrologer
Caroline Casey

Harness the Power of Myth, Magic, and Play to Navigate Uncertainty, Bring Forth Your Gifts & Transform Our World

Activate Your Inner Hero, Leader, Dreamer, and More — Guided by the Wisdom of the Zodiac in 2018

It’s time to activate your hero, animist, messenger, protector, performer, scribe...

Your artist, detective, story-teller, leader, broadcaster, and dreamer...

These qualities of intelligence are represented in the 12 Zodiacal Signs — and regardless of your sun sign, all 12 archetypes reside within you.

This ancient navigational system (which exists in every culture) is hopping up and down for us to give it fresh vernacular expression! Animate these potent symbols within and without — and get ready to navigate the wild, rising tide of 2018 (and beyond!).

At the helm, Trickster is eager to engage us in magic, play and the divination of workable solutions that benefit ALL... Trickster seeks to liberate us and our world from outdated habits, turning old ideas upside down and revealing unexpected answers to seemingly impossible challenges!

Mystics, sages, and Tricksters everywhere have used the Zodiac for thousands of years to divine solutions and discern right action. (It’s one of the original systems of self-cultivation, self-revelation, and self-evolution!)

In the name of your freedom and the healing of our world, we invite you to a truly unique online event to kick off your 2018 — on the right (or left?) foot — with a wildly brilliant change agent, Visionary Astrologer Caroline Casey.

During this powerful FREE video event, you’ll discover:

  • The primary function of astrology is to discern the pattern of evolutionary intelligence and cooperate with it
  • The Great Work we can do together... re-assuming responsibility for dreaming the desirable world into being in our own personal and collective lives.
  • Decrease reactive fear, by cultivating calm confidence and kindness. (A River Guide ally says, “in the most turbulent of rapids — there’s always a silver tongue of calm!”)
  • The protoplasm of reality is especially receptive to imaginative imprint
  • How to find beauty within danger

Five planets are now in Capricorn, whose oldest image is “the Council of Mavens dedicated to the next seven generations.”

In honor of the Mavens, we’ll convene this Capricorn council on January 13...

Caroline will weave astrology, myths, fairy tales, and more — for this whirlwind, 1-hour tour of 2018, aligning us with serendipitous synchronicity.

You’ll also learn about a 12-week program in which you can journey into the Great Wheel of the 12 Symbols of the Zodiac.

What People Are Saying About Caroline Casey

“You are so cool.”

— Marianne Williamson, spiritual teacher

“I was writing down what SHE was saying...”

I recently did a radio interview on KPFA out of San Francisco with a woman named Caroline Casey which was pretty much the most fun interview I’ve ever done — a sort of astral-cosmic freewheeling romp through big ideas. It was definitely the only interview I’ve ever done where I was writing down what SHE was saying as we spoke.
— Elizabeth Gilbert, Author

“I really hit the jackpot...”

Over the course of my life, I have been to many astrologers, psychics, palm readers and tarot card readers. Many of them, though impressive, were questionable. When I started seeing Caroline Casey, I really hit the jackpot... Her readings are on a level beyond anything I have ever experienced. She mixes in philosophy, religion, history, literature, mythology and symbolism, along with her specific interpretation of my chart in our sessions. She speaks my language. Readings with her are riveting and fun as well as informative. They’re not crystal ball gazing. She interprets meaningfully, given the position of the planets at the time and day.
— Sally Quinn, Author of the forthcoming book Finding Magic: A Spiritual Memoir

“She reminds me to bring back my sense of humor...”

Kinship with all creation is Caroline Casey’s forte. I have learned so much from her about being in cahoots with the world. I love her for that. She reminds me to bring back my sense of humor even in “times of dire beauty.”
— Nadiya Nottingham, New York City/Dublin, Ireland

“A way to bring beauty and play to the table”

A new teacher for me, Caroline Casey gave me insights, and some tools to have a better approach and attitude towards the chaos and challenging times. Also a way to bring beauty and play to the table. A wise, wonderful teacher whose teachings and wordplay will not be forgotten easily.
— Nancy W., Toronto, Canada

About Caroline Casey

Caroline Casey is known for her unique art of astro* mythological* political* guiding* meta-storytelling — which is presented in myriad multimedia venues.

For more than 22 years, she has been the weaver of context for The Visionary Activist Show, (on KPFA and KPFK, Pacifica Network). Her show is dedicated to anything we need to know to have a democracy: Critique and Solution, using the astrological frame story that encourages us all to contribute to a Renaissance of reverent Ingenuity.

Caroline began studying astrology as a late teen. She was the kid who got to hang out at a salon presided over by Dr. Andrew Weil, comprised of way cool intellectual political mystics, reading anything the Whole Earth Catalogue recommended including Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, with whom she studied Grail legend and Animal Myths in later years.

Caroline is dedicated to astrology as one of the great meta-languages of antiquity, uniting everything of consequence: Personal and collective change, ritual magic, and esoteric philosophy. She studied at the Astrological Lodge on Baker Street in London, traveling through India, returning to Brown University. She has studied everything useful to astrology: the Grail legend, Comparative religion, Sufism, Voudoun, Oriental Theatre, Middle Eastern Dance, film, writing — all contributing to a degree in semiotics, how creation is symbolic.

She’s a rousing and frequent keynote speaker at political, environmental, spiritual, psychological, and astrological conferences, as well as an MC at global music and activism festivals — including MCing the spoken word stage at the Symbiosis Eclipse Festival in Oregon.

Caroline continues her studies of magic, mythology, literature, and social activism all over the world. You can learn more about her at CoyoteNetworkNews.com.
